Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. I am getting the error "cannot run this application because mcrmclrt78.dll is not found". What should I do?
This error occours due to the fact you have not Matlab Compiler installed in your computer, or you don't have the 7,8 version. Please download the package that includes Matlab Compiler Runtime and try again
Q2. Does GeoSOM suite works in different plattforms?
Currently GeoSOM suite is available for Windows, but is our objective to deploy GeoSOM suite also for Linux users
Q3. Cannot open a csv file. Why?
Be sure your file is a true a csv file (comma separated values) and is not using tab or semicolon. Secondly, be sure that your file has a csv extension.
Q4. I trainned a SOM and nothing happened. What is my problem?
After trainning SOM or GeoSOM, the treeview from GeoSOM suite collapses. You should double click on Views to expand all the views