DAIG – Data Analysis with Intersection Graphs
The main objective of this work is
to develop a new, graph-based framework for multivariate categorical data
This line of research stems from the
work done by Valter Vairinhos in his PhD Thesis, and has evolved into a new
data analaysis framework with great potential and with supporting software.
This page contains the main references and some supporting software.
1. Main references:
2003] "Desarrollo de un Sistema para Minería de Datos Basado en los Metodos
Biplot." ,V. M. Vairinhos, Salamanca, Spain: Universidad de Salamanca,
2003. (IN SPANISH)
[Vairinhos 2004] “Biplots PMD - Data
Mining Centrada em Biplots:Apresentação de um Protótipo”, Valter Martins
Vairinhos, M. Purificación Galindo, XI Jornadas de Classificação e Análise de
Dados Associação Portuguesa de Classificação e Análise de Dados Lisboa,
[Vairinhos 2008a] “Intersection Graph - Based representation of Contingency
Tables”, Valter Martins Vairinhos, Victor Lobo e M. Purificación Galindo –
JOCALD 2008, Setúbal, 27-29 Março, 2008.
[Vairinhos 2008b] “Data Analysis with Intersection Graphs”, Victor Lobo,
Valter Martins Vairinhos e Purificación Galindo Villardón – JOCALD 2008,
Setúbal, 27-29 Março, 2008.
(a journal paper in English with a thorough discussion was recently submitted and its acceptance is pending)
2. Supporting
DAIG v0.9 – This software allows a user to import table data, generate the Data Intersection Graph, and analyze data with it. It is still a beta version, and comments to (vlobo@isegi.unl.pt) are greatly appreciated. (ZIP file with executable)
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