- eduGI e-Learning (Reuse and sharing of e-learning courses in GI science education - eduGI). Agreement nº: 2005-3866/001-001 ELE ELEB12. Scientific: Field Engineering, Technology (Geoinformatics) 1-02-2006. duration 18 months. ISEGI Co-Coordinator. General Coordination Münster University, Germany.
- GEOSom – The Geographical Self Organizing Map POCI/GEO/61182/2004. Science and Technology Foundation. Co-Coordinator.
- eduGI.LA II (Network for GI science education - Latin America II) Contract nº: AML/B7-311/97/0666/II-0426-A-FI. Accounting nº: SI2.344842.1.B2004 Scientific: Field Engineering, Technology (Geoinformatics). 1-12-2004 duration 36 months. ISEGI Co-Coordinator. General Coordination Münster University, Germany
- eduGI.LA (Network for GI science education - Latin America). Contract nº: AML/B7-311/97/0666/II-0250-A-FI. Accounting nº: B98.98 F54, 55,22 99 Scientific: Field Engineering, Technology (Geoinformatics) 1-7-2003 duration 12 Months. ISEGI Co-Coordinator. General Coordination Münster University, Germany.
- Simulation of the Electoral Results for the Proposed Map of Uninominal Districts, Gabinete do Ministro da Reforma do Estado, Fevereiro 2000. Principal Researcher.
- Design of the Portuguese Uninominal Electoral Districts Map. Revision of the Electoral Law in Portugal, Presidência do Conselho de Ministros, Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia, Abril 1999. Principal Researcher.
- Design of Electoral Districts – Methodological Study and Applications to the Portuguese Case. Science and Technology Foundation, 1997. Principal Researcher
- Census Variables Classification: a performance evaluation between cluster analysis and neural classifiers. (PRAXIS XXI/P/GEO/14083/1998). Science and Technology Foundation. Co-Coordinator
- National Centre of Geographic Information: coordination of 6 projects concerning the collection, organization and distribution of Geographic Information. Project Leader
- Portuguese Digital Environmental Atlas. Portuguese Environmental Agency (Direcção Geral do Ambiente). 1993 – 1996. Researcher.
- The Environmental Report – A Multimedia and Dynamical System (JNICT/DGA).Researcher.