Present projects
- Internet privacy.
- Participates in ExTTI project – "Excellence in ICT use for learning purposes – developing competences and establishing best practices", is a project of institutional cooperation, financed by the European Comission´s 9th European Development Fund, within the ACP (Africa, Caribbean and Pacific) - Information and Communication Technologies Programme (@CP-ICT Programme) - ACP Science and Technology Programme. Participates as a teacher on the course for Teachers and Course for Administrative staff. It is also responsible for the materials course for Data Analysis. The project runs between 1/9/2009 and 10/10/2011.
Past projects
- Participated in a project to implement a system of learning via e-learning Rectory UNL, coordinated by Professor Maria do Rosário Oliveira Martins. Responsible for training, implementation of contents on the Blackboard platform, Professors of the following units: Faculdade de Economia e Faculdade de Ciências Socias e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, between 01/06/2006 and 01/02/2007.