Current Research Projects



DAIG – Data Analysis with Intersection Graphs

The main objective of this work is to develop a new, graph-based framework for multivariate categorical data analysis.





CEHIA - Underwater Acoustics &

Classification of underwater Sound

The main objective of this work is to identify and classify different sources of sound in the ocean.




GeoSOM &

Clustering geo-referenced data

The main objective of this work is to define clusters within geo-referenced (or otherwise spatially referenced) data.




Description: Imagem6_baixaresolucaoLightweight UAV for Naval Applications

The main objective of this work is develop an autonomous UAV (Unnamed Aerial Vehicle), capable of being launched and recovered aboard a FPB (Fast Patrol Boat), and capable of recording geo-referenced images at up to 12 nautical miles from the mother ship.




Description: Scan0009

MECPAB – Monitoring and Predicting failure of ship machinery

The main objective of this work is to develop techniques to monitor ship machinery so as to estimate it’s condition, predict failiures, and support a CBM (Condition Based Maintenance) policy



Other research related projects and links

ICARUS workshop on Tecnologias Robóticas para apoio à Busca e Salvamento.


Description: *      MSc Project (clustering electoral data) - Aníbal Vieira

Description: *      Programs and data for datamining (Matlab routines, etc)

Description: *       Ideas for UAVs

Description: *      Cooperation with Prof.Vairinhos

            I have been working with Prof.Vairinhos on interesting multivarate analysis using his software for implementing BiPlots, that is described (in portuguese) in:

 Biplots PMD - Data Mining Centrada em Biplots:Apresentação de um Protótipo

”, Valter Martins Vairinhos, M. Purificación Galindo, XI Jornadas de Classificação e Análise de Dados Associação Portuguesa de Classificação e Análise de Dados Lisboa, 1 a 3 de Abril de 2004.