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Jorge M. Mendes é presentemente Professor Associado na NOVA Information Management School (NOVA IMS), onde dirige o programa de Mestrado em Estatísitica e Gestão de Informação e a PG em Gestão e Controlo Financeiro e Orçamental. Os seus interesses de investigação incluem a modelação em problemas ambientais e de saúde, sendo membro MagIC da NOVA IMS. É licenciado em Estatística e Gestão de Informação pela NOVA IMS e Mestre em Probabilidades e Estatística e Doutor em Estatística e Investigação Operacional pela Universidade de Lisboa. É autor de diversos artigos científicos em publicações nacionais e internacionais, sendo regularmente convidado como referee. Na NOVA IMS tem assumido a coordenação científica de muito projetos de investigação e desenvolvimento, bem como de projetos de prestação de serviços à comunidade. Orienta regularmente alunos de mestrado e doutoramento, sendo convidado frequentemente como arguente em júri de provas de doutoramento em outras instituições.

Publicações Cientificas

Lopes, H., Baptista-Leite, R., Coelho, P. S., Mendes, J. M., Castro, M., & Diogo, J. R. (2024)

Cardio Policy Optimiser: an integrated public health approach to enhancing cardiovascular health [abstract]. European Journal of Public Health, 34(Supplement 3), 456-457. Advance online publication.

Mendes, J. M., Baptista, H., & MacNab, Y. C. (2024)

Bridging Compartmental Models and Network Analysis in Epidemiological Modelling. Epidemiology and Public Health, 2(2), 1-4. Article 1036.

Agharafeie , R., Ramos, J. R. C., Mendes, J. M., & Oliveira, R. M. F. (2023)

From Shallow to Deep Bioprocess Hybrid Modeling: Advances and Future Perspectives. Fermentation, 9(10), 1-22. [922].,

Flores, R., Fradinho, A. C., Pereira, R. S., Mendes, J. M., Seabra, M. C., Tenreiro, S., & Carneiro, Â. (2023)

Identifying Imaging Predictors of Intermediate Age-Related Macular Degeneration Progression. Translational Vision Science & Technology, 12(7), 1-13. [22].

Mendes, J. M., & Coelho, P. S. (2023)

The effect of non-pharmaceutical interventions on COVID-19 outcomes: A heterogeneous age-related generalisation of the SEIR model. Infectious Disease Modelling, 1-55.

Agharafeie, R., Ramos, J., Oliveira, R. and Mendes, J. (2022)

Mendes, J. M., Baptista, H., Oliveira, A., Jardim, B., & De Castro Neto, M. (2022)

Beyond comorbidities, sex and age have no effect on COVID-19 health care demand. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 1-12. [7356].

Policiano, C., Mendes, J. M., Fonseca, A., Barros, J., Vargas, S., Cal, M., Martins, I., Carvalho, C., Martins, D., Clode, N., & Graca, L. M. (2022)

Routine Ultrasound at 30th  –33rd  weeks versus 30th  –33rd  and 35th  –37th  weeks in Low-Risk Pregnancies: A Randomized Trial. Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy , 1-9.

Mendes, J.M., Coelho, P.S. (2021)

Addressing hospitalisations with non-error-free data by generalised SEIR modelling of COVID-19 pandemic. Scientific Reports 11, 19617. Doi:

Vera-Cruz, P., Larroudé, A., Gouveia, N., Mendes, J., & Coelho, P. S. (2021)

Watchful waiting? Portuguese approach to otitis media with effusion. NASCER E CRESCER - BIRTH AND GROWTH MEDICAL JOURNAL, 30(3), 143–151.

Baptista, H., Congdon, P., Mendes, J. M., Rodrigues, A. M., Canhão, H., & Dias, S. S. (2020)

Disease mapping models for data with weak spatial dependence or spatial discontinuities. Epidemiologic Methods, 9(1), [20190025].

Flores, R., Carneiro, A., Serra, J., Gouveia, N., Pereira, T., Mendes, J. M., Coelho, P. S., Tenreiro, S., & Seabra, M. C. (2020)


Gregório, M. J., Rodrigues, A. M., Salvador, C., Dias, S. S., de Sousa, R. D., Mendes, J. M., ... Canhão, H. (2020)

Validation of the telephone-administered version of the mediterranean diet adherence screener (Medas) questionnaire. Nutrients, 12(5), [1511].

Rodrigues, A. M., Eusébio, M., Rodrigues, A. B., Caetano-Lopes, J., Lopes, I. P., Lopes, A., ... Canhão, H. (2019)

Low Serum Levels of DKK2 Predict Incident Low-Impact Fracture in Older Women. JBMR plus, 3(7), e10179.

Carmo, M. Do, Infante, P. & Mendes, J. M. (2018)

Statistical properties and sensitivity of a new adaptive sampling method for quality control. REVSTAT: statistical journal, 16 (1), 1-22. Link:

Ferrão, J. L.; Niquisse, S.; Mendes, J. M. & Painho, M. (2018)

Mapping and Modelling Malaria Risk Areas Using Climate, Socio-Demographic and Clinical Variables in Chimoio, Mozambique. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(4), 795. doi:10.3390/ijerph15040795

Policiano, C., Fonseca, A., Mendes, J. M., Clode, N., & Graça, L. M. (2018)

Small-for-gestational-age babies of low-risk term pregnancies: does antenatal detection matter? Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, 31 (11), 1426-1430. (advanced online publication on 24 april 2017). DOI: 10.1080/14767058.2017.1317741

Policiano, C., Mendes, J. M., Fonseca, A., Barros, J., Martins, D., Reis, I., ... Graça, L. M. (2018)

Impact of maternal weight on the intra-observer and inter-observer reproducibility of fetal ultrasonography measurements in the third trimester. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, 140(1), 53-59. DOI: 10.1002/ijgo.12333

Rodrigues, A. M., Eusébio, M., Santos, M. J., Gouveia, N., Tavares, V., Coelho, P. S., Mendes, J. M.; Branco, J. C. & Canhão, H. (2018)

The burden and undertreatment of fragility fractures among senior women. Archives of osteoporosis, 13(1), article 22. DOI: 10.1007/s11657-018-0430-z.

Rodrigues, A. M.; Gregório, M. J.; Sousa, R. D.; Dias, S. S. ; Santos, M. J.; Mendes, J. M.; Coelho, P. S. ; Branco, J. C. ; Canhão, H. (2018)

Challenges of ageing in portugal: data from the EpiDoC cohort . Acta Medica Portuguesa, 31(2), 80-93. DOI: 10.20344/amp.9817

Baptista, H., Mendes, J., & Congdon, P. (2018)

Comparing two models for disease mapping data not varying systematically in space. In METMA 9: Book of Extended Abstracts (pp. 68-71). [METMA IX, 9th  Workshop on spatio-temporal modeling, 13-15 june, 2018, Montepellier, France].

Ana Maria Rodrigues; Maria João Gregório; Pierre Gein; Mónica Eusébio; Maria José Santos; Rute Dinis de Sousa; Pedro S. Coelho; Jorge M. Mendes; Pedro Graça; Pedro Oliveira; Jaime C. Branco and Helena Canhão (2017)

Home-Based Intervention Program to Reduce Food Insecurity in Elderly Populations Using a TV App: Study Protocol of the Randomized Controlled Trial Saúde.Come Senior. JMIR Research Protocols, 6(3): e40. doi: 10.2196/resprot.6626

Ferrão, J. L., Mendes, J. M. & Painho, M. (2017)

Modelling the influence of Climate on Malaria occurrence in Chimoio Municipality, Mozambique. Parasites Vectors, 10: 260.

Ferrão, J. L., Mendes, J. M., Painho, M., & Zacarias, S. (2017)

Malaria mortality characterization and the relationship between malaria mortality and climate in Chimoio, Mozambique. Malaria Journal, 16(1), [212]. DOI: 10.1186/s12936-017-1866-0

Gregório, M. J. B., Rodrigues, A. M., Eusebio, M., Sousa, R. D., Dias, S., Andre, B., Grønning, K., Coelho, P. S., Mendes, J. M., Graça, P., Espanes, G. A., Branco, J. C. & Canhao, H. (2017)

Dietary Patterns Characterized by High Meat Consumption Are Associated with Other Unhealthy Life Styles and Depression Symptoms. Frontiers in nutrition, 4, [25]. DOI: 10.3389/fnut.2017.00025

Oliveira, A., Cabral, A. J. R., Fraga O. Martins, M., Cabral, P., Mendes, J. M., & Carreira, M. (2017)

Poor housing and stroke mortality in population over 64 years old at the parish level, in mainland Portugal. GeoJournal, 82(4), 665-682. DOI: 10.1007/s10708-016-9712-4

Abdelnour, G. A., Abouchedid, K., Aguayo, M., Bakkali, M., Baroud, F., Belhani, A., ... Ykhlef, N. (2017)

General methodology. In J. B. Govantes Romero, & E. Mellado Durán (Eds.), EURO-MEDITERRANEAN INTEGRATION THROUGH LIFELONG LEARNING (EU-MILL): A memory of cooperation and dialogue on Education in the Mediterranean basin (pp. 49-78). (Divulgación Científica). Universidad de Sevilla. DOI: 10.12795/9788447221042

Abdelnour, G. A., Abouchedid, K., Aguayo, M., Bakkali, M., Baroud, F., Belhani, A., ... Ykhlef, N. (2017)

Introduction. In J. B. Govantes Romero, & E. Mellado Durán (Eds.), EURO-MEDITERRANEAN INTEGRATION THROUGH LIFELONG LEARNING (EU-MILL): A memory of cooperation and dialogue on Education in the Mediterranean basin (pp. 19-47). (Divulgación Científica). Universidad de Sevilla. DOI: 10.12795/9788447221042

Abdelnour, G. A., Abouchedid, K., Aguayo, M., Bakkali, M., Baroud, F., Belhani, A., ... Ykhlef, N. (2017)

Towards recognition of Lifelong Learning. In J. B. Govantes Romero, & E. Mellado Durán (Eds.), EURO-MEDITERRANEAN INTEGRATION THROUGH LIFELONG LEARNING (EU-MILL): A memory of cooperation and dialogue on Education in the Mediterranean basin (pp. 79-121). (Divulgación Científica). Universidad de Sevilla. DOI: 10.12795/9788447221042

Baptista, H., Mendes, J. M., MacNab, Y. C., Xavier, M., & Caldas-de-Almeida, J. (2016)

A Gaussian random field model for similarity-based smoothing in Bayesian disease mapping. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 25(4), 1166-1184. doi: 10.1177/0962280216660407

Branco, J. C., Rodrigues, A. M., Gouveia, N., Eusébio, M., Ramiro, S., Machado, P. M., . . . group, o. b. o. t. E. s. (2016)

Prevalence of rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases and their impact on health-related quality of life, physical function and mental health in Portugal: results from EpiReumaPt– a national health survey. RMD Open, 2(1). doi: 10.1136/rmdopen-2015-000166

Ferrao, J. L., Mendes, J. M., Painho, M., & Joao, S. Z. (2016)

Spatio-temporal variation and socio-demographic characters of malaria in Chimoio municipality, Mozambique. Malaria Journal, 15. doi: 10.1186/s12936-016-1371-x.

Baptista, H., Mendes, J. M., de Almeida, J. C., & Xavier, M. (2015)

Alcohol abuse disorder prevalence and its distribution across Portugal. A disease mapping approach. Revstat-Statistical Journal, 13(1), 79-101.

Branco, J. C., Rodrigues, A. M., Gouveia, N., Costa, L. P., Eusebio, M., Ramiro, S., . . . Canhao, H. (2015)

Prevalence and Physical and Mental Health Patterns of Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases in Portugal: Results from a National Health Survey. Arthritis & Rheumatism, 67. doi: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2015-eular.3854

Branco, J., Rodrigues, A. M., Gouveia, N., Pereira, L., Eusébio, M., Ramiro, S., . . . Canhão, H. (2015)

OP0052 Prevalence and Physical and Mental Health Patterns of Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases in Portugal: Results from Epireumapt, A National Health Survey. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 74(Suppl 2), 86. doi: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2015-eular.3854

Oliveira, A., Cabral, A. J. R., Mendes, J. M., Martins, M. R. O., & Cabral, P. (2015)

Spatiotemporal analysis of the relationship between socioeconomic factors and stroke in the Portuguese mainland population under 65 years old. Geospatial Health, 10(2), 365. doi: 10.4081/gh.2015.365

Rodrigues, A. M., Gouveia, N., da Costa, L. P., Eusebio, M., Ramiro, S., Machado, P., . . . EpiReumaPt Study, G. (2015)

EpiReumaPt - the study of Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal diseases in Portugal: a detailed view of the methodology. Acta Reumatologica Portuguesa, 40(2), 110-124.

Carmo, M., Infante, P., & Mendes, J. M. (2014)

A different and simple approach for comparing sampling methods in quality control. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 31(5), 478-499. doi: 10.1108/IJQRM-02-2012-0023

Pereira, L. N., Mendes, J. M., & Coelho, P. S. (2013)

Model-Based Estimation of Unemployment Rates in Small Areas of Portugal. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 42(7), 1325-1342. doi: 10.1080/03610926.2012.749989

Xavier, M., Baptista, H., Mendes, J. M., Magalhaes, P., & Caldas-de-Almeida, J. M. (2013)

Implementing the World Mental Health Survey Initiative in Portugal - rationale, design and fieldwork procedures. International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 7. doi: 10.1186/1752-4458-7-19.

Carmo, M., Infante, P., & Mendes, J. (2013)

Alguns resultados de robustez de um método adaptativo em controlo de qualidade,In M. Maia, Campos, P. e Duarte Silva, P. (Ed.), Estatística Novos Desenvolvimentos e Inspirações (Vol. 1, pp. 95-108): Actas do XX Congresso Anual da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística.

Pinto, A., Rodrigues, T., Mendes, J., Bação, F., & Lobo, V. (2013)

Medication and Polymedication in Portugal. In P. E. Oliveira, M. da Graça Temido, C. Henriques & M. Vichi (Eds.), Recent Developments in Modeling and Applications in Statistics (pp. 59-68): Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Pereira, L. N., Mendes, J. M., & Coelho, P. S. (2011)

Estimation of unemployment rates in small areas of Portugal: a best linear unbiased prediction approach versus a hierarchical Bayes approach. Paper presented at the 17th  European Young Statisticians Meeting, Costa da Caparica.

Mendes, J., de Zea Bermudez, P., Pereira, J., Turkman, K., & Vasconcelos, M. (2010)

Spatial extremes of wildfire sizes: Bayesian hierarchical models for extremes. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 17(1), 1-28. doi:

Baptista, M. H. F., & Mendes, J. M. (2009)

The Portuguese pharmaceutical market in the near future: A time series exploration approach. Journal of Medical Marketing, 9(4), 329-341. doi:10.1057/jmm.2009.37

Bermudez, P. D., Mendes, J., Pereira, J. M. C., Turkman, K. F., & Vasconcelos, M. J. P. (2009)

Spatial and temporal extremes of wildfire sizes in Portugal (1984-2004). International Journal of Wildland Fire, 18(8), 983-991.