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João Azambuja conta com mais de 20 anos de experiência em tecnologia, consultoria e empresas do setor financeiro. Atualmente, desempenha a função de Líder de Data Science no Smart Energy LAB. Com um doutoramento em Gestão pelo ISCTE-IUL, a sua tese focou-se numa abordagem quantitativa para a adoção de inovação por parte de empresas de comércio eletrónico. Apresentou os seus estudos em algumas das melhores conferências europeias de gestão e marketing. Além disso, tem um MBA em Finanças pela FCEE-UCP (atualmente Católica Lisbon) e uma licenciatura em Gestão pelo ISEG-UTL.

Publicações Cientificas

Azambuja J., Nikolaeva R. (2019)

The Institutional Pressures in the Post-Adoption Use of Social Media: An Abstract. In: Rossi P., Krey N. (eds) Finding New Ways to Engage and Satisfy Global Customers. AMSWMC 2018. Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science. Springer, Cham.


The Importance of Changes in Strategy as a Result of Performance Feedback: the Case of Make/Buy Decisions by E-Retailers. In Peer Reviewed Proceedings of EURAM 2018 (European Academy of Management) Conference (19 to 22 June 2018). Reykjavik, Iceland. Hosts: University of Iceland. Web:

NIKOLAEVA, Ralitza and AZAMBUJA, João (2015)

Social Inter-firm imitation in social media adoption: A cognitive framework. EURAM 2015 (European Academy of Management) Conference (17 to 20 June 2015). Warsaw, Poland. Hosts: Kozminski University. Web:

NIKOLAEVA, Ralitza and AZAMBUJA, João (2015)

Social Media Adoption by Retailers: An Opportunity or a Threat? In Peer Reviewed Proceedings of 44th  European Marketing Academy (EMAC) 2015 Annual Conference (24 to 27 May 2015). Leuven, Belgium. Hosts: KU Leuven & Vlerick Business School. Web:

SOARES, Ana Luísa, AZAMBUJA, Sónia Talhé, MARQUES, Teresa, SILVA, Isabel, AZAMBUJA, João, ARSÉNIO, Pedro Miguel Ramos (2014)

Historic Gardens of Lisbon - A Landscape Heritage Inventory Model. In SCHOOL OF SCIENCES, UNIVERSITY OF PORTO (org.) - Landscape: A Place of Cultivation. Peer Reviewed Proceedings of European Council of Landscape Architecture Schools (ECLAS) 2014 Conference (21 to 23 September 2014). Porto: ECLAS/School of Sciences, University of Porto, 2014, pp. 413-416. Link: