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Ricardo Santos licenciou-se por duas vezes na Universidade de Coimbra: primeiro em Bioquímica, depois em Economia. Encontra-se a concluir a sua tese de mestrado em Data Science and Advanced Analytics da NOVA IMS. Os seus atuais interesses abrangem Econometria e Aprendizagem Automática aplicada ao ensino.

Publicações Cientificas

Pesovski, I., Santos, R. M., Henriques, R., & Trajkovik, V. (2024)

Generative AI for Customizable Learning Experiences. Sustainability, 16(7), 1-23. Article 3034.

Pesovski, I., Santos, R., Henriques, R., & Trajkovik, V. (2024)

ChatGPT in exam rooms: preliminary insights into student performance with and without AI assistance. In L. G. Chova, C. G. Martínez, & J. Lees (Eds.), 16th  International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies 1-3 July, 2024 Palma, Spain (pp. 5908-5914). (EDULEARN24 Proceedings; No. 2024). IATED Academy.

Santos, R., & Henriques, R. (2024)

Using early clickstream data to identify at-risk students in higher education: an LSTM-based approach. In L. G. Chova, C. G. Martínez, & J. Lees (Eds.), 16th  International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies 1-3 July, 2024 Palma, Spain (pp. 6216-6225). (EDULEARN24 Proceedings; No. 2024). IATED Academy.

Santos, R., Pesovski, I., Henriques, R., & Trajkovik, V. (2024)

Predicting bootcamp success: using regression to leverage preparatory course data for tech career transitions. In L. G. Chova, C. G. Martínez, & J. Lees (Eds.), 16th  International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies 1-3 July, 2024 Palma, Spain (pp. 6181-6190). (EDULEARN24 Proceedings; No. 2024). IATED Academy.

Santos, R. M., & Henriques, R. (2023)

Accurate, timely, and portable: Course-agnostic early prediction of student performance from LMS logs. Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 5, 1-15. [100175].

Santos, R., & Henriques, R. (2023)

Decoding Student Success in Higher Education: A Comparative Study on Learning Strategies of Undergraduate and Graduate Students. Studia Paedagogica, 28(3), [59]-87.

Henriques, R., Oliveira, L., Santos, R., & Albuquerque, C. (2023)

Implementing Team-Based Learning In Data Science Education: Enhancing Student Satisfaction And Performance. In L. Gómez Chova, C. González Martínez, & J. Lees (Eds.), 15th  International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies July 3rd  -5th  , 2023 Palma, Spain (pp. 6720-6729). (EDULEARN23 Proceedings; No. 2023). IATED Academy.

Pesovski, I., Santos, R., Trajkovik, V., & Henriques, R. (2023)

Comparing Perception and Reality: Exploring Test Complexity and Student Performance in Higher Education. In L. G. Chova, C. G. Martínez, & J. Lees (Eds.), 16th  International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (pp. 6654-6660). (ICERI Proceedings). IATED Academy.

Santos, R., & Henriques, R. (2023)

Grouping Bachelor's Students According To Their Moodle Interaction Profiles: A K-Means Clustering Approach. In L. Gómez Chova, C. González Martínez, & J. Lees (Eds.), 15th  International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies July 3rd  -5th  , 2023 Palma, Spain (pp. 7383-7389). (EDULEARN23 Proceedings; No. 2023). IATED Academy.