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Frederico Cruz Jesus é Professor Associado e Coordenador da Licenciatura em Gestão de Informação da NOVA Information Management School (NOVA IMS), Portugal. Os seus interesses de investigação incluem a adoção e valor da tecnologia, gestão de processos de negócios, Indústria 4.0 e uso de métodos de ciência de dados para a gestão e educação. Possui mais de 30 artigos publicados em revistas como Information & Management, Journal of Business Research, Computers in Industry, Transportation Research Part A, International Journal of Production Research, Government Information Quarterly, entre outras. Detalhes adicionais podem ser encontrados em

Publicações Cientificas

Daniel, N., Cruz-Jesus, F., & Tam, C. (2025)

Assessing micro-mobility net benefits at the individual level: Evidence for two European countries. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 111, 95-111.

Neves, C., Oliveira, T., Cruz-Jesus, F., & Venkatesh, V. (2025)

Extending the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology for sustainable technologies context. International Journal Of Information Management, 80, 1-22.

Beatriz-Afonso, A., & Cruz-Jesus, F. (2024)

Unraveling the Myths of Rural vs. Urban Academic Achievement Drivers. Emerging Science Journal, 8(6), 2312-2327. Article 10.

Cruz-Jesus, F., Figueira-Alves, H., Tam, C., Pinto, D. C., Oliveira, T., & Venkatesh, V. (2023)

Pragmatic and idealistic reasons: What drives electric vehicle drivers' satisfaction and continuance intention? Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 170(April), 1-16. [103626].

Lehmann, C., Colaço, A., Cruz-Jesus, F., & Oliveira, T. (2023)

The Circular Economy Gap in the European Union: Convergence or Divergence Among Member States? ADVANCED SUSTAINABLE SYSTEMS, 7(12), [2300247].

Nunes, C., Oliveira, T., Castelli, M., & Cruz-Jesus, F. (2023)

Determinants of academic achievement: how parents and teachers influence high school students’ performance. Heliyon, 9(2), 1-16. [e13335].

Venkatesh, V., Raman, R., & Cruz-Jesus, F. (2024)

AI and emerging technology adoption: a research agenda for operations management. International Journal Of Production Research, 62(15), 5367-5377.

Cardoso-Andrade, M., Cruz-jesus, F., Souza Troncoso, J., Queiroga, H., & Gonçalves, J. M. S. (2022)

Understanding technological, cultural, and environmental motivators explaining the adoption of citizen science apps for coastal environment monitoring. Global Environmental Change, 77, 1-17. [102606].

Castelo-Branco, I., Henriques, M. M. D. A., Cruz-Jesus, F., & Oliveira, T. (2022)

Assessing the Industry 4.0 European divide through the country/industry dichotomy. Computers and Industrial Engineering, [108925].

Costa-mendes, R., Cruz-jesus, F., Oliveira, T., & Castelli, M. (2022)

Deep Learning in Predicting High School Grades: A Quantum Space of Representation. Emerging Science Journal, 6, 166-187.

Lehmann, C., Cruz-jesus, F., Oliveira, T., & Damásio, B. (2022)

Leveraging the circular economy: Investment and innovation as drivers. Journal of Cleaner Production, 360, 1-10. [132146].

Nunes, C., Beatriz-Afonso, A., Cruz-jesus, F., Oliveira, T., & Castelli, M. (2022)

Mathematics and Mother Tongue Academic Achievement: A Machine Learning Approach. Emerging Science Journal, 6(Special Issue: Current Issues, Trends, and New Ideas in Education), 137-149.

Nunes, C., Oliveira, T., Santini, F. D. O., Castelli, M., & Cruz-jesus, F. (2022)

A Weight and Meta-Analysis on the Academic Achievement of High School Students. Education Sciences, 12(5), 1-17. [287].

Pazmiño-Sarango, M., Naranjo-Zolotov, M., & Cruz-Jesus, F. (2022)

Assessing the drivers of the regional digital divide and their impact on eGovernment services: evidence from a South American country. Information Technology and People, 35(7), 2002-2025.

Shuqair, S., Costa Pinto, D., Cruz-jesus, F., Mattila, A. S., Guerreiro, P. D. F., & So, K. K. F. (2022)

Can customer relationships backfire? How relationship norms shape moral obligation in cancelation behavior. Journal of Business Research, 151(November), 463-472.

Tam, C., Barroso, M., & Cruz-jesus, F. (2022)

Understanding the determinants of users’ continuance intention to buy low-cost airline flights online. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 13(2), 264-280.

Costa-Mendes, R., Cruz-Jesus, F., Oliveira, T., & Castelli, M. (2022)

Academic achievement critical factors and the bias and variance decomposition: evidence from high school students’ grades. In Papers of 6th  Canadian International Conference on Advances in Education, Teaching & Technology 2022: Papers proceedings (pp. 54-62). (International Multidisciplinary Research Journal; Vol. Special Issue, No. Conferences - Proceedings). Unique Conferences Canada.

Costa-Mendes, R., Cruz-Jesus, F., Oliveira, T., & Castelli, M. (2021)

Machine learning bias in predicting high school grades: A knowledge perspective. Emerging Science Journal, 5(5), 576-597.

Elena-Bucea, A., Cruz-Jesus, F., Oliveira, T., & Coelho, P. S. (2021)

Assessing the Role of Age, Education, Gender and Income on the Digital Divide: Evidence for the European Union. Information Systems Frontiers, 21(4), 1007–1021. [Advanced online publication on 19 May 2020].

Morais, L. H. L. D., Pinto, D. C., & Cruz-Jesus, F. (2021)

Circular economy engagement: Altruism, status, and cultural orientation as drivers for sustainable consumption. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 27(July), 523-533.

Sousa, D., Cruz-Jesus, F., Sousa, A., & Painho, M. (2021)

A multivariate approach to assess the structural determinants of large wildfires: Evidence from a Mediterranean country. [Advanced online publication on 4 February 2021]. International Journal Of Wildland Fire.

Berthold, M., Cruz-Jesus, F., & Oliveira, T. (2021)

A proposed model for Process Mining Adoption: Using a Mixed-Methods Approach. In APSI 2021 Proceedings: 21.ª Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação (CAPSI’2021) 13 a 16 de outubro de 2021, Vila Real e Viseu, Portugal (pp. 1-14). Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação.

Rocha-Penedo, R., Cruz-Jesus, F., & Oliveira, T. (2021)

Opposite Outcomes of Social Media Use: A Proposed Model. In S. K. Sharma, Y. K. Dwivedi, B. Metri, & N. P. Rana (Eds.), Re-imagining Diffusion and Adoption of Information Technology and Systems: A Continuing Conversation - IFIP WG 8.6 International Conference on Transfer and Diffusion of IT, TDIT 2020, Proceedings (pp. 524-537). (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology; Vol. 618). Springer.

Cardoso-Andrade, M., Cruz-Jesus, F., Rego, F. C., Rangel, M., & Queiroga, H. (2021)

Assessing the land- and seascape determinants of recreational diving: Evidence for Portugal's south coast. Marine Policy, 123, 1-10. [104285].

Costa-Mendes, R., Oliveira, T., Castelli, M., & Cruz-Jesus, F. (2021)

A machine learning approximation of the 2015 Portuguese high school student grades: A hybrid approach. Education and Information Technologies, 26(2), 1527-1547.

Cruz-Jesus, F., Castelli, M., Oliveira, T., Mendes, R., Nunes, C., Sa-Velho, M., & Rosa-Louro, A. (2020)

Using artificial intelligence methods to assess academic achievement in public high schools of a European Union country. Heliyon, 6(6), [e04081].

Castelo-Branco, I., Cruz-Jesus, F., & Oliveira, T. (2019)

Assessing Industry 4.0 readiness in manufacturing: Evidence for the European Union. Computers in Industry, 107(May), 22-32. DOI: 10.1016/j.compind.2019.01.007

Cruz-Jesus, F.; Pinheiro, A. & Oliveira, T. (2019)

Understanding CRM adoption stages: empirical analysis building on the TOE framework. Computers in Industry, 109 (August), 1-13. doi:

Martin, R. S., Painho, M., & Cruz-Jesus, F. (2019)

Addressing geospatial preparedness inequity: A sustainable bottom-up approach for Non-Governmental development organizations. Sustainability (Switzerland), 11(23), [6634].

Martins, J., Branco, F., Gonçalves, R., Au-Yong-Oliveira, M., Oliveira, T., Naranjo-Zolotov, M., & Cruz-Jesus, F. (2019)

Assessing the success behind the use of education management information systems in higher education. Telematics and Informatics, 38(May), 182-193. [Advanced online publication on 13c october 2018].

Naranjo-Zolotov, M., Oliveira, T., Cruz-Jesus, F., Martins, J., Gonçalves, R., Branco, F., & Xavier, N. (2019)

Examining social capital and individual motivators to explain the adoption of online citizen participation. Future Generation Computer Systems, 92, 302-311. DOI: 10.1016/j.future.2018.09.044

Saraiva, P., Cruz-Jesus, F., & Coelho, P. (2019)

Qualidade 4.0: alguns novos desafios baseados em dados. Revista TMQ – Techniques, Methodologies and Quality, Nº Especial 10 Anos, 131-552.

Moreira, F., Cruz-Jesus, F., & Quaresma, R. (2019)

Proceedings of the 19th  Portuguese Association of Information Systems Conference: digital disruption: living between data science, IoT and... people. Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação.

Chipeva, P., Cruz-Jesus, F., Oliveira, T., & Irani, Z. (2018)

Digital divide at individual level: Evidence for Eastern and Western European countries. Government Information Quarterly. [advanced online publication on 27 june 2018]. DOI: 10.1016/j.giq.2018.06.003

Cruz-Jesus, F., Oliveira, T., & Bação, F. (2018)

The global digital divide: evidence and drivers. Journal Of Global Information Management, 26(2), 1-26. DOI: 10.4018/JGIM.2018040101

Gonçalves, G.; Oliveira, T. & Cruz-Jesus, F. (2018)

Understanding individual-level digital divide: Evidence of an African country. Computers in Human Behavior, 87, 276-291. [advanced online publication on 29 may 2018]. doi:

Castelo-Branco, I. & Jesus, F. C. (2018)

Análise factorial exploratória para a indústria 4.0: evidência para o contexto europeu. In P. Silva, R. Quaresma & T. Oliveira (Coords.), Atas da 18ª Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação: a indústria 4.0 e os sistemas de informação. Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação. URL:

Cruz-Jesus, F., Oliveira, T., & Naranjo, M. (2018)

Understanding the adoption of business analytics and intelligence. In Á. Rocha, H. Adeli, L. P. Reis, & S. Costanzo (Eds.), Trends and Advances in Information Systems and Technologies, pp. 1094-1103. (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing; Vol. 745). WorldCIST'18: World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies 2018. Springer Verlag. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-77703-0_106

Naranjo-Zolotov, M., Oliveira, T., Cruz-Jesus, F., & Martins, J. (2018)

Satisfaction with e-participation: A model from the Citizen’s perspective, expectations, and affective ties to the place. In Á. Rocha, H. Adeli, L. P. Reis, & S. Costanzo (Eds.), Trends and Advances in Information Systems and Technologies (Vol. 745, pp. 1049-1059). (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing; Vol. 745). Springer Verlag. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-77703-0_102

Cruz-Jesus, F., Oliveira, T., Bação, F., & Irani, Z. (2017)

Assessing the pattern between economic and digital development of countries. 19(4), 835–854. DOI: 10.1007/s10796-016-9634-1

Cruz-Jesus, F., Vicente, María R., Bacao, F., & Oliveira, T. (2016)

The education-related digital divide: An analysis for the EU-28. Computers in Human Behavior, 56, 72-82. doi:

Cruz-Jesus, F., Oliveira, T., & Bacao, F. (2014)

Exploring the Pattern between Education Attendance and Digital Development of Countries. Procedia Technology, 16(0), 452-458. doi:

Cruz-Jesus, F., Oliveira, T., & Bacao, F. (2012)

Digital divide across the European Union. Information & Management, 49(6), 278-291. doi: 10.1016/

Cruz-Jesus, F., Oliveira, T., & Bacao, F. (2011)

Exploratory Factor Analysis for the Digital Divide: Evidence for the European Union - 27 In M. M. Cruz-Cunha, J. Varajão, P. Powell & R. Martinho (Eds.), ENTERprise Information Systems (Vol. 219, pp. 44-53): Springer Berlin Heidelberg.