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Erasmus Incoming

Erasmusincoming (1)

Erasmus+ is the EU's programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe.

Studying abroad is a central part of Erasmus+ and has been shown to have a positive effect on later job prospects. It is also a chance to improve language skills, gain self-confidence and independence and immerse yourself in a new culture.


Since 2009 NOVA Information Management School has received more than 500 students from more than 60 partner universities.

Come and be part of this community!

Welcome to Lisbon! image

Welcome to Lisbon!

We are excited to welcome you to our vibrant community of students, faculty, and staff. This is an outstanding opportunity to define your academic, professional and personal future. You will experience a truly global experience with students and professors from several countries.

Lisbon is a beautiful and historic city with a rich culture and vibrant life. You will have the opportunity to explore the city, and the Portuguese landscape and good weather.

NOVA IMS is a leading university in Portugal in data science with a strong focus on research and innovation. We offer a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs in information management, data science, data driven marketing, statistics, among others.

We are committed to providing our students with a high-quality education and a supportive and inclusive environment. We have a variety of student services available to help you succeed, with our ERASMUS office.

We are here to support you every step of the way, being your contact at NOVA IMS. We will be happy to answer any questions you have about the university, the city, or the country.

We hope you will take this opportunity to experience the best of what Lisbon, NOVA IMS, and Portugal have to offer. We look forward to welcoming you to our community!

Why Choose NOVA IMS?

  • The excellence of the teaching staff, the quality of teaching and revelance of the research placed NOVA IMS among the best Universities in the world;
  • Certified by APCER (Portuguese certification entity) and IQNET (International Certificate Network) according to NP EN ISO 9001:2015;
  • NOVA IMS' degree programs are accredited by A3ES (Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education);
  • Seven of NOVA IMS' Master and Postgraduate Programs were ranked by Eduniversal an international agency that publishes annual rankings of the best Masters and MBA programs in the world, in the worldwide TOP of Best Masters 2022 ranking in their categories;
  • NOVA IMS was the first institute of the Iberian Peninsula joining iSchools, international organization that brings together the leading universities in research and teaching of information science;
  • NOVA IMS' Information Systems Bachelor Program is accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET. This is the 1st Bachelor Degree in Europe accredited in Information Systems by ABET, a North American accrediting agency, recognized as the worldwide leader in assuring quality and stimulating innovation in applied science, computing, engineering, and engineering technologies;
  • The Master/Postgraduate Program in Statistical Systems obtained the EMOS (European Master in Official Statistics) accreditation, by the European Statistical System (ESS);
  • NOVA IMS was recognized by Celonis, a world leader in Process Mining, as an Academic Center of Excellence, a prestigious recognition that distinguishes excellence processes in the academic field;
  • NOVA IMS is the 1st university outside the USA to obtain the GEOINT (Geospatial Intelligence) accreditation by the United States Geospatial Intelligence Foundation (USGIF);
  • NOVA IMS is accredited as a member of UNIGIS, an international network that gathers the best schools in Geographic Information Systems.
  • The master degree program in Geospatial Technologies is part of the European Commission's Erasmus Mundus program, and it has been selected as one of the best European master programs;
  • Close relationship between students and teachers;
  • ECTS grading scale;
  • Excellent employment rates;
  • Attractive location.


Bachelor’s Degrees

  • 100% Employment Rate*/**
  • €1.394 Average monthly salary of a bachelor*

* Independent ObipNOVA 2019 report on NOVA IMS graduates.
** Employment rate measured according to active graduates.


Master Degree Programs

  • 91% Employment Rate*/**
  • €1.466 Average monthly income*

* Independent ObipNOVA 2019 report on NOVA IMS graduates.
** Employment rate measured according to active graduates.

Application and Enrollment

Important Information: The Board of NOVA IMS have determined a numerus clausus of 60 students per semester for mobility students. The selection criteria will be first come, first served.

Application Deadlines

Fall Semester or whole Academic Year Students

  • Nominations: from March 15th to May 31st;
  • Applications and student documents: July 1st.

Spring Semester

  • Nominations: from August 1st to November 1st;
  • Applications and student documents: December 1st.

After these dates we will not be able to accept further applications.


  • Partner Universities must send official nomination to NOVA IMS by filling the online Nomination form (preferably). All relevant information with further instruction for the online nomination will be sent via email to our partners in March (for fall semester) and August (for spring semester). Alternatively, Partner Universities can send by e-mail the list of nominated students to NOVA IMS’ Erasmus Office: ;
  • NOVA IMS will contact the selected students by e-mail to give them the necessary information and request the documents in order to proceed with the mobility process.


After being nominated students will be informed about how to access our ONLINE Application Form.

Exchange students should prepare:

  • Learning Agreement;
    • OLA – Online Learning Agreement (preferably);
    • Learning Agreement for Studies (hard copy) duly filled in, signed and stamped by the Sending Institution;
  • Transcript of records (only English version is accepted);
  • Copy of the European Health Insurance Card or for non-European Erasmus exchange students, copy of Health Insurance (English version). These documents must be valid for the whole period of stay;
  • Statement of responsibility (document to be made available by the Erasmus Office of NOVA IMS);
  • Passport size.

The document Transcript of records must be an official document issued by the sending Institution. All parties must sign the Learning Agreement before the start of the mobility. The Learning Agreement must include all the educational components to be carried out by the student at the Receiving Institution.

Information for Learning Agreements:

The Receiving Institution:
Name: Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Faculty/Department: NOVA Information Management School (NOVA IMS)
Erasmus code: P LISBOA03
Address: Campus de Campolide 1070-312 Lisboa
Country: Portugal
Contact person: Ana Sousa / Catarina Silva / Hugo Caldeira
Phone number: +351 213 828 610

Responsible person in the Receiving Institution:
Name: Hugo Gaspar Caldeira
Function: Erasmus Coordinator
Phone number: +351 213 828 610

Language Requirements

  • Proficiency in English = at least level B1.

All the classes for Mobility students are taught in English. Students must be aware that they need to have solid knowledge of the English language to successfully attend lessons/courses.

Acceptance Letter

Will only be issued upon request of the student.

Academic Information

Academic Calendar

To see the academic calendar, please click here.

Registration and Enrolment

NOVA IMS Academic Services will contact students about the necessary procedures.

This process only starts after the Learning Agreement has been duly signed by the student and the responsible person from both institutions (sending and receiving).

Welcome Day

Usually takes place in the week before the beginning of classes. Presence is important but not mandatory.

Date of Arrival

If you do not arrive on our official start date, you must obtain permission from our Erasmus Coordinator.
We do not accept students to start our courses if they arrive later than two weeks, after the beginning of the semester.

Changes to the Learning Agreement

Requests for changes to the Learning Agreement must be requested up to 10 days after the beginning of the classes. Any changes to the Learning Agreement should be approved by the Erasmus Coordinator of the Sending Institution and the Erasmus Coordinator of NOVA IMS.


Please check the calendar of the exams for each curricular unit and all the aspects concerning assiduity (physical presence of students in the classroom) and the evaluation methods carefully.

The Academic Calendar and exam periods (1st and 2nd) are the same for all NOVA IMS students.

You should be aware that if you fail a 1st phase exam you need to do the 2nd phase exam in order to pass (check the exam calendar).

Note that there are many curricular units in which there is not a 1st phase exam. In these cases, the 1st phase corresponds to continuous evaluation and, the 2nd phase exam, corresponds to non-continuous evaluation. The non-attendance to an exam does not confer the grade of (0) zero.

Students should not make plans to travel home before the end of exams.

Institutional Grading system - ECTS

At NOVA IMS is used a 0-20 scale to grade students, following the Portuguese convention. For semester the bachelor students usually attend the courses necessary to realize 30 ECTS. To complete the bachelor level students must achieve 180 ECTS, and for master level 95/120.

The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) is a tool of the European Higher Education Area for making studies and courses more transparent. It helps students to move between countries and to have their academic qualifications and study periods abroad recognised.

ECTS allows credits taken at one higher education institution to be counted towards a qualification studied for at another. ECTS credits represent learning based on defined learning outcomes and their associated workload.

At NOVA IMS, the result achieved in a course unit, whether through continuous assessment or in an examination, is expressed on a 0 to 20 grading scale. The lowest passing grade is 10.

To know the Description of the institutional grading system, please check.

Transcript of Academic Records

The Academic Services department only issues the Transcript of Records of the courses of NOVA IMS.
This document will be sent to the student after the exchange period. The request needs to be made at the Academic Services of NOVA IMS.This document certifies that students were evaluated and indicates the grades obtained.
The non-attendance to the exams will not be mentioned in the Transcript of records.Students can also check their grades on NetP@.
The Transcript of Records can only be issued after the end of the 2nd exam period.We will not provide certificates of class attendance. We cannot provide a declaration of school attendance because we do not have that information.

Courses Taught in English

Almost all courses are taught in English if any foreign student enrols (unless an imperative reason prevents this). 

Limitation or Restriction on Course Registration

All the courses have a limited number of vacancies.

Elective curricular units will only be taught if there is a minimum number of students enrolled.
Confirmation can only be given during the enrolment period.

The list of available courses can change as they are fulfilled on a “first come, first served” basis.

Some courses that need previous knowledge of statistics/econometrics or computing/programming are conditioned and require previous approval by the course coordinator.

Students must attend the NOVA IMS curricular units correspondent to the same cycle of studies that they attend at their Sending University. Master students will only be able to attend undergraduate courses in exceptional cases.

There are Curricular Units in which Erasmus Students cannot enrol.

There are Curricular Units that may overlap. To try to reduce possible overlaps we strongly recommended:

  • Preferably - Always choose curricular units from the same course/year (no risk of overlapping schedules);
  • Other Option - Choose curricular units of the same course and from 1st and 2nd year or from 2nd and 3rd year (moderate risk of overlapping schedules).

For more information, please check our Fact Sheet.

Bachelor Degree

In every Academic Year, some changes may occur regarding the courses offered in English. However, we do not expect significant changes from one year to the next.
For further information about the courses please consult our website:

Mobility students can choose curricular units from different courses and from different years.

For Bachelor Degree Students the total sum of ECTS credits for the curricular units to be selected, cannot exceed 45 (in the case of one semester) or 90 (in the case of an academic year).

Master Degrees

The study plan should be proposed based on the student's study area and the existing agreement between NOVA IMS and the Sending Institution e.g. Master Programmes held in working hours.

Working Hours Format:

After Working Hours Format:

For Master Degree Students the total sum of ECTS credits for the curricular units to be selected, cannot exceed 37,5 (in the case of one semester) or 75 (in the case of an academic year).

Trimester/Semester Courses

  • Trimester courses (quarterly courses): those courses take place in half of a semester duration, in the first seven weeks of the semester (1st trimester of the Fall Semester or 3rd trimester of the Spring Semester) or in the last seven weeks of the semester (2nd trimester of the Fall Semester or 4th trimester of the Spring Semester). Those courses usually have 3.5 or 4 ECTS and are assigned to Master Degree Study Plans.
  • Semester courses: those courses take place during an entire semester, which means during 14 weeks of classes. The academic year is divided in two semesters: Fall Semester (classes from September to December) and Spring Semester (classes from February to June). In the Master Degree Study Plans, those courses usually have 7.5 ECTS; In the Bachelor Degree Study Plans, semester courses can hold from 2 to 6 ECTS.

Elective Courses

At NOVA IMS, Bachelor Degree Programs comprise 180 ECTS, and Master Degree Programs may comprise 95 or 120 ECTS. Part of those ECTS should be approved as mandatory courses, specific for each program, and the remaining ECTS should be taken as elective courses. The total of ECTS taken as elective courses vary in each program. The students enrol the mandatory courses per semester and select a set of elective courses from a list of available courses (semester or trimester courses) to complete the total ECTS needed. An elective course in a Program can be a mandatory course of another Program or just a course offered as extra. In the latter, the course only takes place if a minimum number of enrolments are registered.

Portuguese Language Courses

The Portuguese language course is not taught at NOVA IMS and will not be offered at NOVA IMS' Campus.

NOVA University of Lisbon’ School of Social Sciences and Humanities (NOVA FCSH) provides several language courses, as well as courses of Portuguese as a foreign language targeted to foreign and international mobility students. Classes are held in its facilities located at Av. de Berna, n. 26–C, P–1050 LISBOA.

Students must contact directly the School of Social Sciences and Humanities (NOVA FCSH):

Web: | | 

Erasmus+ students from other schools of NOVA University (with a Portuguese as a foreign language course in their Learning Agreement) benefit from special prices.

Since the Portuguese Language course is not taught at NOVA IMS the final Transcript of records issued by the academic services of NOVA IMS will not mention that course. As it is taught in another Faculty you will have another type of certificate issued by FCSH. Please be sure that this can be accepted by your home University.

Visa / Entry in Portugal

Students, nationals from EU/EFTA nations, do not need a visa to study in Portugal.

EU/EFTA nations students who remain in Portugal for longer than 3 months must apply for the Certificado do Registo de Cidadão da União Europeia (CRUE Certificate of Residency).
This certificate must be applied for at their local Council within the 30 days following their first three
months in national territory.

Please see: 
Please see: 
Please see: (for Lisbon Council).

Students holding a residence permit issued by a Member State of the European Union and covered by European Union multilateral programmes with mobility measures, or by an agreement between the two or more institutions of higher education, are authorised to entry into national territory to study, provided Agency for Integration, Migration, and Asylum (AIMA) is informed until 30 days before the beginning of the mobility period. Communication of the mobility should preferably be done by mail to Agency for Integration, Migration, and Asylum (AIMA)’s institutional mailbox - 

Please see: 

Applicants from non-EU nations normally need a visa to study in Portugal. In order to find out if they need a visa and how to apply, they must contact the embassy or consulate of Portugal in their home country.
Application processing times can vary greatly depending on volume of applications and the applicant’s home country. It is recommended to submit the complete application at least two months prior to the student’s departure.

Starting in 2026, ETIAS travel authorisation is an entry requirement for non-EU visa-free nationals.

If you need a document for Visa purposes, do not hesitate to contact us.


  • Apply for Visa as soon as possible! Visa issues demand much time and attention;
  • Check with the relevant Embassies / Consulates on which documents you need to obtain a visa;
  • Double check all forms and the data you fill in. Sometimes small mistakes result in the refusal of the visa request;
  • Always keep copies of the originals you submit! You may need them.

Housing / Accommodation

The admission at NOVA Information Management School does not include an offer for a room in a dormitory.

NOVA University of Lisbon has 3 Residence Halls to accommodate students from the 9 existing Faculties:

These spaces are aimed at students, teachers and researchers at the university, with priority given to Portuguese scholarship holders students and foreign students on mobility programmes. Since there’s a limitation of places available for each Faculty, most students have to find a room themselves on the private market.

Please visit:

Please notice that the information contained on the websites mentioned are the responsibility of the respective organizations.

NOVA University of Lisbon created Rede ¼ (¼ Network), an innovative solution to bring together those who have available rooms with those who need them to live and study in greater Lisbon. With a wide network of partners and a dedicated and multidisciplinary team, REDE 1/4 is now available.

Please visit:

Health Insurance

All EU/EEA exchange and freemover students are required to hold and present to NOVA IMS (prior to the semester start) at least a valid copy of the European Health Insurance Card – EHIC, which allows students to benefit from services at any of the public healthcare institutions in Portugal.

European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) is not the alternative to travel insurance. Hence, we recommend taking out additional private insurance plan which should fully cover student’s stay abroad.

Useful Information

NOVA IMS is located in Campus de Campolide, a Campus that provides some facilities such as school residence, food services, bank machine, health services and spaces for leisure and physical activities, besides all the services that you can find at NOVA IMS, as Academic Services, IT services and Library and Documentation Services.

At Academic Services you can find all the support and information you need regarding for instance: enrollment, timetables and calendars (Exams Schedule, Academic Calendar).

Helpdesk support is provided by IT Department to every NOVA IMS enrolled student, IT Department also offer a software set from ESRI, Clarck Labs, Microsoft, MicroStrategy, OutSystems, QlikView, SAP, SAS and SYBASE for teaching and research purposes.

Specialized in the areas of Statistics and Information Management, NOVA IMS Library aims to provide students, teachers and researchers access to documentation and information necessary for the development of their scientific and academic activities.

Here you can access about 5,000 books, theses and dissertations in paper and electronic version from the UNL Repository, and full-text electronic journals from JSTOR, Emerald, Wiley Blackwell and B-On Online Knowledge Library (over 22.000 scientific international publications from 19 publishers).

Click here for more Useful Information.


Got accepted for a semester studying in Lisbon? Are you going to spend your next six months in Portugal? Before you arrive to your new home and at NOVA IMS read our list of things that you should know before you start your Erasmus semester with us.

Please click here to download your check-list.

Living in Lisbon

From the beginning of history Lisbon always welcome different persons and cultures. Called the city of the seven hills it is also famous for its exceptional light that enchants visitors and residents, and provides excellent photos. History and modernity live together in a city that wants to progress and keep its traditional way of living.

In the historical quarters you can still find the “ancient Lisbon” and, if you like details, please look around and take a look at the tiles that cover some building façades and to the work in cast iron of the old balconies.

People in Lisbon are friendly and it isn’t very difficult to find someone who understands English especially among young people.

Lisbon has a good public transport network, and nearby you have the beaches of Cascais and Costa da Caparica and the lovely village of Sintra.

The city also offers a wide range of cultural activities and museums.

Lisbon and Portugal are also known for the good food. The city has lots of restaurants from traditional to international cuisine, and some are not very expensive. Going out for dinner is almost a national tradition.

People who visit Lisbon often praise the seafood dishes, the codfish (bacalhau) the sardines (sardinhas), and the famous Pastéis de Belém.

Shops are open, usually from Monday to Friday, from 9:30 a.m. to 7 p.m., but you have various shopping centers opened every day from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. Pharmacies are also open from Monday to Friday between 9 a.m. to 7. p.m., sometimes they close at lunch time (from 1 to 3 p.m.).

On Saturdays pharmacies open from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Outside of these hours we have what we call Farmácias de Serviço (pharmacies that are open until 10 p.m. or during all night).

Banks are open at the weekdays from 8:30 a.m to 3 p.m., but you can easily find cash machines (ATMs) identified by MB symbol (Multibanco) where you can withdraw money or do different operations (pay bills, top up the mobile phone, charge the electronic pass Lisbon Viva).

In Lisbon besides a quiet and nice ambience for study you can also find sports, nature, leisure, culture, and beautiful places to visit and to enjoy. Be welcome!


Click for more information.

Laura Hollfelder
Home University: Neu-Ulm University | Faculty: Information Management
Lea Theresa Müller
Home-University: HNU University of applied Sciences Neu-Ulm, Germany | Faculty: Business and Economics
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Após cinco meses em Lisboa, estou muito contente por ter decidido fazer um Erasmus. Guardo grandes experiências e encontros com pessoas de todo o mundo. Além disso, a NOVA IMS apoiou-me muito durante toda a estadia.
As aulas presenciais, bem implementadas, ajudaram a melhorar as minhas competências pessoais e conhecimentos académicos. Sair da minha zona de conforto permitiu-me enfrentar novos desafios e fez-me desenvolver as competências para resolver problemas de forma autónoma. Na NOVA IMS, tive a possibilidade de escolher entre um vasto leque de cursos e aprofundar os meus conhecimentos, especialmente em áreas de gestão de informação.
Lisboa como cidade é incrivelmente versátil e tens a oportunidade de fazer muitas excursões nas proximidades. Eu recomendo definitivamente Lisboa e a Universidade NOVA IMS para um Erasmus!
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Tive uma óptima experiência, no Erasmus que fiz em Lisboa, na NOVA IMS. Devido à receção calorosa e ao esforço do Gabinete Erasmus, como também da Equipa dos Serviços Académicos, rapidamente me adaptei aos estudos na NOVA IMS. O facto dos cursos serem leccionados presencialmente, foi uma mais valia, pois ajudou-me
a entrar em contacto com outros alunos e a experienciar a vida de estudante na NOVA IMS. Todos os professores foram muito prestáveis e fizeram o seu melhor para transmitir conhecimentos sustentáveis. Isso incluiu aulas teóricas, mas também projectos práticos que ajudam a transferir o conteúdo para o mundo real.
O ambiente na NOVA IMS é familiar e todos, desde professores, funcionários a alunos, ajudam-nos a ter a melhor experiência possível.