PhD Examination | Guilherme Hidalgo Barata Martins Victorino
PhD Examination – Guilherme Hidalgo Barata Martins Victorino
Detalhe da Notícia
We are pleased to inform that Guilherme Hidalgo Barata Martins Victorino will have his PhD Examination, regarding the Doctoral Program in Information Management on July 24th 2023, under the theme: “Exploring the Role of Design Thinking in Pedagogical Innovation – rethinking teaching methods and learning spaces”.
The PhD Examination will occur presentially at Scientific Council Room (2nd floor, NOVA IMS Building) and online, through Zoom videoconference from 03:30pm to 06:30pm (WET time zone). The PhD Examination is a public session, therefore feel free to join the session through Zoom videoconference:
To Guilherme Victorino we wish you all the success!
Doctor Tiago André Gonçalves Félix de Oliveira
Full Professor at Instituto Superior de Estatística e Gestão de Informação da Universidade Nova de Lisboa - NOVA Information Management School
Doctor Marco Octávio Trindade Painho
Full Professor at Instituto Superior de Estatística e Gestão de Informação da Universidade Nova de Lisboa - NOVA Information Management School
Doctor Roberto André Pereira Henriques
Associate Professor at Instituto Superior de Estatística e Gestão de Informação da Universidade Nova de Lisboa - NOVA Information Management School
Doctor Patrícia Rosado Pinto
Pro-Rector of NOVA University of Lisbon e Coordinator of Escola Doutoral da NOVA - NOVA Doctoral School
Doctor Peter Coughlan
PhD in Applied Linguistics of University of California, Los Angeles
Doctor Joana Serra da Luz Mendonça
Associate Professor with Aggregation of Instituto Superior Técnico da Universidade de Lisboa
Doctor Sandra Oliveira Soares
Assistant Professor with Aggregation at Universidade de Aveiro