Campolide Campus is a University Campus where two of the NOVA University of Lisbon faculties are located. The Law Faculty and the NOVA Information Management School - NOVA IMS. Besides the faculties, the NOVA University of Lisbon Rectory, the Social Action Service (SAS-UNL), and the Alfredo de Sousa Students Residence are also located on this campus. It is an ample and pleasant space that promotes well-being among the students of our university.
University Campus

University Campus
180 beds
3 parks
Study Rooms
University Residence
The Campolide Campus has one Hall of Residence – the Alfredo de Sousa Hall of Residence.
The Alfredo de Sousa Hall of Residence is situated on the Campolide Campus. The building was inaugurated in October 1997, and opened in January 1998. It is composed of:
- 6 independent wings. Each has 10 blocks of 1 individual room and 1 double room with private WC. All are equipped with
telephone, and have the necessary connections for fridge and television; - 1 block of 1 single room and 1 single room with private WC, provision for the disabled;
- 3 one bedroom /sitting room apartments;
- 6 shared kitchens which are furnished and equipped with oven, fridge, freezer and an extractor fan;
- 6 laundries , with tumble driers, washing line, ironing boards and irons;
- 5 furnished study rooms (about 25 m2 each);
- 1 furnished common area, where the Faculty of Law Students association bar is located (about 150m2);
- 1 television room with a television and video. A computer room with internet connection, wireless internet and the support of Portal Universia.
The Hall of Residence has central heating. There is also a 24 hour security service and cleaning takes place daily in the communal areas;
There is also a bookshop (selected by SAS, through tender), a copy centre (selected by SAS through tender) and the Faculty of Law (UNL) Students association;
The Residence building has three commercial spaces: a bookstore (awarded by SAS by contest), a reprography service (awarded by SAS by contest) and the Student Union of NOVA Faculty of Law.
Canteens and Bars
On the Campolide Campus, there are also 3 bars (1 - located in the Residence, 1 - in the Almada Negreiros College building, 1 - located in the NOVA IMS building and 1 - in the rectory building) and two canteens (situated in the Almada Negreiros College building and at the Residence).
Opening & Closings
From 12 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Almada Negreiros College Bar - 7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m.
NOVA IMS Bar - 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.