Thesis Defense | Master's student Hugo Silva
Thesis Defense | Master's student Hugo Silva
Detalhe da Notícia
We are pleased to inform that the Master's student Hugo Saisse Mentzingen da Silva will have a public defense exam of the Work Project for obtaining the Master's degree in Advanced Analytics with work subordinated to the subject METADATA AND TEXTUAL FEATURES TO ADVISE ADMINISTRATIVE COURTS DECISIONS - Predicting judgments of violation processes and identifying similar cases.
The thesis defense was held via Zoom, 02.06.2022 at 2 p.m. (GMT, Lisbon time), and to assist, please consider the following link:
Consult here the notice.
Pedro Miguel Pereira Simões Coelho
NOVA Information Management School da Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Nuno Miguel da Conceição António
NOVA Information Management School da Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Leonardo Vanneschi
NOVA Information Management School da Universidade Nova de Lisboa