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Data Science: what is it and what professional opportunities does it offer?

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Data Science: what is it and what professional opportunities does it offer?

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If you want to specialize in Data Science, we explain everything you need to know about this constantly growing area with more and more career opportunities.

Companies from various sectors - finance, health, engineering, aviation, and retail, for example - have increasingly included investment in Data Science in their goals.

In this area, computing and programming technologies intersect with statistics, mathematics, and scientific and technical methods, where the goal is to collect, analyze, and organize large amounts of structured or unstructured data, called Big Data, and to communicate to management the most relevant information among the data under analysis.

This type of practice allows companies to make better decisions that are more aligned with their operations by being able to predict patterns and behaviors more easily. In addition, they also help to reduce costs, increase profitability, and promote the good image of the companies themselves.

Data Scientist: what you do and what skills you should have

One of the leading professional careers in Big Data is that of Data Scientist, a specialist in analytical data with very specific skills and methods and high knowledge of technology and statistics.

Related article: Big Data: How to work in the field.

In fact, Data Scientists have an increasingly important role in companies in various industries as they provide their company with essential data about consumer and customer patterns, for example, through the use of various techniques and applications.

More broadly, the information that Data Scientists acquire, organize, and communicate can even impact internal company policies, for example leading to changes in behavior and the definition of new actions.

In summary, these professionals assume the following responsibilities within companies:

  • Organizing data and identifying patterns;
  • Communication with company management regarding this data - Data Scientists must have excellent communication skills and an analytical mind since they will have to provide data to the company they work for on an ongoing basis, as well as recommend certain actions and present conclusions;
  • Creation of models based on the data they analyze through digital tools. This allows them to predict future behaviors and solve present issues;
  • Using data cleansing techniques in order to filter out unwanted data or information;
  • Researching industry sectors to improve processes and systems.


Do you want to invest in your Data Science education?

To be a Data Scientist, you need to acquire a robust background in mathematics and data analysis, and it's also advantageous to know different software and programming languages.

In fact, the vast majority of today's Data Scientists studied this area at university, from subjects related to Data Science, which include statistics and mathematics, for example.

There are also educational institutions that already have specific degrees in Data Science available. NOVA IMS offers bachelor's degrees that are divided into the areas of Data Science, Information Management, and Information Systems.

If you intend to pursue or have already completed a degree in another area of study - the most beneficial is that it was in branches that involve an already important work in data analysis - it is also possible to invest in Data Science by investing in training that allows you to follow the area of data science.

There are many post-graduate, master's, and doctoral programs available at NOVA IMS - and the post-graduate and master's focus on several areas, such as Business and Information Management, Data-Driven Marketing, Data Science & Analytics, Information Systems, Finance, Risk Management, Geo-Informatics, or Health.

You can also specialize in a specific area related to data science: Artificial Intelligence is one of them, as well as data engineering and machine learning.

In addition, you can choose to pursue an academic career related to this field, for example, working as a researcher.

Being a Data Scientist can also mean great career advancement prospects and very attractive salaries in renowned companies, which contribute not only to your CV but also to constant learning. It is easy for the more experienced Data Scientists to transfer their skills and knowledge from industry to industry.

Training in Data Science at NOVA IMS

NOVA IMS is the Information Management School of the Nova University of Lisbon. It was created in 1989 as a response to the shortage of senior staff specialized in information management and the growing need to use new information technologies. The courses offered by the school aim to train higher education professionals prepared to face the challenges of an increasingly globalized and competitive market. 


Bachelor's Degree in Data Science 

The Degree in Data Science at NOVA IMS is a course that aims precisely to explore modern techniques of artificial intelligence and machine learning to analyze Big Data. The main objective is to train Data Scientists capable of extracting knowledge and using advanced models to deal with large volumes of data. The course aims to train specialized professionals that allow organizations to strengthen the intermediate step between data collection and decision-making based on them.

The entrance examinations required to complete the application for the Degree in Data Science correspond to one of the following sets:

  1. Mathematics A (19) - National Exam 635
  2. Mathematics A (19) and Economics (04) - National Exam 635 (Mathematics A) or 712 (Economics)
  3. Mathematics A (19) and Descriptive Geometry (10) - National Exam 635 (Mathematics) or 708 (Descriptive Geometry)


Bachelor's Degree in Information Management

The Degree in Information Management combines management and Data Science to train managers capable of dealing with the complexity of modern business and transforming data into useful information. The demand for professionals in this area is high due to the increasing amount of data generated by companies, and to meet such demand, the course trains students to collect, organize, and analyze information that guides decision-making using modern techniques and tools. The objective is to train professionals who understand the strategic value of information in organizations.
According to data from the 2019 ObipNOVA Independent Report, the employability rate of the Degree in Information Management corresponds to 100%, and the average monthly net salary is around €1,394.
As for the entrance examinations to finalize the application for the Degree in Information Management, it is necessary to choose between one of the following options:
Economics (04) - National Exam 712
Mathematics (16) - National Exam 635 (Mathematics A) or 735 (Mathematics B)