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Jobs of the Future: Discover the most in-demand professions and skills

Jobs of the Future: Discover the most in-demand professions and skills

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The rapid automation and digitalization of the economy, combined with the pandemic and transformations in business models, have brought profound changes to the labor market in recent years. Amidst these rapid shifts, questions arise: What are the jobs of the future? Which professions will disappear? And what skills will companies prioritize when recruiting talent?

The recent Future of Jobs Report 2025 by the World Economic Forum provides valuable insights into these questions. Based on contributions from over 1,000 employers representing 14 million workers across 55 countries, the report offers a detailed view of labor market trends for 2025–2030. Key findings include:

  • 170 million new jobs are expected to be created by 2030.
  • At the same time, 92 million jobs are projected to disappear due to structural labor market changes.
  • The report identifies five major trends shaping the future of work:
    • Technological advancements and expanded digital access;
    • The transition to a green economy;
    • Demographic shifts;
    • Geoeconomic fragmentation and geopolitical tensions;
    • Macroeconomic uncertainty.

Among these forces, the expansion of digital access stands out as the most transformative trend, with 60% of employers predicting that this shift will revolutionize their businesses by 2030.

Technological advancements driving change

Technologies expected to have the greatest impact on business models include:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Information Processing Technologies (86%);
  • Robotics and Automation (58%);
  • Energy generation, storage, and distribution (41%).

With this growing focus on technology, the World Economic Forum forecasts an increased demand for professionals skilled in areas such as AI, Big Data, networking, cybersecurity, and digital literacy. Explore how NOVA IMS courses align with these fields and prepare you for these advancements.

Jobs of the Future: Growing professions and declining roles

In light of significant political, social, economic, and technological shifts, the report highlights notable changes in job demand. Professions expected to experience the highest growth rates include:

  • Big Data Specialists;
  • Fintech Engineers;
  • AI and Machine Learning Specialists;
  • Software and Applications Specialists;
  • Renewable Energy Engineers.

These roles are fueled by advancements in AI, robotics, and clean energy technologies. Conversely, administrative roles, such as executive assistants and cashiers, are expected to decline due to business automation and digitalization.


These roles are fueled by advancements in AI, robotics, and clean energy technologies. Conversely, administrative roles, such as executive assistants and cashiers, are expected to decline due to business automation and digitalization.

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Jobs of the future: Skills employers value most

According to the World Economic Forum, approximately 39% of today’s skills will become obsolete or undergo transformation by 2030. Among the 55 countries analyzed, Portugal ranks fourth in experiencing this disruption, with 44% of skills expected to change within the next five years.

The most sought-after and valued skills include:

  • AI and Big Data: Top the list of technological skills in demand.
  • Cybersecurity and digital literacy.
  • Analytical Thinking: Considered essential by 70% of companies.
  • Creativity, resilience, and flexibility, along with curiosity and lifelong learning.
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How NOVA IMS prepares you for the jobs of the future

As the labor market evolves, it presents both challenges and opportunities. Whether you’re already in the workforce or just starting your career, the key to success lies in staying prepared, continuously acquiring in-demand skills, and adapting to change.

If you want to stay ahead, explore the courses at NOVA IMS and discover how they can transform your professional future.

At NOVA IMS, we prepare professionals for the future with a strong focus on technical skills that have immediate applications in the labor market. Our pioneering programs in fields like Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Data Science not only keep pace with global trends but also empower students to tackle real-world challenges and lead meaningful change.