Diego Costa Pinto

Diego Costa Pinto
Director of the NOVA Marketing Analytics Lab. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Management (Major in Marketing) from the Neoma Business School (France), with a visiting PhD period at the University of British Columbia (Prof. Darren Dahl) and New York University (Prof. Yaacov Trope). Post-doctoral research at IE Business School (Spain). BA and MSc Business Administration from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil). He has taught courses and participated in projects in several business schools in Portugal, France, United States, Brazil, Japan, and China.
His research appears in high quality ABS list ranked journals (Association of Business Schools), including the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (ABS4*), Journal of Service Research (ABS4), Business Ethics Quarterly (ABS4), Annals of Tourism Research (ABS4), Journal of Business Research (ABS3), European Journal of Marketing (ABS3), and international academic conferences such as the Association for Consumer Research (ACR), the Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) and the European Marketing Academy (EMAC). His research projects include collaboration with top scholars from Pennsylvania State University (USA), CUNY Baruch College (USA), University of Mississippi (USA), IE Business School (Spain), NEOMA Business School (France), and Southampton University (UK).
He has worked in research projects funded by European Funds and FCT (Foundation of Science and Technology) in partnership with Direção-Geral do Consumidor (DGC) and DECO Portugal (Over-indebtedness and Artificial Intelligence) and developed academic projects for Farfetch, Sonae Group, Grupo Vila Galé, El Corte Inglés, Acústica Médica, and Bombeiros Voluntários de Leiria (Projeto NOVA Trees). As a consultant, he has worked in research projects at Box1824 and CFT consultancy for companies such as RedBull, TIM Mobile, Kraft Foods, Grendene (Melissa), SESI/FIERGS, Ipiranga (Ultra Group), and Calçados Bibi (Footwear).