NOVA IMS and Cape Verde sign cooperation protocol for digital transformation
NOVA IMS and Cape Verde sign cooperation protocol for digital transformation
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NOVA IMS, NOSi (Operational Nucleus of the Information Society) representing the Government of Cape Verde, and STEM Data Center (a Cape Verdean startup) signed, on November 25th, a protocol establishing an innovative partnership between Cape Verde and Portugal. This agreement aims to create a stable cooperation platform for the development and promotion of research and development (R&D) projects and training activities, especially in the areas of Business Intelligence & Analytics, Big Data-Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, and Geographic Information System, to accelerate Cape Verde's digital transformation. Miguel de Castro Neto, Associate Dean of NOVA IMS, believes that “this partnership with the Cape Verdean innovation agency will be an asset, allowing above all to promote projects aimed at transforming data and information into knowledge and stimulating technological research applied and innovation”.