Rita Pinho Branco

Rita Pinho Branco
Director of Communication, Marketing and Digital at Montepio Mutual Association (the largest Portuguese association), since September 2016.
Responsible for the Communication of Montepio Mutual Association and Banco Montepio, in accumulation, from June 2006 to September 2016.
Marketing Director at Banco Montepio, from September 2013 to September 2015.
Main responsibilities: Definition of the Internal, External and Institutional Communication Strategy; Definition of the Marketing Strategy; Strategic Management of different electronic platforms/channels regarding dynamics, design, usability, experience, content, and objectives; Strategic Project Management in the sphere of internal, external and institutional communication; Stakeholder Relationship Management; Brand Management; Strategic Marketing Management.
Master's degree in Communication Sciences - Strategic Communication, from the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of Nova University of Lisbon.
Post-graduate degree in Strategic Communication and Media Relations.
Degree and post-graduate degree in International Relations.
Vice-President of APCE - Portuguese Association of Corporate Communication, since 2014.
Member of the Fiscal Council of APCE from 2006 to 2013.
Communicator of the Year 2010 Award - awarded by the Portuguese Association of Corporate Communication - APCE (peer election).
Diplome de Honour 2015 - awarded by the FEIEA - Federation of European Business Communicators Associations.