Betting on NOVA IMS is betting on unforgettable and stimulating training, of high quality, in which the courses are characterized by their innovative spirit and orientation towards market needs, and which has been a guarantee of recognition and professional success.
Make your decision based on data
3 Bachelor’s degrees
21 Postgraduate programs
9 Master's degrees
1 Doctoral Program
+4.100 Students
30% International Students
16% International Teachers
Data related to the year 2023.

The programs offered by NOVA IMS aim at training senior-level staff prepared to face the challenges of the globalized and competitive market in which we are inserted and to perform the new functions that the information society has created.

Join this community, come live the experience of studying at NOVA IMS and see for yourself why we are the first choice of so many candidates for our courses. Finally, come and join the group of our graduates, of whom we are proud for their professionalism, recognition and prestige they garner in the organizations where they work.