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Master Degree in Information Management, with a specialization in Information Systems Management

Mestrado em Gestão de Informação, com especialização em Gestão dos Sistemas de Informação

Master's Degree in Information Management, with a
specialization in Information Systems Management

The Master Degree Program in Information Management, with a specialization in Information Systems Management, is aimed at professionals who have roles in Information Systems (IS), namely managers and experts in the coordination and development of IS projects, IT auditing, quality control and strategic management of IS.

This program is ranked as the best Master Degree Program in Information Systems Management in Portugal and in Western Europe by Eduniversal, an international agency that publishes an annual ranking of the best Master degree programs and MBA in the world.

The 1st  year of the Master’s corresponds to the Postgraduate Program in Information Systems Management –  for more information about the Postgraduate Program, click here.

The applications for this program are open between March 10th and April 10th, 2025. To apply, click here.


Best program in Portugal and in Western Europe in Information Systems Management

according to the Best Masters Ranking 2024 of Eduniversal

Know more here
  • Vagas


    Working Hours and After Working Hours

  • Media

    Length and ECTS

    3 semesters (95 ECTS)

  • Semestres


    2 to 3 times a week

  • Lingua

    Start Date

    September 2025

Gonçalo Maximiano
Digital Product Manager | Millennium bcp
Pascal Paintner
Analytical Consultant | Google
Alia Elsayed
Google Ads Specialist | Teleperformance Portugal
João Gomes
IT Implementation Manager | Siemens
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To be an alumni of NOVA IMS means being well-prepared for real-world challenges. The foundational training provided is strong and applicable to the everyday operations of businesses. It teaches us to recognize the significance of information in decision-making, with tangible impacts on individuals, equipping us with both technical and interpersonal skills to lead in the current and future generations within the job market. This prepares us with the technical and business expertise to engage with development teams and stakeholders at the highest level.
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Choosing NOVA IMS for my master degree was both educating on relevant information management frameworks and truly enriching from a socio-cultural perspective. One aspect I hereby especially valued were the lively discussions resulting from the small classes and the direct interaction with the professors. The hands-on learning approach advocates extensive knowledge and experience sharing, on a personal and professional level.
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My experience as a student in the Master Program in Information Management, with a specialization in Information Systems and Technologies Management has overridden my expectations. I never felt that that the covid-19 pandemic had a very high effect on an academic level; this happened due to all the care and solutions implemented by the university. For someone enthusiastic about learning and research, I recommend NOVA IMS to all those looking for a university focused on a high-level education.
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What stands out the most in this program is the existing connection between the content of the individual and group assignments and the practical digital era we live in. Furthermore, the fact that you can learn current techniques, methodologies and tools, enables you to “connect the dots” in some unclear concepts and consequently an arise of insights. It makes a big difference when you learn from real-life business cases, taught by experienced practitioners and discussed in a multicultural quorum.