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Postgraduate Program in Statistical Systems


Postgraduate Program in Statistical Systems

The Postgraduate Program in Statistical Systems was developed by NOVA IMS according to the most demanding international standards, with the goal of endowing knowledge and fundamental skills to the technical staff that perform their duties in statistics authorities in the scope of the European System of Central Banks (ESCB) and the National Statistical System (NSS).

It earned the EMOS (European Master in Official Statistics) accreditation, by the European Statistical System (ESS).

This program offers specialized training in:

  • Central Banks' Statistics: which places special emphasis on the collection and compilation of monetary, financial, foreign exchange and balance of payments statistics, including those directly resulting from the participation of Banco de Portugal in ESCB.

  • Official Statistics: in particular in the production of statistics that cover the statistical activity of NSS and of the international organizations of which Portugal is a member.

The applications for this program are open between March 10th and April 10th, 2025. To apply, click here.

Partner Entities

  • Irving
    Irving Fisher Committee on Central Bank Statistics
  • Bancoportugal
    Banco de Portugal
  • European Bank
    European Central Bank
  • Emos
    European Master in Official Statistics
  • Vagas


    After working hours

  • Media

    Length and ECTS

    2 semesters (60 ECTS)

  • Semestres


    2 to 3 times a

  • Lingua

    Start Date

    September 2025

Central Banks' Statistics image

Central Banks' Statistics

Specialized training on the collection and compilation of monetary, financial, foreign exchange and balance of payments statistics, including those directly resulting from the participation of Banco de Portugal in ESCB.

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Official Statistics image

Official Statistics

Specialized training n the production of statistics that cover the statistical activity of NSS and of the international organizations of which Portugal is a member.

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Ana Sofia Nogueira
Statistical Technician | Banco Comercial Português
Flávia Serras
Data Analyst | Banco de Portugal
Lisa e Barend de Beer
Economists | South African Reserve Bank
This Postgraduate Program has contributed to a better understanding of the harmonization process, the collection, processing and dissemination of official statistics. It allowed me to deepen, in a solid and comprehensive way, a number of concepts related to the structure of the financial and economic activity of a country. Although it is very demanding, this program is very well structured and there is concern in promoting complementarity and balance between theoretical knowledge and its integration in a work context.
The excellence of Postgraduate Program in Statistical Systems was result of the heterogeneity of taught courses and academic fields of not only teachers but also students. The two semesters of continual learning have been a useful tool on my work at Banco de Portugal.
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