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Achievement Awards and Merit Board


Achievement Awards
and Merit Board

At NOVA IMS, we encourage continuous individual development, so we reward students who distinguish themselves in their applications to our degree programs, and we recognize the excellence of those who, during their academic career, ceaselessly seek to achieve the best results.

Achievement Awards

At NOVA IMS, we encourage continuous individual development, so we reward students who distinguish themselves in their applications to our degree programs, and we recognize the excellence of those who, during their academic career, ceaselessly seek to achieve the best results.

(*) Prize corresponding to the 1st year tuition fee. 

The undergraduate students who achieve a high level of academic performance each year will have access to the following awards(1):

  Approved ECTS Average (Values) Award
At the end of the 1st  year of Enrollment equal or greater than 60 equal or greater than 16,5 700€
At the end of the 2nd  year of Enrollment equal or greater than 120 equal or greater than 16,5 700€
At the end of the 3rd  year of Enrollment equal or greater than 180 equal or greater than 16,5 €3.000 off (2)

(1) Prize applied to students admitted in 2024/2025.
(2) The value of the tuition for a master's degree to be attended at the NOVA IMS, if admission and enrollment occur in the year immediately following the completion of the bachelor's degree. Not cumulative with Alumni discount. Cumulative with financial discount.

Excellence awards given by the Members of AD NOVA IMS and other supportive entities (3)

All students that stand out, during their academic path, for their academic excellence in the different course units and programs are also awarded.

(3) Prizes in force in the school year 2023/24.



  • Bancodeportugal
    Best Students


  • INE (1)
    Best Finalist Student


  • ESRI
    Best Student

    Institutional Support and Monetary Prize

Supportive Entities

  • Nokia
    Best Student of the Course Unit


  • Governodeportugal (1)
    Best Student of Undergraduate and Master Degree Programs

    Scholarship with Value to be Defined

  • Nttdata 01 (1)
    Best Student of the Course Unit


  • MOD
    Best Student


  • Data Masters (1)
    Best Students (Group Project)


  • Ifood
    Best Student of Master Degree Program


  • Biea 01
    Best Student Across Curriculum Units

    Laptop Microsoft Surface

  • Future Healthcare (2)
    Best Student of the Course Unit


  • Altice Labs
    Best Student from the Master's Programs in the ICTE Fields


  • Premio NOVA IMS
    Best Application Grade each Undergraduate Degree


Merit Board

At NOVA IMS, we recognize the excellence of those who, during their academic career, ceaselessly seek to achieve the best results.

The NOVA IMS students who have shown the best academic performance in their respective courses are indicated in the following table.

Academic Year
Name Average
Marco Amante Galão 18,95
Daniel Filipe Bento Caridade 18,87
Diogo Miguel Lopes Caldeirinha 18,75
Gonçalo Sequeira Teles 18,37
António Serra Marques 18,00
Rodrigo Fernandes da Cruz Esteves Amaral 17,41

A maximum of 5 best averages is calculated for students who have passed 60 or more ECTs in the academic year to which the merit refers and by course (1st and 2nd cycles and post-graduate courses) to achieve the NOVA IMS academic merit standard.

Only course units taught and passed at NOVA IMS and in the academic year to which the merit refers are considered to calculate the average.

In calculating the academic merit of the students doing the Masters in Geospatial Technologies (Erasmus Mundus), the five best averages of students who have attended and passed all NOVA IMS first semester course units and a total of 30 or more ECTS are calculated.