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Information session – December 15th – 8:30 p.m.

15 Dec, 2022
Zoom Presentation

Information session – December 15th  – 8:30 p.m.

Welcome to NOVA IMS!

Next December 15th, at 8.30p.m. (Lisbon time), will be held an Online Information Session dedicated to our new students. In this 1-hour long session, the Associate Dean and the staff members will provide useful information about your program and the school services, as well as clear Students questions.

To attend, must register by December 14th. We shall send the link to join the session to all participants on the morning of December 15th. Before attending the session, please check the Frequently Asked Questions available at the bottom of this page - if you have any other questions that are not in this section, you can ask them at the Online Information Session or email us at the Admissions Office (

We look forward to welcoming you to our community!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Registration and Enrollment

    I was admitted to NOVA IMS. What should I do now?

    The registration process in the Program to which you were admitted is carried out online, through the Academic Portal netP@, within the period established for this purpose in the academic calendar, available here, on the page of each program in NOVA IMS’ website.

    After creating your personal password to access NOVA IMS’ platforms via a link you will receive in your personal email, after paying the pre-registration fee), you must access NetP@ and take the following steps to formalize your registration/ subscription:

    • Upload a photo in “My Profile” / “Change Picture”;
    • Fill in all mandatory fields, on all tabs, in the “Personal Data” tab. The requested data are necessary for the annual RAIDES Survey - Register of Enrolled Students and Graduates of Higher Education, nationwide, addressed to all higher education establishments, which aims to characterize the higher education system, in terms of enrolled and graduate Students. This survey is requested by the General Directorate of Education and Science Statistics (DGEEC) and its completion is mandatory by law;
    • Finally, select the option “Registration and Enrollment” and, after acceptance of the Terms and Conditions associated with enrollment, select the course units to which you intend to enroll. Registration takes place annually and enrollment in course units is biannual (each semester).

    Can I enroll only in some of the elective course units of my program?

    You should consider your Program’s study plan and the number of mandatory and elective course units (and ECTS in question) so that, during the term of your Program, you can comply with the total number of ECTS to be approved, according to the study plan in NOVA IMS' website, in the page of the program in question.


    The maximum ECTS limit that Postgraduate, Masters and Doctoral Students can enroll in each semester is 37,5 ECTS. We advise Students to carefully read the NOVA IMS' Student Assessment and Development Regulation [in Portuguese].

    Can I change classes?

    It is possible to change classes through the netP@ during the period established for enrollment, in each semester. Information about the online application period is available here, on the page of each program in NOVA IMS’ website.

    If you decide to change class after the defined period, you must contact the Academic Services through the Contact Form

    The possibility of changing the class is conditioned by the number of vacancies in the intended class (destination class), as well as, if there is a vacancy, you must confirm by consulting the stipulated class timetable for your program (available in NOVA IMS’ website, on your program page) whether or not there is an overlap of timetable with another course unit to which you are enrolled.

    In case of overlapping timetables between a mandatory course unit and an elective course unit (and if you are unable to choose another class of the desired optional, in another timetable that does not generate an overlap), you should choose another optional course unit that does not overlaps with the mandatory course unit.

    Can I enroll in elective course units from other programs?

    The elective course units to which you can enroll (via netP@) are those listed in your program’s page, in NOVA IMs’ website, in the “Study Plan” menu. If the course unit you intend to enroll in as an option/elective does not appear in the list of available course units (and therefore will not appear in the class timetable), you will not be able to enroll. It will be an exclusive course unit of another Postgraduate/Master program.

  • Tuition Fees

    What is the tuition fee? What is the tuition fee of my program and when should I pay?

    The Tuition Fee is the fee associated with each program and is payable by each student from the moment the enrollment is completed.

    The tuition fees to be paid for each program, the payment deadlines and discounts are available in NOVA IMS’ website, on the page of each program, under the menu “Admissions and Fees”.

    After registering and enrolling, you will have access to information on values and deadlines for payment of tuition fees in your netP@ profile, in the menu “Financial Situation” / “Payments”. There you can select each item to pay and generate ATM references for payment.

    IIt is not possible to change payment deadlines or amounts through netP@. Any request for change (such as, for example, changing the method of payment of installments to full payment or applying discounts) must be made through the Academic Services’ Contact Form.

    In case of non-compliance with the defined deadlines, you may request a separate payment plan through the Academic Services’ Contact Form.

    What are the methods of payment of the tuition fee?

    The tuition fee can be paid by:

    • By ATM reference, which you can generate in netP@ in the “Financial Situation” / “Payments” tab;
    • By bank transfer, upon request of bank details to the Financial Services (in case of Undergraduate, Masters or Doctoral degrees) or to the Academic Services (in case of a Postgraduate Program);
    • By Teaching/Education Ticket, by presenting it to the Financial Services (in case of Undergraduate, Masters or Doctoral degrees) or to the Academic Services (in case of a Postgraduate Program);
    • By cash, in person, at NOVA IMS’ facilities;
    • By check, post, or internal mail.
  • Classes

    When do classes start?

    Classes start on February 13th, 2023. Please see the academic calendar here.

    Are classes held on-site?

    Yes, classes are held on-site.

    Are classes face-to-face/on-site mandatory or can you choose to do all of them online?

    We value on-site teaching and we will be able to guarantee, in safe conditions, all classes in this format. However, if there are Postgraduate, Master and Doctoral Students who wish to attend the classes online of the spring semester of the academic year 2022-23 , these on-site classes will also be streamed online, in real time. To attend online classes, the Students must use the videoconference link that each Teacher will publish in Moodle, in the respective course unit.

    Will the exams be held on-site or online?

    All exams will be taken in person on campus. As a general rule, there will not be online exams. Exceptions for exams or any other assessment formats will be handled by the channels defined for this purpose in the Academic Services.

    Where can I check my timetable?

    The timetables will be available in NOVA IMS’ website, on the page of each Program, in the "Timetable" menu, one or two months prior to the beginning of the semester - for example: the timetable of the Fall Semester will be available in July and the timetable of the Spring Semester will be available in January. You should consider the classes for enrollment in theoretical and practical classes before the period of registration and enrollment in netP@. After selecting the course units for the 2nd semester, you will also have to select the theoretical classes (TP) and practical classes (P).

    What should I do before going to campus?

    Please watch the video available here.

    If a person is infected by COVID-19 or is at risk of infection and has to be in prophylactic isolation, how will they be able to attend classes?

    The Student must inform NOVA IMS that they are ill or in prophylactic isolation. If the clinical situation allows, they must attend all online classes until the health authorities authorize the return to face-to-face/on-site teaching.

    What is @NOVA IMS App for?

    The purpose of the @NOVA IMS App (available for Android and iOS) is to register the attendance of Students in the classroom. In case there is an infected NOVA IMS’ community member, the @NOVA IMS App will allow you to know the other NOVA IMS community members who were in close contact with the infected member and send this information to the Health Authorities who will establish the appropriate notification protocol and counseling with these members.

    How will the Student’s Support Services (Academic Services, IT Services, Financial Services, Erasmus Office and Student’ Support Office) work?

    All NOVA IMS’ services will be available in person. Timetables are available here.

    To attend online classes, do I always use the same videoconference link?

    No, each course unit that is managed by a different teacher has one or more links to online classes (theoretical and practical) associated. Before each class, you should check Moodle for the link to the class in that course unit. Please note that, in the same course unit, the links to theoretical and practical classes may be different.

    What are the academic platforms used by NOVA IMS?

    • netP@ - registration and enrollment in course units, consultation of the syllabus of course units, consultation of partial and final grades of course units, financial situation, request of documents from the Academic Services, etc.;
    • Moodle – present the learning materials for each course unit, receive information about classes, access links of videoconferences for online classes, submit assessment papers, create work groups, etc.;
    • Webmail – all NOVA IMS communications will be sent to the institutional email ( You should access this account regularly, or if you prefer, forward it to another email account you access more frequently.

    Why can't I access Moodle?

    Access to Moodle is carried out through the user information sent by the IT Services. These credentials allow access to all NOVA IMS academic platforms: MoodlenetP@Webmail.

    If you are not able to access Moodle with your credentials, you should contact the IT Services:

  • Accreditation Process

    I was previously a university student. Can I transfer credits to NOVA IMS?

    Yes, as long as the external course unit is from the same degree as the course unit you intend to credit, i.e., only course units from a master’s degree Program can be credited to a master’s degree Program. It’s not possible to transfer credits from a bachelor’s degree to a master’s degree Program. Accreditation requests must be made to the Academic Services, through the Contact Form, by submitting the following documents:

    • Certificate of Attendance (or Completion) in previous school/institution;
    • Syllabus, validated by the previous school/institution, of the course unit you intend to transfer;
    • Proper request form, provided by the Academic Services.

    Since NOVA IMS abides by the emolument table defined by Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, each request will have a different calculated fee, depending on the program and number of ECTS. Accreditations are not automatically granted by making the request and paying the fee. The request is forwarded to the Accreditation Commission and to the Scientific Council and can either be accepted or declined based on their evaluation. In either case, the previously mentioned fee is not refunded.

    There is a limit to the number of credits that can be transferred to NOVA IMS:

    • Master’s and Postgraduate Students can transfer up to 30 ECTS;
    • Doctoral Students can transfer up to 20 ECTS.

    Can I transfer credits based on professional experience or training?

    No. Accreditation requests can only be made based on academic qualifications, and, as such, it is not possible to request accreditation of course units based on professional experience.

  • Scholarships

    I have questions about scholarships or student housing. Who can I contact?

    For information about financial support, student housing, student sports or health services for Students, you can contact the Social Welfare Services of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (SAS/NOVA), here.

  • Other informations

    Do classrooms have computers available for use in classrooms?

    NOVA IMS has three classrooms equipped with computers for use in the pratical classes/or when they are available.

    However it is recomended to the students to bring their own computers. For those who can't or don't have, they can ask for one to be borrowed per semester or daily, upon availabilty.

    How can I access the NOVA IMS wi-fi network?

    Information on accessing the NOVA IMS wi-fi network is available here.

    How can I get a declaration with the amounts paid for tax purposes?

    You can request a statement to the Financial Services (for Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral Students) or the AD NOVA IMS Department (for Postgraduate Students).

    How can I get receipts for the amounts I paid through ATM reference?

    You can find your payments’ receipts and invoices in netP@, by selecting “Financial Situation”/ “Electronic Billing”. If you cannot find them there, you can request them directly to the Financial Services (for Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral Students) or the AD NOVA IMS Department (for Postgraduate Students).

    Can I get a student card?

    NOVA IMS’ Student Card is issued by the Academic Services and can only be requested after registration and enrollment. It is free of charge and has a validity of 3 years for Bachelor Students, 2 years for Master Students, and 1 year for Postgraduate Students. After it is issued, it can be picked up in NOVA IMS’ Reception Desk.

    How can I get to NOVA IMS? Is there parking access?

    You can check how to get to NOVA IMS here.

    The parking at Campolide Campus is managed by Universidade Nova de Lisboa’s Rectory. You can check the access conditions and rules here.

    How can I contact the NOVA IMS Students’ Union?

    You can check NOVA IMS SU’s contact here.

    I need a statement from the Academic Services. How can I request it?

    Any request for documentation (such as, for example, am enrollment statement or admission letter) must be made to Academic Services through the Contact Form, without any associated fee. 

    How can I communicate in an non-presencial way with NOVA IMS Academic Services?

    Electronically, through the form available here, and by telephone through the number: +351 213 828 610.