Thomas Mikkelsen
Head of Social & Behavioural Innovation at Smart Innovation Norway

Mia Ala Juusela
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland

“The role of citizens in energy transformation. The case of TwinERGY engagement learnings”
TwinERGY is an ambitious EU project focused on how citizens can take an active role in their energy management. Through emergent technologies such as Digital Twins and participatory approaches, consumers engage in a first of its kind Demand Response programme while contributing to a more sustainable, open and accessible consumption.
The 2022 PAN European Workshop’s theme is ‘The role of citizens in energy transformation. The case of TwinERGY’s engagement learning’ and will be concerned with enabling an exchange of knowledge and good practices on citizen engagement and learning in the energy sector between stakeholders and citizens. Energy experts such as Thomas Mikkelsen, Head of Social & Behavioural Innovation at Smart Innovation Norway, and Mia Ala Juusela, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, will share their views on community engagement and will lead an open-discussion.
This event will take place on September 29th, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. CET or 1 p.m to 3 p.m. GMT.
You can check the event programme here.
The event took place in Benetutti, Sardinia and it can be attended online or in person.