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Lecture: Ensemble Machine Learning Methods for Supporting Financial Decisions

16 May, 2023
INE Auditorium of NOVA IMS

Lecture: Ensemble Machine Learning Methods for Supporting Financial Decisions

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Wrap Up

Recent studies in the field of machine learning and its industrial applications have shown that ensemble machine learning methods are more accurate than individual algorithms due to their greater robustness to overfitting on many tasks. Ensemble machine learning methods include both homogeneous approaches, which use sets of identical algorithms, and heterogeneous approaches, which exploit greater diversity by combining different algorithms.

In this talk, different approaches used for ensemble machine learning in the context of financial decision support were compared. Particular attention was paid to demonstrations of state-of-the-art ensemble machine learning methods on classification and regression problems in finance, such as the detection of fraudulent financial transactions, credit risk modeling, financial distress prediction, product backorder predictions, and bitcoin price prediction.

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Professor Petr Hajek

University of Pardubice, Czech Republic

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Petr Hajek is currently a professor at the Science and Research Centre of the Faculty of Economics and Administration of the University of Pardubice. He also worked as a visiting professor at the University of Częstochowa. He is the author or co-author of five books and more than 70 articles in leading journals such as Information Sciences, Decision Support Systems and Knowledge-Based Systems. He has also recently served as editor of several books, including "The Essentials of Machine Learning in Finance and Accounting" and "Novel Financial Applications of Machine Learning and Deep Learning". His current research interests include financial data analytics, sentiment analysis and knowledge-based systems.


The session will take place at INE Auditorium of NOVA IMS, Manuel Vilares Building, located on the Campolide Campus.

Metro: S. Sebastião (Blue and Red Line); Praça de Espanha (Blue Line)
Carris: 701, 713, 716, 726, 742, 746, 756, 758, 770