NOVA IMS awarded at the 1st Edition of the ADN Awards
NOVA IMS awarded at the 1st Edition of the ADN Awards
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The first ADN Awards Gala took place on April 21st, which also marked the World Creativity and Innovation Day, at Nova SBE in Carcavelos. NOVA IMS was involved in two of the three winning projects.
The “Prémio Agir Diferente na NOVA (ADN)” aims to stimulate innovation at NOVA University of Lisbon and to recognize the good practices implemented. In total, 46 applications were submitted, of which 3 were awarded, namely: “A implementação de Modelo de Escola Aberta na Universidade” (“The implementation of the Open School Model at the University”), which received the Quidgest Award; "FIT4FUNDING", which received the KPMG award; and "NOVA Impact - Promotion of Entrepreneurship", project presented by the Rectory, which received the Digitalis Award. NOVA IMS was part of the teams of the project "The implementation of the Open School Model at the University" and of "FIT4FUNDING". There was also an Honorable Mention for "A Vida da NOVA na Wiki", a project presented by the Rectorate.
The Open School Model project, developed by NOVA IMS, represented by Professor Vitor Santos, and ENSP (Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública) is rooted in the promotion of quality education in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics), and the encouragement of collaboration between teachers, students, researchers, entrepreneurs, and professionals in the field. The project promotes open education, work at the classroom level, and the creation of informal education spaces. This project was developed in the context of the subject Information Systems Project of the Bachelor’s degree in Information Systems of NOVA IMS.
NOVA IMS also integrated the FIT4FUNDING team through the participation of the executive manager of MagIC, Cristina Oliveira. The project was developed in collaboration between the science management teams of FCT NOVA, NOVA IMS, NOVA FCSH and NMS, and consisted in the development of a training program for researchers from the different Organic Units that plan to submit applications to European funds. This program, besides encouraging applications to European projects, is also aimed at enhancing collaborations and synergies among the different areas of knowledge at NOVA.
Congratulations to the teams behind these remarkable projects!
Find more information about the projects, as well as the photo gallery, here.