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NOVA Data Analytics Lab _2

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The NOVA Data Analytics Lab is a research center focused on advancing technologies in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science. With an interdisciplinary approach, the lab is committed to developing innovative solutions that address complex challenges across a wide range of sectors, from industry to academia. Emphasizing innovation and scientific excellence, the lab fosters collaborations on both national and international levels, working in partnership to transform data into practical, actionable insights.


The mission of the NOVA Data Analytics Lab is to advance the development of Artificial Intelligence technologies, with a particular focus on Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Science, and Optimization, applying these technologies on a large scale with global impact. The lab is also committed to fostering a supportive and educational environment for young researchers, encouraging them to build their careers in fields related to Artificial Intelligence.


  • Develop research projects that advance the state of the art in machine learning, deep learning, data science, and optimization, applying innovative methodologies to drive scientific and technological progress;
  • Implement innovative solutions based on machine learning, deep learning, data science, and optimization to solve real-world problems, demonstrating the value of these technologies in addressing complex challenges;
  • Promote the unification and integration of different machine learning paradigms, aiming for a more cohesive and efficient application of these technologies across various contexts.


  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Machine Learning
  • Deep Learning
  • Data Science
  • Optimization
  • Integration of Machine Learning Paradigms
  • Practical and Interdisciplinary Applications


  • Advancement in AI technologies
  • Creation and optimization of algorithms
  • Processing and interpretation of large volumes of data
  • Development of efficient solutions for complex problems
  • Unification of different machine learning paradigms
  • Implementation of practical solutions in collaboration with industry and academia
  • Fostering innovation and supporting the development of young researchers

Clients & Partners

  • Partners Labs 08
  • Partners Labs 09
  • Partners Labs 10
  • Partners Labs 11