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Teaching Staff


Mário Caetano is a Researcher of the Public Administration since 1992. Currently he is a Principal Researcher of Directorate-General for Territory (DGT) and he is also the Deputy Director-General since 2014. From 2010 to 2014 he was the scientific advisor for Earth Observation of the President of Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). Mário Caetano is the coordinator of the National System for Land Cover Mapping (SMOS), of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (SNIG) and of the National Geodetic Infrastructure. As researcher, he coordinated and/or collaborate in more 40 research and consultancy projects and he is author of more than 150 publications in books, journals and conference proceedings. Mário Caetano has more than 25 years of experience teaching in university courses, including remote sensing, satellite image processing, geospatial information systems, cartography and spatial analysis. He has been the representative of Portugal in many steering committees and high-level groups of the Unites Nations, European Space Agency and European Commission, related to space, Earth Observation and Research.

Scientific Publications

Moraes, D., Campagnolo, M. L., & Caetano, M. (2025)

A Weakly Supervised and Self-Supervised Learning Approach for Semantic Segmentation of Land Cover in Satellite Images with National Forest Inventory Data. Remote Sensing, 17(4), 1-23. Article 711.

Barbosa, B., Oliveira, S., Caetano, M., & Rocha, J. (2024)

Mapping the wildland-urban interface at municipal level for wildfire exposure analysis in mainland Portugal. Journal of Environmental Management, 368, 1-11. Article 122098.

Fonte, C. C., Duarte, D., Jesus, I., Costa, H., Benevides, P., Moreira, F., & Caetano, M. (2024)

Accuracy Assessment and Comparison of National, European and Global Land Use Land Cover Maps at the National Scale: Case Study: Portugal. Remote Sensing, 16(9), 1-34. Article 1504.

Moraes, D., Barbosa, B., Costa, H., Moreira, F. D., Benevides, P., Caetano, M., & Campagnolo, M. (2024)

Continuous forest loss monitoring in a dynamic landscape of Central Portugal with Sentinel-2 data. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 130, 1-12. Article 103913.

Moraes, D., Campagnolo, M. L., & Caetano, M. (2024)

Training data in satellite image classification for land cover mapping: a review. European Journal of Remote Sensing, 57(1), 1-16. Article 2341414.

Duarte, D., Fonte, C., Costa, H., & Caetano, M. (2023)

Thematic Comparison between ESA WorldCover 2020 Land Cover Product and a National Land Use Land Cover Map. Land, 12(2), 1-16. [490].

García-Álvarez, D., Viana, C. M., Gomes, E., Marcelino, F., Caetano, M., & Rocha, J. (2023)

Dealing with the uncertainty of technical changes in the CORINE Land Cover dataset: The Portuguese approach. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 122, 1-11. [103389].

Alves, A.; Moraes, D.; Barbosa, B.; Costa, H.; Moreira, F.; Benevides, P.; Caetano, M. and Campagnolo, M. (2023)

Exploring Spectral Data, Change Detection Information and Trajectories for Land Cover Monitoring over a Fire-Prone Area of Portugal. In Proceedings of the 9th  International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management - GISTAM; ISBN 978-989-758-649-1; ISSN 2184-500X, SciTePress, pages 87-97. DOI: 10.5220/0011993100003473

Navarro, A., Castro, T., Sá, J., Catalão, J., Benevides, P., Costa, H., & Caetano, M. (2023)

The potential of SAR data for detecting deforestation in mountainous and sparse forested areas: The case of northern Portugal. In F. Bovenga, C. Notarnicola, N. Pierdicca, & E. Santi (Eds.), Proceedings of SPIE: Microwave Remote Sensing: Data Processing and Applications II (Vol. 12732, pp. 1-12). [1273208] SPIE - The International Society for Optics and Photonics.

Alves, A., Marcelino, F., Gomes, E., Rocha, J., & Caetano, M. (2022)

Spatiotemporal Land-Use Dynamics in Continental Portugal 1995–2018. Sustainability (Switzerland), 14(23), 1-29. [15540].

Barbosa, B., Rocha, J., Costa, H., & Caetano, M. (2022)

Automatic detection of vegetation cover changes in urban-rural interface areas. MethodsX, 9, 1-7. [101643].

Barbosa, B., Rocha, J., Costa, H., & Caetano, M. (2022)

Uncovering Vegetation Changes in the Urban–Rural Interface through Semi-Automatic Methods. Applied Sciences, 12(5), 1-14. [2294].

Costa, H., Benevides, P., Moreira, F. D., Moraes, D., & Caetano, M. (2022)

Spatially Stratified and Multi-Stage Approach for National Land Cover Mapping Based on Sentinel-2 Data and Expert Knowledge. Remote Sensing, 14(8), 1-21. [1865].

Duarte, A., Borralho, N., Cabral, P., & Caetano, M. (2022)

Recent Advances in Forest Insect Pests and Diseases Monitoring Using UAV-Based Data: A Systematic Review. Forests, 13(6), 1-31. [911].

Benevides, P., Costa, H., Moreira, F. D., & Caetano, M. (2022)

Mapping annual crops in Portugal with Sentinel-2 data. In C. M. U. Neale, & A. Maltese (Eds.), Proceedings of SPIE.Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology XXIV (Vol. 12262). SPIE. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.

Costa, H., Benevides, P., Moreira, F. D., & Caetano, M. (2022)

Detection and classification of changes in agriculture, forest, and shrublands for land cover map updating in Portugal. In C. M. U. Neale, & A. Maltese (Eds.), Proceedings of SPIE.Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology XXIV (Vol. 12262, pp. 19). SPIE. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.

Moraes, D., Benevides, P., Costa, H., Moreira, F. D., & Caetano, M. (2022)

Exploring Different Levels of Class Nomenclature in Random Forest Classification of Sentinel-2 Data. In IGARSS 2022 - 2022 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium: Proceedings (pp. 2279-2282). (International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS); Vol. 2022-July). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..

Oliveira, D., Martins, L., Mora, A., Damásio, C., Caetano, M., Fonseca, J., & Ribeiro, R. A. (2021)

Data fusion approach for eucalyptus trees identification. International Journal Of Remote Sensing, 42(11), 4087-4109.

Sumbul, G., De Wall, A., Kreuziger, T., Marcelino, F., Costa, H., Benevides, P., Caetano, M., Demir, B., & Markl, V. (2021)

BigEarthNet-MM: A Large-Scale, Multimodal, Multilabel Benchmark Archive for Remote Sensing Image Classification and Retrieval [Software and Data Sets]. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine, 9(3), 174-180.

Benevides, P. J., Silva, N., Costa, H., Moreira, F. D., Moraes, D., Castelli, M., & Caetano, M. (2021)

Land cover mapping at national scale with Sentinel-2 and LUCAS: a case study in Portugal. In C. M. U. Neale, & A. Maltese (Eds.), Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology XXIII (Vol. 11856). [1185606] (Proceedings of SPIE). SPIE-International Society for Optical Engineering.

Benevides, P., Costa, H., Moreira, F. D., Moraes, D., & Caetano, M. (2021)

Annual Crop Classification Experiments in Portugal Using Sentinel-2. In IGARSS 2021 - 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium: Proceedings (pp. 5838-5841). IEEE.

Costa, H., Machado, I., Moreira, F. D., Benevides, P., Moraes, D., & Caetano, M. (2021)

Exploring the Potential of Sentinel-2 Data for Tree Crown Mapping in Oak Agro-Forestry Systems. In IGARSS 2021 - 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium: Proceedings (pp. 5807-5810). IEEE.

Duarte, A., Borralho, N., & Caetano, M. (2021)

A Machine Learning Approach to Detect Dead Trees Caused by Longhorned Borer in Eucalyptus Stands Using UAV Imagery. In IGARSS 2021 - 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium: Proceedings, 12 – 16 July, 2021 Virtual Symposium, Brussels, Belgium (pp. 5818-5821). IEEE.

Los, H., Mendes, G. S., Cordeiro, D., Grosso, N., Costa, H., Benevides, P., & Caetano, M. (2021)

Evaluation of Xgboost and Lgbm Performance in Tree Species Classification with Sentinel-2 Data. In IGARSS 2021 - 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium: Proceedings (pp. 5803-5806). IEEE.

Moraes, D., Benevides, P., Costa, H., Moreira, F. D., & Caetano, M. (2021)

Influence of Sample Size in Land Cover Classification Accuracy Using Random Forest and Sentinel-2 Data in Portugal. In IGARSS 2021 - 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium: Proceedings (pp. 4232-4235). IEEE.

Moraes, D., Benevides, P., Costa, H., Moreira, F., & Caetano, M. (2021)

Assessment of the introduction of spatial stratification and manual training in automatic supervised image classification. In K. Schulz, U. Michel, & K. G. Nikolakopoulos (Eds.), Earth Resources and Environmental Remote Sensing/GIS Applications XII (Vol. 11863). [1186311] (PROCEEDINGS OF SPIE). SPIE-International Society for Optical Engineering.

Moraes, D., Benevides, P., Moreira, F. D., Costa, H., & Caetano, M. (2021)

Exploring the use of classification uncertainty to improve classification accuracy. In The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XLIII-B3-2021, XXIV ISPRS Congress (2021 edition), (pp. 81-86).

Nicolau, R., Basos, N., Marcelino, F., Caetano, M., & M. C. Pereira, J. (2020)

Harmonization of categorical maps by alignment processes and thematic consistency analysis. AIMS Geosciences, 6(4), 473-490.

Sakellariou, S., Cabral, P., Caetano, M., Pla, F., Painho, M., Christopoulou, O., ... Vasilakos, C. (2020)

Remotely sensed data fusion for spatiotemporal geostatistical analysis of forest fire hazard. Sensors (Switzerland), 20(17), 1-20. [5014].

Costa, H., Benevides, P., Marcelino, F., & Caetano, M. (2020)

Introducing Automatic Satellite Image Processing Into Land Cover Mapping by Photo-Interpretation of Airborne Data. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives, 42(3/W11), 29-34.

Costa, H., Giraldo, A., & Caetano, M. (2020)

Exploring BFAST to detect forest changes in Portugal. In L. Bruzzone, F. Bovolo, & E. Santi (Eds.), Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing XXVI [1153308] (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; Vol. 11533). SPIE-International Society for Optical Engineering.

Hernandez, I., Benevides, P., Costa, H., & Caetano, M. (2020)

Exploring sentinel-2 for land cover and crop mapping in portugal. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives, 43(B3), 83-89.

Nicolau, R.; David, J.; Caetano, M. & Pereira, J. M. C. (2019)

Ratio of Land Consumption Rate to Population Growth Rate: Analysis of Different Formulations Applied to Mainland PortugalISPRS. International Journal of Geo-Information, 8, 10. doi:10.3390/ijgi8010010. Link:

Costa, H., Almeida, D., Vala, F., Marcelino, F., & Caetano, M. (2018)

Land cover mapping from remotely sensed and auxiliary data for harmonized official statistics. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 7(4), 1-21. [157]. DOI: 10.3390/ijgi7040157

Duy X. Trana, Filiberto Plab, Pedro Latorre-Carmonab, Soe W. Myintc, Mario Caetanod, Hoan V. Kieua (2017)

Characterizing the relationship between land use land cover change and land surface temperature. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 124, 119–132.

Joel Silva, Fernando Bacao, Maguette Dieng, Giles M. Foody & Mario Caetano (2017)

Improving specific class mapping from remotely sensed data by cost-sensitive learning. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 38(11), 3294-3316.

Silva, J., Bacao, F., & Caetano, M. (2017)

Specific land cover class mapping by semi-supervised weighted support vector machines. Remote Sensing, 9(2), [181]. DOI: 10.3390/rs9020181

Mühlbauer, S., Costa, A. C., & Caetano, M. (2016)

A spatiotemporal analysis of droughts and the influence of North Atlantic Oscillation in the Iberian Peninsula based on MODIS imagery. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 1-19. doi: 10.1007/s00704-015-1451-9

Megahed, Y., Cabral, P., Silva, J., & Caetano, M. (2015)

Land Cover Mapping Analysis and Urban Growth Modelling Using Remote Sensing Techniques in Greater Cairo Region-Egypt. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 4(3), 1750-1769. doi: 10.3390/ijgi4031750

Sarmento, P., Fonte, C. C., Dinis, J., Stehman, S. V., & Caetano, M. (2015)

Assessing the impacts of human uncertainty in the accuracy assessment of land-cover maps using linguistic scales and fuzzy intervals. [Article]. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 36(10), 2524-2547. doi: 10.1080/01431161.2015.1043034

Costa, H., Carrao, H., Bacao, F., & Caetano, M. (2014)

Combining per-pixel and object-based classifications for mapping land cover over large areas. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 35(2), 738-753. doi: 10.1080/01431161.2013.873151.

Maimaitiyiming, M., Ghulam, A., Tiyip, T., Pla, F., Latorre-Carmona, P., Halik, U., . . . Caetano, M. (2014)

Effects of green space spatial pattern on land surface temperature: Implications for sustainable urban planning and climate change adaptation. [Article]. Isprs Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 89, 59-66. doi: 10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2013.12.010

Sarmento, P., Fonte, C. C., Caetano, M., & Stehman, S. V. (2013)

Incorporating the uncertainty of linguistic-scale reference data to assess accuracy of land-cover maps using fuzzy intervals. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 34(11), 4008-4024. doi: 10.1080/01431161.2013.772312

Goncalves, L. M. S., Fonte, C. C., Julio, E., & Caetano, M. (2012)

The application of uncertainty measures in the training and evaluation of supervised classifiers. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 33(9), 2851-2867. doi: 10.1080/01431161.2011.622315

Vaz, E. D., Cabral, P., Caetano, M., Nijkamp, P., & Painho, M. (2012)

Urban heritage endangerment at the interface of future cities and past heritage: A spatial vulnerability assessment. Habitat International, 36(2), 287-294. doi: 10.1016/j.habitatint.2011.10.007

Vaz, E. D., Nijkamp, P., Painho, M., & Caetano, M. (2012)

A multi-scenario forecast of urban change: A study on urban growth in the Algarve. [Article]. Landscape and Urban Planning, 104(2), 201-211. doi: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2011.10.007

Vaz, E., Caetano, M., & Nijkamp, P. (2011)

A multi-level spatial urban pressure analysis of the Giza pyramid plateau in Egypt. Journal of Heritage Tourism, 6(2), 99-108. doi: 10.1080/1743873X.2011.553285

Vaz, E., Caetano, M., & Nijkamp, P. (2011)

Trapped between antiquity and urbanism: a multi-criteria assessment model of the greater Cairo Metropolitan area. Journal of Land-use Science, 6(4), 283-299. doi: 10.1080/1747423X.2010.519059

Vaz, E. d. N., Nijkamp, P., Painho, M., & Caetano, M. (2011)

A Multi-scenario Forescast of Urban Change. Tinbergen Institute. Amsterdam.

Vaz, E., Cabral, P., Caetano, M., Painho, M., & Nijkamp, P. (2011)

Urban heritage endangerment at the interface of future cities and past heritage: A spatial vulnerability assessment. Research Memorandum. VU University Amsterdam, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Econometrics.

Carrão, H., Araujo, A., Goncalves, P., & Caetano, M. (2010)

Multitemporal MERIS images for land-cover mapping at a national scale: a case study of Portugal. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 31(8), 2063-2082. doi: 10.1080/01431160902942910

Carrão, H., Gonçalves, P., & Caetano, M. (2010)

A Nonlinear Harmonic Model for Fitting Satellite Images Time Series: Analysis and Prediction of Land Cover Dynamics. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 48(4), 1919-1930.

Gonçalves, L., Fonte, C., Júlio, E., & Caetano, M. (2010)

Evaluation of soft possibilistic classifications with non specificity uncertainty measures. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 31(19), 5199-5219.

Kandel, C., Caetano, M. & Cabral, P. (2010)

Forest cover monitoring of Bara district (Nepal) using remote sensing and geographic information systems. Banko Janakari, 20 (1),30-36.

Caetano, M., Nunes, V., & Nunes, A. (2010)

CORINE Land Cover 2000 e 2006 - evolução das especificações técnica. Cartografia e Geodesia 2009. (pp. 44-53).

Gonçalves, L., Fonte, C. & Caetano, M. (2010)

Using uncertainty information to combine soft classifications. In Hüllermeier, E., Kruse, R., & Hoffmann, F. (Eds), Proceedings of the 13th  International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, IPMU 2010. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, LNAI 6178, (pp. 455-463).

Gonçalves, L., Fonte, C., Carrão, H. & Caetano, M. (2010)

Improving image classification accuracy: a method to incorporate uncertainty in the selection of training sample sets. In Tate, N. & Fisher, P. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th  International Symposium on Spatial Accuracy Assessment in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences. , 20 - 23 July 2010, Leicester, UK. (pp. 261-264). Leicester: University of Leicester.

Gonçalves, L., Fonte, C., Júlio, E., & Caetano, M. (2010)

Mateus, V., Brito, D., Leitão, P., & Caetano, M. (2010)

Produção e utilização de cartografia multi-escala derivada através dos sensores LISSIII, AWiFS e MERIS para modelação da qualidade da água para a Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Tejo. Cartografia e Geodesia 2009, pp. 230-243.

Sarmento, P., Fonte, C. & Caetano, M. (2010)

Vaz, E., Nijkamp, P., Painho, M., & Caetano, M. (2010)

A Multi-scenario prospection of urban change – the case of urban growth in the Algarve. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the European Regional Science Association (ERSA) Congress 2010, Jonkoping, Sweden.

Goncalves, L. M. S., Fonte, C. C., Julio, E., & Caetano, M. (2009)

A method to incorporate uncertainty in the classification of remote sensing images. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 30(20), 5489-5503.

Goncalves, L., Fonte, C. C., Julio, E., & Caetano, M. (2009)

Assessment of the state of conservation of buildings through roof mapping using very high spatial resolution images. Construction and Building Materials, 23(8), 2795-2802.

Pinto, P., Cabral, P., Caetano, M., & Alves, M. F. (2009)

Urban Growth on Coastal Erosion Vulnerable Stretches. Journal of Coastal Research, 2(Special Issue 52), 1567-1571.

Sarmento, P., Carrao, H., Caetano, M., & Stehman, S. V. (2009)

Incorporating reference classification uncertainty into the analysis of land cover accuracy. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 30(20), 5309-5321.

Vaz, E., Caetano, M., & Nijkamp, P. (2009)

Trapped between antiquity and urbanism: A multi-crietria assessment model for the greater Cairo metropolitan area. Research memorandum Series, 6.

Gonçalves, L. M. G., Fonte, C. C., Júlio, E. N. B. S., & Caetano, M. (2009)

Evaluation of remote sensing images classifiers with uncertainty measures. In R. Devillers & H. Goodchild (Eds.), Spatial Data Quality - From Process to Decisions (pp. 163-177): CRC Press/ Taylor & Francis.

Goncalves, L. M. S., Fonte, C. C., Julio, E., & Caetano, M. (2009)

On the information provided by uncertainty measures in the classification of remote sensing images. In J. P. Carvalho, D. U. Kaymak & J. M. C. Sousa (Eds.), Proceedings of the Joint 2009 International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress and 2009 European Society of Fuzzy Logic and Technology Conference (pp. 1051-1056). Linz: European Soc Fuzzy Logic & Technology.

Araújo, A., Carrão, H., & Caetano, M. (2009)

An operational approach for annual land cover mapping at the national scale with MERIS images, Remote Sensing for a Changing Europe. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 28th  Symposium of the European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories, Istanbul, Turkey.

Costa, H., & Caetano, M. (2009)

Classificação de imagens AWiFS com uma abordagem combinada pixel/objecto. Paper presented at the XIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, Natal, Brasil.

Costa, H., Carrão, H., Bação, F., & Caetano, M. (2009)

Land cover classification in Portugal with multitemporal AWiFS images: a comparative study, Remote Sensing for a Changing Europe. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 28th  Symposium of the European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories, Istanbul, Turkey.

Goncalves, L., Fonte, C. C., Júlio, E., & Caetano, M. (2009)

Aplicação de medidas de incerteza no processo de classificação de imagens multiespectrais. Paper presented at the VI Conferência Nacional de Cartografia e Geodesia, Lisboa.

Gonçalves, L., Fonte, C., E., J., & Caetano, M. (2009)

Application of remote sensing to heritage conservation: a case study in central Portugal. Paper presented at the 28th  Symposium of the European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories, Istanbul.

Carrao, H., Goncalves, P., & Caetano, M. (2008)

Contribution of multispectral and multiternporal information from MODIS images to land cover classification. Remote Sensing of Environment, 112(3), 986-997. doi: 10.1016/j.rse.2007.07.002

Pelizzari, A., Gonçalves, R., & Caetano, M. (2008)

Information extraction for forest fires management Computational Intelligence for Remote Sensing (pp. 233-245). Dordrecht: Springer.

Goncalves, L. M. S., Fonte, C., Julio, E., & Caetano, M. (2008)

A method to incorporate uncertainty in the classification of remote sensing images. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 8th  International Symposium on Spatial Accuracy Assessment in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, Vol Ii: Accuracy in Geomatics, Liverpool.

Sarmento, P., Carrão, H., & Caetano, M. (2008)

A fuzzy synthetic evaluation approach for land cover cartography accuracy assessment. Paper presented at the Spatial Uncertainty (Proceedings of the 8th  International Symposium on Spatial Accuracy Assessment in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences), Liverpool.