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Library and Documentation Services

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Library and Documentation Services

Being specialized in the areas of Statistics and Information Management, NOVA IMS Library aims to provide students, teachers and researchers access to documentation and information necessary for the development of their scientific and academic activities.

Here you can access about 5,000 books, theses and dissertations in paper and electronic version from the UNL Repository, and full-text electronic journals from JSTOR, Emerald, Wiley Blackwell and B-On Online Knowledge Library (over 22.000 scientific international publications from 19 publishers).

Break Period Schedule

This schedule is effective from July 1st to September 6th. The library will be closed from August 12th to 23rd.

Monday to Friday Hours
Individual Study Room & Library Services 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Group Study Room 8:00 AM to 10:30 PM

Regular Schedule

Monday to Friday Hours
Individual Study Room & Library Services 10:00 AM to 19:00 PM
Group Study Room 8:00 AM to 10:30 PM

Please note: The library is closed on weekends and public holidays.



The Library provides the following services:

  • In person or online (video call) helpdesk;
  • Room for individual study;
  • Room for work groups;
  • Loans and requests to borrow books;
  • Search and find documents;
  • Training and information sessions regarding our different bibliographic resources;
  • Register and archive the master dissertations and PhD theses of NOVA IMS students, in Institutional Repository- RUN.

For more information about the services and conditions of use, you must consult the Regulations.


Click here to search and access all the resources available at the Library.


  • avatar
    Elvira Costa
    Head of Service
  • avatar
    Ana Rita Canhoto
  • avatar
    Isabel Pinto
  • avatar
    Telmo Fonte


  • How to contact NOVA IMS Library?

    • In the Library (during our opening hours);
    • e-mail:;
    • WhatsApp Number: +351 912 450 093 (only chat);
    • Video Calls using Teams software. (Schedule it in advance here).
  • Information & Trainning Sessions

    All users can request a videoconference session to get personal support to use the resources available at the Library or obtain other information about our services, here

    • In the Library (during our opening hours);
    • email:;
    • WhatsApp Number: +351 912 450 093 (only chat);
    • Schedule a video call, Microsoft Teams (included in your Office 365 account), here.
  • How to create an account at the NOVA IMS Library?

    Our users only need to create an account to:

    • Borrow,
    • renew,
    • and book print books.

    To create an account, you just have to give us your student number.

  • How to access our Electronic Resources?

    NOVA IMS Library gives you access to a huge number of electronic resources – eBooks, scientific journals, proceedings, and others – that you can find on our search webpage.

    To access our reference databases and the full text of our bibliographic resources, you should consider the following information, on NOVA Campus please be connected to the EDUROM network. Outside the Campus connect to that network using the VPN. To install the VPN consider the information on informatic services webpage, click here.

  • How to access Ebooks?

    To access our eBooks you have to be connected to our network and consider that there are different permissions to read online or to download, allowed by the publishers. In this video, we help you to understand the differences. If you are not able to access the eBook, do not hesitate to contact us:

    Link to Video.

  • Toborrow book: where and when?


    • On NOVA IMS Library;
    • On the Reception of NOVA IMS buiding. You will have to schedule it in advance with the Library.


    • On NOVA IMS Library;
    • On the Reception of NOVA IMS building.

    Please, consider to check the opening hours of both services before coming.

  • How many books can I borrow and for how long?

    • NOVA IMS students - 3 books, for 7 days and 4 renewals;*
    • NOVA IMS professors, researchers and other staff members - 10 books, for 30 days and 6 renewals;*
    • External users - 3 books, for 7 days and 1 renewal.*

    * if other user booked one of your loans, it’s not possible to renew it.

  • How do I renew a loan?

    • In your Library user profile;
    • In the Library (during our opening hours);
    • e-mail:;
    • WhatsApp Number: +351 912 450 093 (only chat);
    • Video Calls using: Zoom or Teams. (Schedule it in advance with our team).
  • I have an overdue loan, do I have to pay a fine?


    • Books of the General Collection - 0.50 €/per day;
    • Recommended books - 2.50 €/per day.
  • How can I return my loans?

    • In the Library (during our opening hours);
    • In the Reception of NOVA IMS building;
    • By mail to: NOVA Information Management School (NOVA IMS), Biblioteca, Campus de Campolide, 1070-312 Lisboa.
  • Can I make book reservations?

    Yes, but only for borrowed books.


    • In your Library user profile;
    • In the Library (during our opening hours);
    • e-mail:;
    • WhatsApp Number: +351 912 450 093 (only chat);
    • Video Calls using: Zoom or Teams. (Schedule it in advance with our team).
  • How to find and access Master and PhD theses?

    This video gives you some information on how to perform a search and access theses, defended in NOVA IMS School or at a broader contexts such as Portugal and Europe.

  • Registration, archiving, and availability of theses and dissertations after the defense

    After successfully defending your thesis/dissertation, it is mandatory by law (Portuguese text) to enter it into the record on the public database RENATES-DGEEC and a repository integrated with RCAAP [The Open Access Scientific Repositories of Portugal]. The NOVA University of Lisbon’s repository is RUN.

    Besides these public records, the dissertation/thesis must be archived and made available under the open access policy. At the NOVA University of Lisbon, exceptions are allowed, and access to the document can be blocked for a maximum period of 3 years when the student has a strong justification.

    For more information, please get in touch with the library services department at

    See here the video.