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Databases, indexation services, and resource aggregators are essential tools for starting or deepening your academic research. Explore these multidisciplinary or subject-specific resources to access current or historical scientific content, peer-reviewed and validated by experts in each field. A connection to the eduroam network (on campus) or an active VPN (off campus) is required for all electronic resources unless otherwise specified. For tutorials, visit the Informatic Services page: Informatic Services | NOVA IMS (

Databases and aggregators

  • Academic Search Complete [Full text]

    Multidisciplinary and multilingual full text database. Provides access to publications in academic journals, conference proceedings and peer reviewed ebooks, as well as newspaper articles and reports. Over 10.000 sources since 1984 with a temporal coverage that goes back to the 19th century. Includes early access, open access and indexed articles.

  • Biblioteca Comum [Search only]

    Collective Catalogue of Portugal’s Research and Higher Education Institutional Libraries. Search the catalogue of many libraries in one single platform, which allows for easier access and efficient resource sharing within the academic community.
  • B-ON ­– Biblioteca do Conhecimento Online [Search only]

    The Online Knowledge Library (Biblioteca do Conhecimento Online) provides national research institutes and universities with subscriptions for full, permanent and unlimited access to thousands of scientific journals and ebooks from some of the most prestigious content providers. You can check the full list of sources here: Collection ( (Table 1)

    It also signs transformative agreements with respected publishers that allow researchers from higher education institutions to publish in open access at no cost (hybrid journals) or with an institutional discount (gold open access journals). For a complete list of eligible journals, consult: Open Access (

  • Cambridge University Press Journal Collection [Full text]

    Multidisciplinary collection of journals from one of the largest and most prestigious academic publishers in the world. Cambridge University Press currently publishes more than 420 peer-reviewed academic journals covering subjects across the Humanities, Social Sciences and Science, Technology and Medicine. Coverage from around the 1990s onwards.
  • eBook University Press Collection (EBSCO) [Full text]

    Multidisciplinary and multilingual collection of approximately 39.000 titles published by over 90 university presses with content that ranges from introductory to highly specialized. Regularly updated with new ebooks. The subject areas include Economy, Management and Technology.
  • eBook Business Collection (EBSCO) [Full text]

    Thematic ebook collection of titles selected to help grasp general business concepts and support academic research in many business topics such as Marketing, Finance, Supply Chain Management and Entrepreneurship, with an added focus on career growth, personal development, communication and networking.
  • EBSCO Discovery Service / NOVA Discovery [Full text]

    Aggregation platform for the bibliographical resources of every library in NOVA University Lisbon. Includes physical and digital content and lets you search from thousands of content suppliers, not just EBSCO. You can save your searches, group records in projects, create alerts, generate bibliographic references in a variety of formats, create concept maps and more. We suggest you start your search here.
  • JSTOR [Full text]

    Multidisciplinary archive / digital library of academic publications, images and primary sources, both historical and current. Access to full text with considerable temporal coverage in many languages. Includes the archive journal collections Arts & Sciences I to XV, Business IV, Hebrew Journals, Ireland, Life Sciences, Lives of Literature, Public Health Journals, Security Studies, Sustainability and the primary source collections 19th Century British Pamphlets, World Heritage Sites: Africa, Struggles for Freedom: Southern Africa and Global Plants.
  • LSEG Eikon/Datastream

    Financial database of current and historical data for a considerable number of countries and nations. Grants access to market information in real time and updated industry news, as well as the latest insight into foreign exchange rates, fixed income, securities, commodities, funds and real estate, among others. Has an Excel add-in that makes extracting data easier. Requires previous scheduling (3-days access period, renewable according to availability, no request limit) with the Library and Documentation Services via ticket. Does not require VPN, just credentials supplied by the Services.
  • OECD iLibrary [Full text]

    Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (OECD) online catalogue that provides free access to data, analyses and other useful resources for the professional and academic community, as well as more than 19.000 ebooks within 17 thematic collections, such as Education, Industry and Services, Social Issues/Migration/Health, Finance and Investment, Governance and Science and Technology. Described as a source of high-quality international statistics of particular interest to Social Sciences.

  • ProQuest Central [Full text]

    Multidisciplinary full-text interface that aggregates resources from many of ProQuest’s complete databases across all major subject areas, including Business, Health and Medical, Language and Literature, Social Sciences, Education, Science and Technology, as well as core titles in the Performing and Visual Arts, History, Religion, Philosophy, and includes thousands of full-text newspapers from around the world. Allows searches in all databases at once or in a selection of them. Has an AI Research Assistant feature that provides quick summaries of documents. Coverage from 1970s onwards. Access through NOVA University Lisbon.
  • Publication Finder (EBSCO) [Search only]

    Journal / book title search tool within NOVA University Lisbon’s resource aggregator. Search for academic journals and books by title.
  • Sage Premier [Full text]

    Multidisciplinary collection of over 900 international scientific journals. Frequently updated and covers sources from the late 1990s onwards.
  • Scopus (Elsevier) [Search only]

    Extensive multidisciplinary multilingual indexation database of peer reviewed academic literature from a diverse range of sources. Provides access to bibliometric data on articles and journals; collects metadata such as affiliation, funding, document type and open access; creates researcher and institutional profiles and offers a variety of filters for detailed searches.
  • Springer [Full text]

    Adding to the list of titles accessible through the B-ON consortium, which includes nature and thousands of ebooks, NOVA IMS also has permanent unlimited access to two ebook collections: Complete Collection 2009 and Computer Science.
  • Statista

    Statista is a global data and business intelligence platform with an extensive collection of statistics, reports and insights on over 80.000 topics in about 170 industrial sectors, collected from more than 20.000 sources, which are constantly updated. Access is granted to all modules except eCommerce Insights.
  • Web of Science (Clarivate) [Search only]

    Multidisciplinary and extensive peer reviewed academic literature indexation database that collects data from a vast number of sources in many different languages. Allows a detailed exploration of multiple thematic databases for bibliometric analysis and advanced searches which allow you to quickly and efficiently find the most pertinent and influential references in your field of research by making use of a long list of filters. Includes Current Contents Connect, Grants Index, MEDLINE, among others.
  • zbMATH Open [Search only]

    Thematic database that provides the most complete indexation and abstracting service in Pure and Applied Mathematics. Edited by the European Mathematical Society, Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities and FIZ Karlsruhe. Gathers reviews and abstracts from over 5.000 journals and 200.000 books, with some links to access the full text on the publisher’s website and open access repositories. Coverage from 1826 onwards.

Repositories and directories (open access)

  • figshare

    Open access multiformat research data repository that includes negative data. Allows public and restricted sharing of figures, datasets, media files, articles (including preprints), posters, code and filesets under a Creative Commons license. Provides download and viewing statistics for each upload, also known as altmetrics. Offers integration with ORCID and import functions from GitHub.
  • GitHub

    Collaborative software project development platform. Offers code reviewing, project management and continuous integration functionalities for a better change and task overview. Allows open-source code sharing and research data archive in public or private repositories with modification tracking.
  • Indexar

    Also known as Digital Repository Directory (Diretório de Repositórios Digitais), and managed by FCT|FCCN, it is an unifying effort on par with RCAAP, but for other areas of knowledge, science, technology and culture. Gathers repositories from academic institutions such as universities, research centers and public libraries in one single platform with integrated search functionalities. Makes it easier to look up more information on each repository, as well as access a range of services like growth statistics, format dispersion and content typing.
  • RCAAP — Repositórios Científicos de Acesso Aberto de Portugal

    The RCAAP portal aims to collect, aggregate and index open access scientific content from research institutes and national higher education institutional repositories. In just one platform, you can search, discover, find and access thousands of scientific and academic documents, namely scientific journal articles, conference proceedings, theses and dissertations, distributed across countless Portuguese repositories.

    Documents archived on RUN — Repositório da Universidade Nova, including the ones from the NOVA IMS community, are indexed in RCAAP.
  • Zenodo (CERN)

    Open access and multiformat research data repository created with open-source code. Lets you archive all types of file, including research articles, datasets, software, reports, and GitHub repositories. Although sharing under a Creative Commons license is supported, it is not required. The repository also does not impose any file size restrictions. A great advantage from using Zenodo is the possibility to automatically associate a permanent Digital Object Identifier (DOI) to each submission. Makes it easier for you to share your data with your academic peers and reviewers even before formal publication with a private link, without making it accessible to the public.




Reference resources

  • Eurostat

    Free statistical portal with official European Union data. Includes information on many areas of society in multimedia format, news, podcasts, webinar calendars and publications.

  • EventStudyTools

    EventStudyTools helps you perform event studies and news analytics analyses. Its research apps calculate all metrics needed for scientific publications of return and volume event studies, focused on single or multiple events. Access is possible on the website or via an API.

  • INE — Instituto Nacional de Estatística

    Free statistical portal with official and independent data on Portugal. Includes census data, infographs, multimedia content and publications like the REVSTAT journal.

  • Pordata

    Free statistical portal of the Francisco Manuel dos Santos Foundation for presenting collected data mostly from Portugal. The data covers multiple areas of society, from over 60 official sources. Lets you recover metadata and consult visual content from 1980 onwards.

  • Sherpa Services

    Checks open access policies from publishers around the world, which lets you quickly identify publishing conditions like embargo periods and self-archive permissions. Previous services (Romeo, Juliet, Fact and Transitional Agreement) have joined in a single platform under development, which also gathers open access requirements and policies from a wide range of funding entities. Offers a tool to check whether a journal follows your funder’s policy.

  • Wolfram MathWorld

    Free online reference encyclopedia for Mathematics. Offers visual and interactive learning resources. Permanently updated and exclusively in English.