AD NOVA IMS (Association for the Development of the Higher Institute of Statistics and Information Management) plays a crucial role in the strategy of inter-institutional collaboration, interaction with society, and achievement of the NOVA IMS third mission.
Interinstitutional Collaboration and Partnerships

Interinstitutional Collaboration and Partnerships
Third Mission
NOVA IMS has been diversifying its activities within the so-called "Third Mission" of Higher Education, promoting and establishing partnerships with companies, universities, and other institutions. These partnerships are diverse in nature and cover areas related to NOVA IMS' scientific, pedagogical, and institutional development.
The activities related to inter-institutional collaboration and interaction with society understood in the broad sense of the NOVA IMS Third Mission, include the creation of "brand awareness" and social responsibility, duly aligned with the traditional activities of Training, Innovation and Technology Transfer, Interaction with Local Communities and Exterior, Cultural Initiatives and Social Responsibility, Support to Initiatives of the Students Union and Student Groups, Stimulation to Entrepreneurship and Promotion of Employability, as well as Management of Alumni Relations.
Organizational Structure of Third Mission Quality
Miguel de Castro NetoAssociate Dean for the Third Mission and Member of the AD NOVA IMS Know more
Interinstitutional collaboration and interaction with society are improved by AD NOVA IMS (Association for the Development of the Higher Institute of Statistics and Information Management).
NOVA IMS Executive Education designs and develops study and training programs in the area of information management and data science for executives and companies.