MagIC - Research Center in Information Management is in a central position within NOVA IMS in the scope of Research and Development (R&D). The NOVA IMS research center is a multidisciplinary research unit, existence since 1998. It is financed and evaluated by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portuguese national funding agency for science, research, and technology), having obtained the result of Very Good in the last evaluation cycle.
Research and Development

Research and Development
The internal procedures to ensure the quality assurance and management of research produced in NOVA IMS are aligned with FCT standards and guidelines. Every year, the research center promotes the elaboration of a report in accordance with FCT guidelines, which includes the survey of performance indicators at the research activity level, third cycle training, and knowledge enhancement.
The NOVA Research Portal makes the scientific production and profiles of NOVA IMS researchers known to the general public and the scientific community. In this portal, the collaborative map allows the obtention of detailed information about the NOVA IMS external collaborations and each of its researchers:
Organizational Structure of Research Quality
Library and Documentation Services
The Library and Documentation Services provide NOVA IMS students, teachers, and researchers with access to documentation and information necessary to develop their academic and scientific activities.
The area of Research Projects aims to support the development of applications and the management of NOVA IMS R&D projects and MagIC, with the collaboration of a Science Manager holding a Ph.D.
The functions of Administrative and Financial Project Management are developed with the proper articulation between the operational managers of the Research Projects area (MagIC) and Innovation Projects (AD NOVA IMS).