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Data Science

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Degree in
Data Science

In the Bachelor´s Degree in Data Science, students learn the most modern techniques of artificial intelligence and machine learning to analyze large volumes of data (Big Data). They will become true data scientists - considered the sexiest profession of the 21st century by the Harvard Business Review.

The main objective of this course is to train future professionals capable of understanding, developing and using models, algorithms and the most advanced techniques in data science, to analyze and extract knowledge from Big Data.

The 3rd phase of applications under the International Student Statute for the 2025/26 academic year are open from February 26th to March 27th, 2025.

  • Semestres


    3 years (6 semesters)

  • Relogio



  • Lingua


    September 2025

Career Opportunities

The Bachelor´s Degree in Data Science allows a quick integration in the most varied sectors of activity, namely: Information Technology Companies, Communication Companies, Banking, Insurance, Retail, Telecommunications, Utilities Companies, Biomedical Companies, Pharmaceuticals, Public Administration and Companies industrial. The main professional opportunities are:

  • Big Data Analyst;

  • Data Scientist;

  • Data Engineer;

  • Specialist in Artificial Intelligence Systems;

  • Specialist in Machine Learning;

  • Specialist in the development of Automatic Learning Algorithms.

  • Technical and Managerial Positions in Public Administration.

Students Testimonials

Why Data Science?
Alexandra Pinto
3rd  year Bachelor's Degree Student
Ilona Nacu
3rd  year Bachelor's Degree Student
Carolina Braziel Shaul
3rd  Bachelor’s Degree Student
Bruno Moreira & Ilona Nacu | 2nd Year Students of Data Science
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Despite being the most recent, the Degree in Data Science is exceptionally well structured and stands out for its constant search for innovation and updating. Undoubtedly, the high practical content makes it much more interesting and enriching for students. By the time we graduate, we are highly qualified and ready to go straight into the job market, with a solid understanding of the knowledge need.
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The Data Science Degree is perfect for those looking for a mix of programming, mathematics and statistics, all in ideal amounts. The course is practical and hands-on, showing us what it will be like to work in the real market, introducing us to current topics and delving into different domains as the degree progresses. The project topics are diverse, showing us how versatile our field really can be. The faculty is up to date with the latest trends and news in the industry and is available for questions and suggestions. Although I've been satisfied with the degree since the beginning of my academic career, the course has managed to capture me more and more over the semesters.
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I can assure you that the bachelor’s degree in Data Science at NOVA IMS is incredibly useful and enriching. In addition to being extremely practical, the teachers are always available to help, prioritizing the interaction and interest of the students.
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At NOVA IMS we encourage continuous individual development through excellence.

- For this reason, we believe that we must reward all those who stand out at the entrance of the Bachelor´s Degree courses and who, during their academic career, work to exceed their and our expectations.

At NOVA IMS we encourage continuous individual development through excellence.

- For this reason, we believe that we must reward all those who stand out at the entrance of the Bachelor´s Degree courses and who, during their academic career, work to exceed their and our expectations.

Award for

Academic Excellence Incentive

Application prize awarded to all students whose average entry grade to the National Competition is equal to or greater than 18 values

What does a Data Scientist?

Mauro Castelli | Coordinator of the Bachelor Degree
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Who is it for?

This degree is intended for all final-year students who aspire to become data scientists. Thus, the study cycle is suitable for all students who wish to obtain in-depth training in the most recent techniques of data science and artificial intelligence, based on automatic logical reasoning, data management methods and techniques, as well as machine learning applications.

The course aims to train highly specialized professionals who will enable organizations to take advantage of the huge volume of data they currently have at their disposal.

For information about the International Student Access, please click here.

Program Goals

The bachelor's degree in Data Science aims to strengthen the intermediate step between data collection and decision making based on them, i.e. to develop advanced methods of data science and artificial intelligence. To this end, the course of study adopts a primarily technical perspective. The goal is to provide in-depth knowledge of the fundamental methodologies and concepts, in order to provide the student with the ability to update more specific technical knowledge and to keep up with the rapid evolution of this sector.

In this context, the graduate in Data Science should:

  • Understand the theoretical foundations of statistics, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence methods;
  • Identify and understand the most efficient algorithm for each specific problem;
  • Design and develop state-of-the-art data science algorithms;
  • Work closely with IT specialists to integrate Data Science algorithms into existing systems;
  • Identify underlying patterns and extract useful information from the large volume of heterogeneous data that exists in organizations;
  • Be proficient in commonly used statistical procedures, frameworks, machine learning techniques and systems;
  • Stimulate interest in keeping up with scientific advances in the field of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence.

Program Structure

The course lasts 3 years (6 semesters) and classes start in September 2025.

The study plan corresponds to 180 ECTS, of which 150 ECTS correspond to mandatory curricular units (the first 5 semesters) and 30 ECTS correspond to optional curricular units (last semester of the course), which will be chosen by each Student, from among a wide range of curricular units available.

Admissions and Fees

Establishment Code: 0906 - Universidade Nova de Lisboa - Instituto Superior de Estatística e Gestão de Informação

Course Code: L188

Entry Exam Subjects (One of the following):
19 - Mathematics A and 02 - Biology and Geology
19 - Mathematics A and 04 - Economy
19 - Mathematics A and 07 - Physics and Chemistry
19 - Mathematics A and 09 - Geography
19 - Mathematics A and 10 - Descriptive Geometry
19 - Mathematics A and 18 - Portuguese

NOTICE: The exams presented are valid for admissions in the 2025/26 academic year, through the National Competition for Access to Higher Education.

Minimum Grades

  • Applicants Grade: 100
  • Entry Exam Grade: 95

Formula of Applicants Grade

  • Secondary School Grade: 50%
  • Entry Exam Subjects: 50%


  • None


  • 45

General Quota Last Entry Grade 2024-2025

  • 1st Phase - 17.78

2025/26 Academic Year

Consult the entrance exams applicable to 2025/26 in the Frequently Asked Questions.

Achievement Awards

(*) Prize corresponding to the 1st year tuition fee.

The undergraduate students who achieve a high level of academic performance each year will have access to the following awards(1):

  Approved ECTS Average (Values) Award
At the end of the 1st  year of Enrollment equal or greater than 60 equal or greater than 16,5 700€
At the end of the 2nd  year of Enrollment equal or greater than 120 equal or greater than 16,5 700€
At the end of the 3rd  year of Enrollment equal or greater than 180 equal or greater than 16,5 €3.000 off (2)

(1) Prize applied to students admitted in 2024/2025.
(2) The value of the tuition for a master's degree to be attended at the NOVA IMS, if admission and enrollment occur in the year immediately following the completion of the bachelor's degree. Not cumulative with Alumni discount. Cumulative with financial discount.

Excellence awards given by the Members of AD NOVA IMS and other supportive entities (3)

All students that stand out, during their academic path, for their academic excellence in the different course units and programs are also awarded.

(3) Prizes in force in the school year 2023/24.

Supportive Entities

  • Nokia
    Best student of the Course Unit


  • Governodeportugal (1)
    Best Student of Undergraduate and Master Degree Programs

    Scholarship with Value to be Defined

  • Premio NOVA IMS
    Best Application Grade


Tuition Fee

The annual fee set for the academic year 2024/25, for the students of the National Contest for Access to Higher Education, is €697.This payment can be paid in full or in 10 instalments. 

For the students of the International Student Contest, the annual fee for the academic year 2024/25, is €7.500. This payment can also be paid in full or in 5 instalments.

The Student (national or international), when registering for a school year, has to take into account that the full payment of the tuition fee fixed for that school year (the monthly fees/benefits are a payment facility), even if they cancel the registration/withdraw of the course.

For more information, please consult the Frequently Asked Questions at the bottom of the page.


The NOVA IMS programs, offer a unique learning experience, combining theory with the application of the best and most innovative teaching practices.

If you are interested in studying at NOVA IMS and want to explore scholarship and award opportunities, this page is your starting point to discover the options available in the different programs.

Know more about it here.

Calendar, Timetable and Exams

Academic Calendar

  • See here the academic calendar for the 2024-25 academic year.


  • Click here to see the timetable for the 2024-25 academic year.


  • Click here to see the exams calendar of the 2024-25 academic year.


  • What is the language of instruction of the course?

    The course is taught in English. Nowadays, being comfortable with the English language is a competitive advantage, which makes a difference in the global job market.

    NOVA IMS students have all the support to quickly adapt to the language and can always speak in Portuguese when they are unable to express themselves.

  • Where is NOVA IMS located?

    NOVA IMS is located on the Campolide Campus, in Lisbon. Watch the campus tour made by NOVA IMS Students here.

  • What is the schedule?

    The Bachelor´s Degree will work on daytime , 5 days a week.

  • Where can I see an overview of undergraduate programs?

    You can watch it here and for more information click here.

  • What is the cost of the tuition and enrollment fee for the students of the National Contest?

    The value of the Annual Fee for 2024/2025 is €697. The student, enrolling in a school year, has to consider that full payment of the fee fixed for that year (tuition / benefits are ease of payment) is due, although they may unsubscribe / fold the course.

    The payment of tuition fees can be made as follows:

    At once (€697), until October 8th, 2024 or in 10 installments:

    • 1st Installment: September 27th to October 8th, 2024: €69,70 (to be received upon registration);
    • 2nd Installment: November 1st to 8th, 2024: €69,70;
    • 3rd Installment: December 1st to 8th, 2024: €69,70;
    • 4th Installment: January 1st to 8th, 2025: €69,70;
    • 5th Installment: February 1st to 8th, 2025: €69,70;
    • 6th Installment: March 1st to 8th, 2025: €69,70;
    • 7th Installment: April 1st to 8th, 2025: €69,70;
    • 8th Installment: May 1st to 8th, 2025: €69,70;
    • 9th Installment: June 1st to 8th, 2025: €69,70;
    • 10th Installment: July 1st to 8th, 2025: €69,70.

    For students who have applied for the Merit (SAS / UNL) scholarship, the payment of tuition fees should only be made after the delivery of the final decision about the case, and if the scholarship is granted, the payment must be done afterwards. The student has, in these cases, a period of 15 days to rectify the situation.

    To apply for the scholarship the student must register on-time and deliver the declaration of honor (paper provided by the Academic Services) on how he/she is applying for this benefit.

    For further enquiries please contact Admissions office at NOVA rectory.

    Upon registration, the students should make the following payments:

    • €69,70 - for 1st installment of tuition fee;
    • €35 - for annual enrollment fee;
    • €1,40 - for annual school insurance.

    The enrolment fees are updated annually in the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa table of emoluments, published in the Official  Portuguese Government Gazette (Diário da República).

  • What is the cost of the tuition and enrollment fee for the students of the International Student Contest?

    The annual fee set for the academic year 2024/25, for the students of the International Student Contest, is €7500. 

    This payment can be as following:

    Full payment (€7500), unit October 1st, 2024, or in 5 installments: 

    • 1st installment: September 1st to 8th, 2024: €1500;
    • 2nd installment: November 1st to 8th, 2024: €1500;
    • 3rd installment: January 1st to 8th, 2025: €1500;
    • 4th installment: March 1st to 8th, 2025: €1500;
    • 5th installment: May 1st to 8th, 2025: €1500.
  • Are there special access quotas?

    There are several special quotas, beyond to the general quota, to which certain percentages of vacancies are allocated, intended for candidates who meet the conditions of each quota. These are:

    • Candidates from the Autonomous Region of the Açores;
    • Candidates from the Autonomous Region of Madeira;
    • Portuguese Emigrant Candidates and family members who live with them;
    • Military Candidates Under Contract;
    • Candidates with Disabilities.
  • I completed secondary education abroad or at a foreign school. Can I apply for the national contest?

    Yes, however there are some conditions that are important to know. For more information, you should contact Direcção-Geral do Ensino Superior.

  • What is the application process for the international student?

    Candidates who do not have the nationality of a Member State of the European Union and who have not lived in Portugal for more than two consecutive years can apply for a Bachelor's degree at NOVA IMS under the International Student status. The application process is different from the National Contest for Access to Higher Education. For more information, click here.

  • What is ObipNOVA?

    ObipNOVA is the Observatory of Graduates’ Transitions into Work at NOVA. The ObipNOVA analyses the graduates of all the study cycles: bachelors, masters and doctorates. Every year, a series of phone surveys are conducted to evaluate the professional activity of those who graduated in the previous year. The more recent data is related to 2019 graduated students.

Support and Funding