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Master Degree Program in Clinical Research Management


Master's Program in Clinical Research Management

Developed in partnership with NOVA IMS, NOVA Medical School (NMS|FCM), National School of Public Health (ENSP-NOVA) and Universidade de Aveiro (UA), the Master degree Program in Clinical Research Management aims to train highly qualified human resources to enable clinical research in health care facilities, universities, academic centers, biobanks, pharmaceutical, and healthcare technology companies, clinical research organizations, and others. The training and professionalization of the structures and teams that support Clinical Research improve the quality and increase the performance and competitiveness of Research Teams. This is the goal in which MEGIC focuses its strategy.

This program includes an internship into a real working environment, in order to allow the development of the competencies defined for this study cycle.

The 7th edition (2024/2025) will be held in Lisbon at Faculdade Ciências Médicas | Nova Medical School. The written contents will all be available in the English language. The interaction with the students will be done in the Portuguese language.

Partner Entities

  • Escolansaudepublica EN
    National School of Public Health
    NOVA Medical School
  • Universidadedeaveiro
    Universidade de Aveiro
  • Vagas


    Working Hours

  • Lingua

    Length and ECTS

    4 semesters (120 ECTS)

  • Semestres


    Twice a week

  • Book Open

    Start Date

    September 2024

Who is it for? image

Who is it for?

This Master Degree Program is aimed at:

  • Graduates in the area of Life Sciences and Health (Pharmaceutical Sciences, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Dental Medicine, Biomedical Sciences, Biology, Nursing, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, etc.);
  • Holders of a foreign higher academic degree, conferred following a 1st cycle of studies organized in those areas, according to the principles of the Bologna Process by a State adhering to this Process;
  • Holders of a foreign higher academic degree in those areas, that is recognized as meeting the objectives of a degree by the Scientific Councils of the Faculties / University involved;
  • Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum that is recognized as attesting the capacity to carry out this cycle of studies, by the Scientific Councils of the Faculties / University involved.

Study plan

This program lasts 4 semesters: 3 correspond to the curricular component and 1 to the development of a thesis or work project, in a total of 120 ECTS.

1st  Year - 1st  Semester

Course Units ECTS
Basic Principles in Management 6
Epidemiology and Methods in Clinical Research 6
Ethics in Clinical Research 6
Fundamentals of Clinical Research 6
Statistics Applied to Clinical Research 6

1st  Year - 2nd  Semester

Course Units ECTS
Health Quality Management 6
The organization of the health care system 6
Regulatory Affairs and Safety 6
Clinical Research in Nutrition - Option 6
Data Collection Methods - Option 6

2nd  Year

Course Units ECTS
Dissertation/ Project / Professional Internship Report 48

2nd  Year - 1st  Semester

Course Units ECTS
Data and Information Management 6
Scientific Writing and Communication 6


The Syllabus of MEGIC is the following:

  • Fundamentals of clinical research;
  • Ethical principles in the development of a clinical study;
  • Management strategies in the implementation of clinical studies;
  • Quality management system in a clinical study;
  • National and international regulations, applicable to the development of a clinical study;
  • Concepts of epidemiology applicable to clinical studies without intervention;
  • Methodologies for data collection in a clinical study, taking into account the objectives and design of the study;
  • Statistical strategies appropriate to the typology of study designs to be developed;
  • Data management;
  • Sources of funding in the area of scientific research;
  • Drafting of proposals to be submitted in the application phase for financing;
  • Reports and other documents relating to the management and implementation of clinical trials;
  • Methodologies for processing and quality monitoring of samples and management systems in the context of the biobank;
  • Specific features of clinical trials, clinical studies in the field of nutrition and studies with medical devices.


The program lasts 4 semesters. The classes (1st, 2nd and 3rd semesters of the program) will start in September 2022, running on Thursday and Fridays (9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.).

The 5th edition (2022/2023) will be held in Lisbon at Faculdade Ciências Médicas | Nova Medical School.

Admissions and fees

The Admissions' Jury Panel is looking for excellent students who have the potential to become good technical staff and excellent managers. Qualities such as maturity, determination and motivation, both in the academic path as well in a professional career, are some of the attributes that the Jury Panel is looking for.

Tuition fee

The tuition fee is:

  • Portuguese Students: €2.750/year;
  • International Students: €5.500/year.

Selection criteria

The selection process is based on the analysis of academic, scientific and professional curriculum of the candidate. An interview and/or written test may be conducted as a complementary criterion.

See the notice here.

How to apply

To complete the application, the applicant must register, fill the form in (Education > Masters > Master in Clinical Research Management > Application guide > 1. Link 'Efetuar registo').

Application fee

The fee of the application is €51. The application can only be considered after the payment of the application fee, within the stipulated period.