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Erasmus Outgoing

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Erasmus Outgoing

Erasmus+ Programme main objective is to contribute to the development of the European Union as a knowledge-based society, with sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs and with greater social cohesion, operating in parallel to an appropriate environmental protection, considering the future generations.

Call for applications for the Erasmus+ and Swiss European Mobility Programs 2025/2026

  • Outgoing: Erasmus+ Studies and Swiss European Mobility Program from February 21st until April 7th, 2024;
  • Outgoing: Erasmus+ Traineeships from February 21st until May 31st, 2024.
Erasmus+ Program image

Erasmus+ Program

Erasmus+ is the Higher Education sector programme of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Commission's Directorate-General for Education, Training and Youth.

Erasmus+ seeks to emphasize quality and strengthen the European dimension of Higher Education by promoting transnational cooperation between universities, fostering European mobility and encouraging transparency and full academic recognition of studies and qualifications throughout the European Union.

Are you interested in studying abroad?

As a student at NOVA IMS, you have various opportunities to gain international experience during your studies. You can study for a semester at a partner university and/or intern at an organization for one or two semesters to gain professional experience, and you can also use this experience in your Master's Final Work. As a general rule, tuition fees at the partner university are waived or financed through a scholarship.

Mobility programs under Erasmus+ provide a well-organized framework for studying abroad, thanks to uniform regulations throughout Europe, such as:

  • The Erasmus Office of the home university establishes contact with the host university.
    The accreditation of achievements obtained abroad is bindingly regulated before the stay abroad.
  • If you enroll in a timely manner at the host university, a place in a university residence is often reserved.
  • Most host universities offer an extensive support network, etc.

Under the Erasmus+ program, NOVA IMS has partner universities in Europe where students can spend a semester abroad. The exchange modalities are defined in the "bilateral agreements" between NOVA IMS and the respective partner university. This means that at international universities, there is a different number of study places available for NOVA IMS students in different fields of study.

You can apply for an exchange semester during the official application periods, usually at the beginning of the second semester.

Please note that applications must be submitted one academic year in advance. This means that you will only start your mobility period in the academic year following your application.

Erasmus+ Mobility Program

Currently, NOVA IMS has mobility agreements for teachers and students with the following Universities:

Swiss European Mobility Program

The (Swiss European Mobility Program) SEMP program was set up when Switzerland dropped out from the Erasmus program in 2014.

The same regulations apply as in the Erasmus + Programme except that the grant is paid by the Swiss government.

The same rules that are established in the Regulation of the Erasmus+ Programme - Mobility for Studies of NOVA IMS are applied for this Programme - SEMP, except for the payment of the mobility grants.

SEMP funding for students going to Switzerland is administered by the host university.
In the case of exchange students coming from Portugal, the grant for the School Year 2024/2025 is CHF 440 per month.

Université de Lausanne

Faculty of Business and Economics (HEC Lausanne)

University Code: CH LAUSANN01

Study Area: Business and Administration (0410)

Study Cycle: 1st; 2nd Cycle

Number of Vacancies: 4

Exchange at HEC Lausanne

Courses for Exchange Students

Fact Sheet/ Additional Information



  • Who can apply for Erasmus study grants?

    Nationals of a country participating in the Erasmus+ Program, or nationals of other countries, enrolled in degree-conferring courses (Bachelor's; Master's; Doctorate) in schools or higher education institutions of a participating country, under the conditions established by each of the participating countries, according to the nature of the program.

    • The undergraduate students, in the date of the application must have approved a minimum of 60 ECTS.
    • The student (master or bachelor student) cannot have failed any curricular units of the first year at the end of the previous semester to mobility.

    Undergraduate students usually have their mobility window in the second semester of the third year, a semester in which they only have optional curricular units. Mobility windows give students the assurance that participating in mobility will not cause them to skip a semester or result in an increased level of workload, and ensure that their credits will be recognized at their home university.

  • Who can apply for Erasmus traineeships grants?

    Nationals of a country participating in the Erasmus+ Program, or nationals of other countries, enrolled in regular courses in schools or higher education institutions of a participating country, or recent graduates selected in the previous academic year (when they were still enrolled), under the conditions established by each of the participating countries, according to the nature of the program.

    • Undergraduate students must be enrolled in the 3rd year, cannot have failed any curricular units of the first year, at the end of the previous semester to mobility, and may only do their internship mobility in the last semester.
    • Master's students should perform internship of mobility after the curricular part of the course.
  • How long can I stay in mobility?

    Mobility minimum duration is 2 months and the maximum is 12 months.

  • I have been an Erasmus student before. Can I apply again?

    Yes, you can. Throughout your academic career, you can benefit from the 12 months period of mobility for each cycle of studies.

    • Students who have benefit before from NOVA IMS' Erasmus grant lose priority in the allocation of grants in relation to other students.
  • Can I apply for a university vacancy in a field of study that is not included in the agreement?

    No, you can only apply for vacancies in the study areas indicated in the agreements.

  • Before pre-applying online, what do I have to do?

    1. Check the list of Erasmus interinstitutional agreements to verify which agreements are suitable for your course and for which cycle of studies;
    2. Refer to the webpage of the Host University (UA) in which you intend to perform the mobility, in order to see if there are any subjects of interest, and what the prerequisites are (for example, if a language level is required).

Results and selection

  • How are placements assigned to Host Universities (HU)?

    Once the application process is completed, students are sorted according to the following criteria:

    1. Descending sorting according to the student's average at the end of the semester prior to the time of application;
    2. Descending sorting according to the number of ECTS already made, divided by total number of ECTS possible to be made by the end of the semester prior to the time of application;
    3. Ascending order according to the number of years of enrollment to reach that number of ECTS;

    In the event of a tie, the following criteria shall be used for the tiebreaker:
    Sorting in increasing order according to the date/time of submission of the application.

    During the selection process, the Erasmus Office will place each student in the preferred vacancy at the host university, according to the position occupied in the ranking list and the vacancies provided for in the agreements.

  • I was not placed in any of my choices. What options do I have?

    If the existing vacancies are not filled, there may be a second application period, which will be established by decision of the Erasmus+ Program Coordinator at NOVA IMS. If this happens, students will be duly informed of the existing vacancies and the application period, being able to choose up to five new options, in order of preference.

    Students not placed may also request to be placed on the waiting list for a vacancy in case of eventual withdrawal. If there are more colleagues interested in the same vacancy, their attribution will follow the logic of the ranking.

    The waiting list will remain valid, at the limit, until the moment when the nominations of students to the host universities begin.

    Any changes that may be requested will be analysed taking into account the selection criteria and the vacancies occupied and available.

  • I was selected for an option, but I am interested in another option that still has a vacancy. Can I change?

    Yes, if within the defined period and safeguarding that the priority of available places will be given to students who did not get any place.

    If there are more colleagues interested in the same vacancy, their attribution will follow the logic of the ranking.

  • I am placed in one of my options but I have a preference for another of them. If any colleague of mine, placed in the same, gives up can I keep the vacancy?

    Students who are not placed may request (within the defined period) to be placed on the waiting list for a vacancy in case of eventual withdrawal. If there are more colleagues interested in the same vacancy, their attribution will follow the logic of the ranking.

    The waiting list will remain valid, at the limit, until the appointment of students to the host universities begins.

    Any change that may be requested will be analyzed taking into account the selection criteria and the vacancies occupied and available.

  • I was selected for an agreement for the first semester. Can I change the mobility period for the second semester?

    You may, as long as you inform the Erasmus Office and this is possible according to the existing vacancies.


  • I have been selected for Erasmus. Will I automatically be awarded a scholarship?

    No. Although all students who pre-apply are eligible to receive an Erasmus grant, attribution will depend on the budget made available by the Rectory of NOVA for this purpose, and if the mobility is not solely distance learning.

  • For how long am I granted the scholarship?

    You will receive a scholarship for the actual length of stay, as stated in the Mobility Contract and according with Declaration of Stay. 

  • What is the amount of the scholarship to be awarded?

    It depends on the country you have been selected to. Please note that the grant amount awarded is only meant to cover the difference in standard of living between our country and the destination country.

  • I am a SAS scholarship holder. Will I be entitled to an Erasmus grant as well?

    Regardless of whether or not you are a SAS scholarship holder, the attribution of an Erasmus scholarship depends exclusively on seriation.

  • Can I apply for an Erasmus top-up grant?

    No application is required. Students who have both Erasmus and SAS grants are automatically eligible for the Erasmus Supplementary Grant. The SAS and the Rectory will examine these particular cases.

  • I was awarded an Erasmus scholarship. Do I receive the full amount in a single payment?

    No! The grant is paid in two instalments. Initially, a transfer of 70% of the total amount is made (1st instalment). After the return of the student, and upon submission of the Declaration of Stay, Transcript of Records (TR) and submission of the Final Report, the payment of the remaining 30% (2nd instalment) will be made. Considering that there was academic success.

  • Do I receive the grant before starting the mobility?

    Yes, if the procedure is completed no later than 60 days prior to the mobility.

    The payment of the 1st instalment (70% of the grant) is made after the signature of the Erasmus+ contract, which will only be issued by the Erasmus Office after the students have filled in and uploaded all necessary documentation through the Erasmus+ Platform. The International Mobilities Management Unit of The Rectory of NOVA will issue the payment order, once the Vice-Rector signs the referred contract.

  • If I do not succeed at the Host University, do I have to return the first instalment of the grant?

    Yes. To not be obliged to return the 1st instalment of the grant and to receive the 2nd instalment, you must succeed in at least one course that is included in the study plan (Learning Agreement - Before the Mobility) or in the Changes (Learning Agreement - During the Mobility), previously approved.

  • If I ask for an extension, will I receive a scholarship for the additional time?

    The requests for extension of the study period do not guarantee a complementary grant, i.e. it will only be paid if there is an allocated surplus.

  • I was not awarded a Erasmus Grant. Can I go on mobility?

    Yes. The mobility is carried out without the attribution of funding (“zero-grant”).

    In case of withdrawals, available budget and position in the ranking, students may be able to benefit from an Erasmus grant.

Formalization of the application at the Host University

  • What are the deadlines for formalizing the application?

    After the end of the Erasmus pre-applications, the Erasmus Office will send to the Host Universities (UA), the nomination of the students who were selected.

    Students must formalize their application in accordance with the instructions they will receive from the UA, by email or which are mentioned on the UA website. They must comply with the deadline and procedures indicated to them.

    You should carefully read the Fact-Sheets available for each Host University.

  • After formalizing the application, can I withdraw it?

    If you withdraw your application, you must submit a declaration of withdrawal by email stating the reasons for your withdrawal and attaching a supporting document, if applicable.

  • What documents do I need to fill in to formalize the application?

    The documents that the UA asks you to complete.

    However, to formalize the application with the Erasmus Office, it is necessary:

    • Send a PDF copy of the Learning Agreement (LA) created on the Online Learning Agreement (OLA) Platform, which is the document containing the curricular units that the student intends to take at the UA (table A) and the accreditation of skills and knowledge to which you will be entitled to NOVA IMS when you return (Table B), after being signed by all involved;
    • School calendar of the Host University (which you can request from the Erasmus Office of the Partner University or print from its website);
    • Photocopy of Power of Attorney duly signed (advisable, but not mandatory);
    • Term of Responsibility duly signed;
    • A copy of your European Health Insurance Card valid for the entire period of mobility.


    • Check deadlines for sending / submitting documents with the University to which you are applying;
    • Check the documents that are required (they may be different from those requested by NOVA IMS);
    • Proof of English level (B2) / (mobility studies) - If you do not have (TOEFL; IELTS; or similar), you may request proof from NOVA IMS' Academic Services.
  • I have to fill in the code of the study area and the Host University in the LA. Where can I find them?

    In the list of countries/Interinstitutional Agreements on NOVA IMS' website - Education/Mobility Programs – Erasmus - Erasmus Outgoing.

  • What start and end dates of the mobility do I fill in in the LA?

    The start date must correspond to the 1st day of classes or welcome session (if applicable), and the mobility end date must correspond to the last day of the UA examination season.

  • How do I get the UA curricula?

    Please refer to the UA website or the UA International Relations Office.

  • Who should counsel and validate the course units to be included in the Learning Agreement?

    The courses chosen at the Host University (UA) have no correspondence with NOVA IMS courses. The chosen courses will be credited as elective courses or included in a Diploma Supplement (in the case of curricular units not subject to credit1).

    All courses to be included in the Learning Agreement to be carried out in mobility must be previously approved by the Director/Coordinator of the student's Course and by the Erasmus Coordinator.


    • 1Courses without classification that may be translated into the Portuguese classification scale, referred to in article 15 of Decree-Law no. 42/2005 - numeric scale from 0 to 20 (e. g. "2 ECTS, NOT GRADED, PASS, taught in English") are not eligible for accreditation. This fact does not, however, prevent the student's Course Director/Coordinator and the Erasmus Coordinator from approving their inclusion in the Learning Agreement. It is the student's responsibility, wanting to take the curricular units, to pay attention to the classification/grading system and the possibility that they may not have academic recognition for the purpose of completing the Degree or counting for the final grade.
    • The maximum number of ECTS for language courses is 4 ECTS (in the overall degree); German or English language course (beginner, intermediate or advanced, 5 ECTS).
  • I have filled in and signed the LA. What should I do?

    You must send the LA to the Erasmus Office in order to verify if all fields are properly completed, before being signed by the Course and Erasmus Coordinators.

  • Is the documentation submitted at NOVA IMS enough to formalize the application at the UA?

    No. The documentation submitted to the Erasmus Office is for the mobility process at NOVA IMS.

    UAs have their own application documents and procedures. Therefore, students should browse the Erasmus information on the UA website or, proceed accordingly, if they receive an email from the UA with instructions.

  • I have already formalized the application at NOVA IMS. What should I do next?

    All students who have formalized their application will receive an email requiring them to fill in their personal and mobility data in the UNL Rectory' Erasmus+ Platform. Supporting bank document of NIB, IBAN and SWIFT (with the student's name printed on it) must also be uploaded in the platform.

  • Is it enough to be selected by NOVA IMS to be able to perform the mobility?

    No. Although students are selected by NOVA IMS and formalize the Erasmus application (by submitting the documentation requested by NOVA IMS and the UA), the mobility will only be assured when the UA approves the application and informs the student that he has been accepted.

  • When does the UA inform accepted students?

    It depends on whether the student has carried out all the procedures requested by the UA and how long each UA requires to analyse the applications. The acceptance is formally communicated by the UA by sending the Letter of Acceptance and the LA, signed by the legal representative of the UA.

  • Once I have received Letter of Acceptance and the Learning Agreement signed by the UA, is there anything I should do next?

    Yes. You should immediately send the documents to the Erasmus Office, as the LA signed by the UA will have to be uploaded on UNL Rectory's Erasmus+ Platform.

  • Who takes care of the trip? Do I need a visa?

    • To travel outside Portugal, make sure you have a valid identification document, Identity Card (or Citizen Card) or Passport, as this document may be required to prove your identity.
    • It should be the student who schedules the trip in time, in order to be at the Host University when the academic activities begin. It is advisable that, whenever possible, tickets be purchased with the possibility of refund or cancellation without associated cost. Furthermore, we advise you to purchase the trip only after formal and official acceptance of the application submitted to the Host University has been received.


    • If you have the nationality of an EU country, the only condition for living in another EU country for up to three months is to hold a valid citizen card/identity card or passport. For stays longer than three months, you must register as a resident in the country where you are studying.
    • If you are going to travel to a country outside the European Union and outside the countries that have agreements within the Schengen Area, you must have in your possession not only the Passport but also the respective Study Visa. The visa is requested in Portugal, at the consulate of the country of destination, before the trip (it is necessary to apply for the visa about 4-6 weeks before traveling and there will be a cost). We advise you to take care of the necessary procedures in advance.


    • Participants in the Erasmus+ Program from countries outside the EU need a long-stay visa or a residence permit issued by the country of destination.
    • If participants hold a residence permit or a long-stay visa issued by a country in the Schengen area, they may move within the Schengen area for up to 90 days in any 180-day period. For stays longer than three months, you must register as a resident in the country where you are studying.
  • Do I need insurance?

    The ERASMUS+ Program - Student Mobility does not have any type of associated insurance.

    It is mandatory to hold the European Health Insurance Card (, which allows a person insured or covered by a social protection scheme to one of the 27 Member States of the European Union(1), Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, obtain medical assistance from public health providers during your temporary stay in any of the States mentioned.

    NOVA IMS students, however, benefit from the Personal Accident Insurance, contracted at the beginning of the academic year when enrolling.

    It is important to clarify that this policy only covers personal accidents, excluding any coverage for illness (

    The European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) is not the alternative to travel insurance. If you wish, you can subscribe to a Health Insurance Policy and other coverage abroad, which fully covers your stay abroad.

    Non-EU citizens who do not hold an EHIC are required to present to NOVA IMS their travel insurance which is normally required for non-EU residents when applying for a visa.

    Note: For some Partner Universities it’s mandatory to subscribe a Health Insurance.

  • How can I find accommodation?

    Through the UA International Relations Office.

Mobility Contract

  • If I am already in mobility, who shall sign my mobility contract?

    The Erasmus contract is sent by the Erasmus Office to the institutional email of the student who will sign it and return it, also by email. Therefore, the student does not have to go to the Erasmus Office to sign the contract.

    Students should not start mobility without having signed the Contract.

    Without the signed contract, the Rectory will not pay the 1st instalment of the Erasmus grant.


  • Do I have to submit any documents so that the Erasmus Office may draw up the mobility contract?

    In addition to filling in the data in the UNL Rectory's Erasmus+ Platform, it is also necessary to have sent the Learning Agreement signed by the UA to the Erasmus Office.

Before starting the mobility period

  • Before leaving on mobility will I have to do anything else?

    You must renew your registration at NOVA IMS, as you would if not in mobility;
    You must pay the tuition fees at NOVA IMS;
    You must enrol in course units at NOVA IMS, as you would if not in Erasmus;
    You must have signed the mobility contract.

During the mobility period

  • Can the Host University charge tuition fees?

    No. Erasmus students are exempt from paying UA tuition fees, as these are charged at the home university. The UA may charge some additional fees, such as insurance, student card and student association fee.

  • When I get to the UA, what should I do?

    You should send the following to NOVA IMS' Erasmus Office:

    • your proof of arrival;
    • a copy of the Learning Agreement, duly signed by the UA, if not sent before the beginning of the mobility.
  • If during the mobility there are changes to the previously laid out Learning Agreement (for example, no. of ECTS or different course units,), what should I do?

    You must complete a document called “Learning Agreement - During the Mobility”, which we traditionally call Changes, in the OLA.

    In this form, in Table A2 you must only include the course units you wish to remove and/or add, marking with a cross whether it is a deleted or added subject. 
    In table B2, the academic accreditation of skills and knowledge that will be granted in NOVA IMS (if you are successful) must be made to correspond with respect to table A2. You should adopt the same procedure for the course units added. Course units that are already part of the initial Learning Agreement and that have not been changed should not be registered in this document.

    This document, after being signed by all those involved (Student, NOVA IMS and UA), must be sent by the student to the Erasmus Office, within a maximum period of 30 days from the date of arrival at the UA (in PDF , by email).

    All changes to the study plan require the approval of the Director/Coordinator of the student's course and the Erasmus Coordinator.



  • I initially applied for the first semester but want to ask for an extension of the study period. What should I do?

    You must send the form referring to the extension request to the Erasmus Office, as well as the Changes with the curricular units you want to add, duly completed and signed by you and by the UA.

    It must be done up to 30 days before the initially scheduled final mobility date.

    Students who undertake mobility in the second semester cannot ask for an extension for the next semester, as it relates to a different academic year.

After the end of the mobility period

  • What documents must be submitted after the conclusion of the mobility and what is the deadline for submission?

    Students have 30 days after the end of the mobility to:

    • Submit / Send the declaration of stay and copy of the Transcript of Records (certificate with the curricular units carried out at the UA during the mobility period) at the Erasmus Office of NOVA IMS (studies);
    • Deliver/Send duly completed and signed declaration of stay + description/result of activities performed (internships).
    • Request from the Academic Services of NOVA IMS proof of academic recognition of the curricular units carried out in mobility;
    • Upload documents to the Rectory's Erasmus+ Platform;
    • Complete the Final Report (Participant Survey) – students will receive an email requesting mandatory completion of the final report.


    To be considered valid, the Transcript of Records must be signed by the responsible person at the Host University and bear the same stamp;
    If it is received by email, the email from the University / Institution of destination must be forwarded to NOVA IMS.

    Only after completing these procedures and validating the documents delivered will it be possible to process the payment/adjustments of the 2nd tranche of the Erasmus Grant.

  • Does the certificate of attendance have to be filled in the NOVA template or is it possible to use an UA form template?

    It is advisable to use the NOVA Rectory form, but it is possible to accept the model used in the UA, as long as it guarantees the necessary information.

    To be considered valid it is necessary that:

    • It is filled completed and duly signed and stamped by the host Institution;
    • The document presents the effective dates of the student's mobility (day/month/year)

    The declaration signature date cannot be more than 5 days prior to the mobility final date.

Carlota Franco
Lithuania | Vilnius University
Afonso Pereira
Poland | Nicolaus Copernicus University
Carolina Maximiano
Germany | Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden
Adriana Português
Greece | University of Thessaly Department of Economics
Cristina Freitas
Czech Republic | Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
Duarte Redinha
Hungary | Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Gonçalo Calixto Pires
Slovenia | University of Ljubljana School of Economics and Business
Dário Jesus
Hungary | Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Frencis Visser
Holand | Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
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Lithuania captivates through the contrast with what is familiar to us, from landscapes, customs, gastronomy, to language. Vilnius University offers a wide range of disciplines and has allowed me to shape my knowledge according to my future ambitions. In Vilnius, entertainment is abundant – local festivals and markets are the trademark of this city, as well as traditions that, although initially may seem unusual, immerse us in the culture of the country.
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Studying in Poland was a unique academic and cultural experience. The university is committed to dynamic and collaborative teaching, which led me to meet people from all over Europe. I traveled around the country and its surroundings, and made friendships that last to this day. I recommend the Erasmus program to all students!
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In Dresden I had a unique and challenging experience. A city rich in culture and with a balance between city life and nature. At HTW I gained a practical view of business and the basics of German. Undoubtedly a place to remember for the good times!
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Erasmus, an unbelievable and unique experience! The perfect combination of stepping out of your comfort zone and opening doors to new opportunities, lessons, languages, cultures, teaching methods, adventures, and friendships!
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This unique experience changed my life, both professionally and personally. Made me grow a lot as a person,. I learned to live alone, to adapt to a totally different culture and to have an open mind to other perspectives of life. It allowed me to meet new people and cultures from all over the world, which I still keep in touch today.
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For me Erasmus was one of the most important and essential experience I have ever had. In Budapest I met people from all over the world, travelled to different countries, had the opportunity to learn whit different methods and to grow as an individual.
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It was in Slovenia that I experienced the best of academic life. Living in a small town, surrounded by nature and where you can only ride a bike, were the main reasons why I chose Ljubljana.
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Participating in the Erasmus Program was the most important decision I made as a university student: leaving my comfort zone to face the unknown. That was the challenge. A challenge that changed my life because of the experiences I had, the countries I got to know, the cultures I observed and, of course, the countless people I met. Besides the personal aspect, thanks to NOVA IMS, I was lucky enough to study at one of the most prestigious universities in Hungary and get to know different teaching methods. It is an experience that makes us grow and leads us to discover new realities. It is a stage that all students should go through because "Once Erasmus, always Erasmus."
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Studying at NOVA IMS was a really nice and good experience for me. Already at the Welcome Day I had a good feeling about the university, because the teachers and coordinators were all very friendly. At NOVA IMS I had classes in small groups, which made the courses interactive. Through practical exercises I could bring the theory directly into practice, a nice and good way of studying. NOVA IMS is a small faculty, but it has contacts with a lot of universities. Because of that there were not a lot of Erasmus students at our faculty, but we were a small group of Erasmus students all with different nationalities. We were very close and after 5 months of Erasmus I have friends from all over Europe!