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Teaching Staff


Joana Neves is an Invited Lecturer at NOVA Information Management School (NOVA IMS). She has a Bachelor degree in Information Management, a Masters in Information Management with a specialization in Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence and is currently doing a PhD in Information Management, by NOVA IMS. In addition, she also integrates some research projects at NOVA IMS. Besides that, she works as a consultant in the area of ​​process management and data treatment and analysis.

Scientific Publications

Neves, J., Turel, O., & Oliveira, T. (2024)

Explaining Social Media Use Reduction As an Adaptive Coping Mechanism: The Roles of Privacy Literacy, Social Media Addiction and Exhaustion. Information Systems Management, 1-14. Advance online publication.

Neves, J., Turel, O., & Oliveira, T. (2024)

Privacy concerns in social media use: A fear appeal intervention. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights, 4(2), 1-13. Article 100260.

Neves, J., Turel, O., & Oliveira, T. (2023)

SNS use reduction: a two-facet privacy concern perspective. Internet Research, 33(3), 974-993.

Neves, J., & Oliveira, T. (2021)

Understanding energy-efficient heating appliance behavior change: The moderating impact of the green self-identity. Energy, 225, 1-12. [120169].