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Teaching Staff


Liah Rosenfeld is currently working on her thesis as part of her Master's degree in Data Science and Advanced Analytics at Nova Information Management School (NOVA IMS). She has shown a keen interest in research and has actively participated in various projects with different topics throughout her academic journey. Her current interests mainly revolve around supervised learning, particularly in classification and regression problems, as well as evolutionary computing.

Scientific Publications

Rosenfeld, L., & Vanneschi, L. (2025)

A Survey on Batch Training in Genetic Programming. Genetic Programming And Evolvable Machines, 26, 1-28. Article 2.

Vanneschi, L., Farinati, D., Rasteiro, D., Rosenfeld, L., Pietropolli, G., & Silva, S. (2025)

Exploring Non-bloating Geometric Semantic Genetic Programming. In S. M. Winkler, W. Banzhaf, T. Hu, & A. Lalejini (Eds.), Genetic Programming Theory and Practice XXI (pp. 237-258). (Genetic and Evolutionary Computation). Springer Singapore.