Coordinator of the Legislative Impact Assessment Technical Unit, integrated in the Center of Competences for Planning, Prospective and Policies of Public Administration, since December 2016. Senior Economist at the Competition Authority from 2004 to 2016, where he held positions in the Market Monitoring and State Aid Department, the Restrictive Practices Department as Deputy Director, and the Special Unit for Public Policy Evaluation. Assistant Professor at the School of Economic Sciences and Organizations of the Lusófona University of Humanities and Technologies. Researcher at the Center for Research in European, Economic, Financial, and Fiscal Law. Collaborator of the FCT research project "LegImpact - Legislative production as a means of implementing public policies: quantitative analysis and socioeconomic impact". Ph.D. in Economics and Master's in Management from ISEG, University of Lisbon, and Bachelor's in Economics from the Portucalense University.