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Degree in Law by University of Lisbon School of Law and postgraduate studies in European Studies from the European Institute of the University of Lisbon School of Law. Assistant professor at the University of Lisbon School of Law (1983-1984) and at the Institute of New Professions (1996-1999). President of the European Court of Auditors (ECA) between January 16th of 2008 and September 30th of 2016. Between June 1st of 2010 and September 30th of 2016, following the reorganization of the Court, he was also President of the Administrative Committee. Member of the ECA from March 2000 to January 2008. Member of the Board of Directors of the European Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (EUROSAI), from June 2011 to September 2016. President of the Portuguese Court of Auditors since October 1st of 2016 to October 6th of 2020. EUROSAI auditor during the period 2008-2010. At the Finance General Inspection-Audit Authority, he was Director of Finance Inspector (1989-1995) and Deputy Inspector-General for Finance (1995-2000), responsible for coordinating EU audits and the Internal Control System for Financial Administration of the State. Consultant to the OECD under the SIGMA initiative (Support for Improvement in Governance and Management in Central and Eastern European Countries), having developed work with the Ministries of Finance of the Czech Republic (1997), Poland (1998) and Estonia (1999). Member of the EUROPOL Joint Review Committee (2002-2004). Member of the Advisory Committee of the Academy of European Law in Trier (since 2008). Vice-president of The Bridge Forum Dialogue, Luxembourg (since 2008). Guest speaker at different conferences and seminars, author of articles on public finance, financial control and auditing in joint works ("Public Expenditure Control in Europe", Edward Elgar, Cheltenham (United Kingdom), 2005; "Accountability, Transparency and Public Sector Audit in the EU - the impact of the crisis ", published in Revista do Tribunal de Contas 55/56, Lisbon, 2012;" Public Finances of the European Union ", ed. Almedina, 2012;" The EU's growing public accountability and audit challenges ", KHT-Media, Helsinki, 2013) and in specialized magazines (eg, Court of Auditors' Magazine, Revue Française de Finances Publiques, Public Finance Quarterly) Decorations: Great cross of the Military Order of Christ, Portugal, June 10th, 2014. Medal of Merit Municipal of Marvão, October 25th, 2014. Order of Merit for Supervision in the Americas (Organización Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Supervisory Entities - OLACEFS), November 25th, 2014. Cross of Commander of the Order of Merit, Poland, April 21st of 2015. Civil Merit Medal (Titullin "Për Merita të Veçanta Civile"), Albania, May 25th, 2015. Title of Gratitude ("Mirënjohje e Qytetit") from the City of Tirana, Albania, May 26th, 2015. Grand Cross of the Order of Infante D. Henrique, Portugal, October 11th, 2020. Professor Honoris Causa, Sofia National and World Economics University, Bulgaria, May 20th, 2008. Doctor Honoris Causa, University of Tirana, Albania, May 26th, 2015.

Scientific Publications

Caldeira, V. (2019)

Contabilidade, prestação de contas e auditoria do setor público: situação atual e perspetiva. In Em Memória de João Carvalho: Estudos sobre Contabilidade, Finanças e Políticas Públicas. Áreas Editora.

Caldeira, V. (2012)

O controlo das finanças públicas europeias. In João Ricardo Catarino, José F. F. Tavares (Coords.). Finanças públicas da União Europeia. (Manuais universitários).[Coimbra]: Almedina. ISBN 978-972-40-4922-9

Caldeira, V. M. S. (2011)

Accountability, Transparency and Public Sector Audit in the EU: the impact of the crisis. Revista do Tribunal de Contas, nº 55/56, Janeiro/Dezembro 2011.

Caldeira, V. (2009)

The European Court of Auditors and the cooperation with the Supreme Audit Institutions in the European Union. Public Finance Quarterly – Journal of Public Finance, vol. LIV, 2009, fourth issue

Caldeira, V. (2008)

The European Court of Auditors perspective on the management and control of EU funds. Tékhne: Revista de Estudos Politécnicos, vol. VI, n° 10.

Caldeira, V. (2005)

The coordination of internal controls: the single audit: towards a European Union internal control framework. In Milagros Garciá Crespo (Ed.). Public Expenditure Control in Europe Coordinating Audit Functions in the European Union. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Caldeira, V. (2001)

Le côntrole des fonds structurels au Portugal. Revue Française de Finances Publiques, 74, April, pp. 103–10.