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Teaching Staff


Luisa Maria da Silva Gonçalves was born in Leiria, Portugal, in 1965. She holds a degree in Geomatic Engineering (5 years) from the University of Coimbra, a MSc in Geographical Information Systems (GIS) (3 years) from the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Technical University of Lisbon and a PhD degree in Civil Engineering, in the scientific area of Urban, Regional Planning and Transportation, from the University of Coimbra. She was a collaborator of GEOMETRAL, Measurement Techniques and Computing, SA, where she held the post of head of project and Managing Partner and Technical Director of GISTEC-Cartographic and Photogrammetric Techniques, Lda.. Currently, she is an adjunct professor in the Department of Civil Engineering of the School of Technology and Management of the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (ESTG-IPLeiria). She is a visiting professor of the Master degree in Science and GIS at NOVA IMS. She is a member of the Institute of Systems and Computer Engineering of Coimbra (INESC Coimbra). Her main research interests are in GIS, Remote Sensing classification methods, modeling and processing the uncertainty associated with the production and validation of information automatically extracted from multispectral images. She supervises several MSc dissertations at ESTG-IPLeiria and at the University of Coimbra in the areas of Geographic Information Systems, Remote Sensing and Planning. Author of more than 40 scientific papers published in international and national journals and proceedings of international and national conferences. Participant in COST Action TU1208 - Civil Engineering Applications of Ground Penetrating Radar. Coordination and participation as a team member in research and development projects, specialized consultancy studies ordered by several public institutions and companies in areas related with Remote Sensing, Geographic Information Systems and Transport and Urban Planning.

Scientific Publications

Andriolo, U., Gonçalves, G., Hidaka, M., Gonçalves, D., Gonçalves, L. M., Bessa, F., & Kako, S. (2024)

Marine litter weight estimation from UAV imagery: Three potential methodologies to advance macrolitter reports. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 202, 1-10. Article 116405.

Gonçalves, L. M. S. (2024)

Metodology to develop a 3D-GIS heritage city model to support the monitoring of buildings' state of conservation: case study of Leiria downtown historical centre. 2380-2387. Abstract from 10th  Euro-American Congress on Construction Pathology, Rehabilitation Technology and Heritage Management, Gijón, Spain.

Morais, A. M., Gonçalves, L. M. S., & Heleno, L. (2024)

Strategic Environmental Assessment and Environmental Report Proposal for Detailed Plans: The Case Study of Vale Da Cabrita in Leiria. In J. R. D. C. S. Galvão, P. Brito, F. D. S. Neves, H. D. A. Almeida, S. D. J. M. Mourato, & C. Nobre (Eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd  International Conference on Water Energy Food and Sustainability (ICoWEFS 2023) (pp. 489-500). (Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences). Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

Gonçalves, G., Andriolo, U., Gonçalves, L. M. S., Sobral, P., & Bessa, F. (2022)

Beach litter survey by drones: Mini-review and discussion of a potential standardization. Environmental Pollution, 315(15 December), 1-8. [120370].

Andriolo, U., Gonçalves, G., Rangel-Buitrago, N., Paterni, M., Bessa, F., Gonçalves, L. M. S., Sobral, P., Bini, M., Duarte, D., Fontán-Bouzas, Á., Gonçalves, D., Kataoka, T., Luppichini, M., Pinto, L., Topouzelis, K., Vélez-Mendoza, A., & Merlino, S. (2021)

Drones for litter mapping: An inter-operator concordance test in marking beached items on aerial images. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 169, [112542].

Francisco, C., Gonçalves, L., Gaspar, F., Rodrigues, H., Carracelas, M. S., Luna, I. P., Gonçalves, G., & Providência, P. (2021)

Data Acquisition in Cultural Heritage Buildings Using Non-destructive Techniques, and Its Gathering with BIM: The Case Study of the Gothic Monastery of Batalha in Portugal. In H. Rodrigues, F. Gaspar, P. Fernandes, & A. Mateus (Eds.), Sustainability and Automation in Smart Constructions: Proceedings of the International Conference on Automation Innovation in Construction (CIAC-2019), Leiria, Portugal (pp. 59-68). (Advances in Science, Technology and Innovation). Springer Nature.

Blennow, K., Persson, J., Gonçalves, L. M. S., Borys, A., Dutcǎ, I., Hynynen, J., Janeczko, E., Lyubenova, M., Merganič, J., Merganičová, K., Peltoniemi, M., Petr, M., Reboredo, F., Vacchiano, G., & Reyer, C. P. O. (2020)

The role of beliefs, expectations and values in decision-making favoring climate change adaptation : Implications for communications with European forest professionals. Environmental Research Letters, 15(11), 1-10. [114061].

Persson, J., Blennow, K., Gonçalves, L., Borys, A., Dutca, I., Hynynen, J., Janeczko, E., Lyubenova, M., Martel, S., Merganic, J., Merganičová, K., Peltoniemi, M., Petr, M., Reboredo, F. H., Vacchiano, G., & Reyer, C. P. O. (2020)

No polarization-expected values of climate change impacts among European forest professionals and scientists. Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(7), 1-12. [2659].

Solla, M., Gonçalves, L. M. S., Gonçalves, G., Francisco, C., Puente, I., Providência, P., Gaspar, F., & Rodrigues, H. (2020)

A building information modeling approach to integrate geomatic data for the documentation and preservation of cultural heritage. Remote Sensing, 12(24), 1-24. [4028].

Francisco, C., Gonçalves, L. M. S., Gonçalves, G., Mercedes, S. C., Ivan, P. L., Providência, P., Rodrigues, H., & Gaspar, F. (2020)

An integrated approach of non-destructive methods for inspection and characterization of cultural heritage: Case study of monastery of Batalha, Portugal. In I. Lombillo, H. Blanco, & Y. Boffill (Eds.), REHABEND 2020: Construction Pathology, Rehabilitation Technology and Heritage Management. (8th  REHABEND Congress). Granada (Spain), March 24th  -27th  , 2020 (pp. 936-943). (REHABEND). University of Cantabria - Building Technology R&D Group.

Petr, M., Vacchiano, G., Thom, D., Mairota, P., Kautz, M., Gonçalves, L. M. D. S., ... Reyer, C. P. O. (2019)

Inconsistent recognition of uncertainty in studies of climate change impacts on forests. Environmental Research Letters, 14(11), 1-13. [113003].

Cunha, J., Gonçalves, L. M. D. S., Aguilera, F., Roldan, P. A., & Pinto, C. (2017)

Subsurface dynamic evaluation to identify old quarries in urban areas: Lisbon city case study. Procedia Engineering, 209, 195-201. DOI: 10.1016/j.proeng.2017.11.147

Fonte, C. C., & Gonçalves, L. M. S. (2018)

Identification of low accuracy regions in land cover maps using uncertainty measures and classification confidence. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives, 42(4), 275-281. DOI: 10.5194/isprs-archives-XLII-4-201-2018

Gonçalves, L. M. S., Gaspar, F., & Gonçalves, A. (2018)

Análise comparativa de diferentes dados laser scanning na documentação e modelação 3D do património edificado. In Actas del Congreso REHABEND 2018 (221479 ed., pp. 1513-1521). (REHABEND).

Gonçalves, L. M. S., Gaspar, F., & Gonçalves, A. (2018)

Análise comparativa de diferentes dados laser scanning na documentação e modelação 3D do património edificado. In Actas del Congreso REHABEND 2018 (221479 ed., pp. 1513-1521). (REHABEND).

Goncalves, L. M. S., Fonte, C. C., Julio, E., & Caetano, M. (2012)

The application of uncertainty measures in the training and evaluation of supervised classifiers. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 33(9), 2851-2867. doi: 10.1080/01431161.2011.622315

Valença, J., Costa, D. Dias da, Gonçalves, L., Júlio, E., & Araújo, H. (2011)

Monitorização inteligente do estado de conservação do betão. Construção Magazine, 44(4), 14-18.

Gonçalves, L., Fonte, C., Júlio, E., & Caetano, M. (2010)

Evaluation of soft possibilistic classifications with non specificity uncertainty measures. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 31(19), 5199-5219.

Gonçalves, L., Fonte, C. & Caetano, M. (2010)

Using uncertainty information to combine soft classifications. In Hüllermeier, E., Kruse, R., & Hoffmann, F. (Eds), Proceedings of the 13th  International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, IPMU 2010. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, LNAI 6178, (pp. 455-463).

Gonçalves, L., Fonte, C., Carrão, H. & Caetano, M. (2010)

Improving image classification accuracy: a method to incorporate uncertainty in the selection of training sample sets. In Tate, N. & Fisher, P. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th  International Symposium on Spatial Accuracy Assessment in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences. , 20 - 23 July 2010, Leicester, UK. (pp. 261-264). Leicester: University of Leicester.

Goncalves, L. M. S., Fonte, C. C., Julio, E., & Caetano, M. (2009)

A method to incorporate uncertainty in the classification of remote sensing images. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 30(20), 5489-5503.

Goncalves, L., Fonte, C. C., Julio, E., & Caetano, M. (2009)

Assessment of the state of conservation of buildings through roof mapping using very high spatial resolution images. Construction and Building Materials, 23(8), 2795-2802.

Gonçalves, L. M. G., Fonte, C. C., Júlio, E. N. B. S., & Caetano, M. (2009)

Evaluation of remote sensing images classifiers with uncertainty measures. In R. Devillers & H. Goodchild (Eds.), Spatial Data Quality - From Process to Decisions (pp. 163-177): CRC Press/ Taylor & Francis.

Goncalves, L. M. S., Fonte, C. C., Julio, E., & Caetano, M. (2009)

On the information provided by uncertainty measures in the classification of remote sensing images. In J. P. Carvalho, D. U. Kaymak & J. M. C. Sousa (Eds.), Proceedings of the Joint 2009 International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress and 2009 European Society of Fuzzy Logic and Technology Conference (pp. 1051-1056). Linz: European Soc Fuzzy Logic & Technology.

Goncalves, L., Fonte, C. C., Júlio, E., & Caetano, M. (2009)

Aplicação de medidas de incerteza no processo de classificação de imagens multiespectrais. Paper presented at the VI Conferência Nacional de Cartografia e Geodesia, Lisboa.

Gonçalves, L., Fonte, C., E., J., & Caetano, M. (2009)

Application of remote sensing to heritage conservation: a case study in central Portugal. Paper presented at the 28th  Symposium of the European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories, Istanbul.