The Academic Division organizes, manages, and controls the processes inherent to registration, enrollment, and attendance of undergraduate and graduate courses, as well as the pedagogical certification of each student's academic path, following the strategy of the Institute's management bodies.
Academic Services
Among other tasks, it is responsible for:
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday: 9 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. (Tuesdays and Thursdays close at 7 p.m.)
Monday to Friday: 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Customer Service by Electronic Mail
Electronic assistance is done through the following form.
If you want information about the NOVA IMS training programs, application deadlines, and calendars, or to receive support in your application, please contact our Marketing & Admissions Department through e-mail
Catarina Prazeres da SilvaStaff
Elodie FerreiraStaff
Filipa NegrãoStaff
Laura DiasStaff
Mariana NevesStaff
Raquel SilvaStaff
Renata AzevedoStaff
Application Process
I've finished secundary school and want to study at NOVA IMS. How can I apply?
The National Contest for Access and Admission to Higher Education is run by the Directorate General for Higher Education (DGES). As such, you can check their website for more information. For information about admission in our Bachelor’s Degree Programs, you can check the following links:
How can I apply for a Master’s Degree Program at NOVA IMS?
To access NOVA IMS’ Master’s Degree Programs, applicants must hold a Bachelor’s Degree in a compatible area to the course to which they are applying. In most courses, English proficiency is required. The application must be submitted through the Application Portal, along with the required documentation, such as Curriculum Vitae and Academic Certificates.
For detailed information about application deadlines, fees, and requirements, click here.
How can I apply for a Doctoral Program at NOVA IMS?
To access NOVA IMS’ Doctoral Program, applicants must hold a Master’s Degree in a compatible area, or legal equivalent, with a minimum grade of 16 points (out of 20). English proficiency is required. The application must be submitted through the Application Portal, along with the required documentation, such as Curriculum Vitae, Declaration of Intent and Academic Certificates.
For detailed information about application deadlines, fees, and requirements, click here.
How can I apply for a Postgraduate Program at NOVA IMS?
To access NOVA IMS’ Postgraduate Programs, applicants must hold a Bachelor’s Degree in a compatible area to the course to which they are applying. In most courses, English proficiency is required. The application must be submitted through the Application Portal, along with the required documentation, such as Curriculum Vitae and Academic Certificates. For detailed information about application deadlines, fees, and requirements, click here.
I’m from a País Africano de Língua Oficial Portuguesa (PALOP). Can I apply for a Bachelor’s Degree Program?
Yes, it is also possible to access the Bachelor’s Degree Programs through the Special Regimes, which are run by the Directorate General for Higher Education (DGES). As such, you can check their website for more information.
For detailed information about our Bachelor’s Degree Programs, you can check the following links:
Are there other ways to apply for a Bachelor’s Degree Program besides the National Contest?
Yes, it is also possible to access the Bachelor’s Degree Programs through the Special Admission Contest for International Students. This Contest is aimed at applicants who do not have a Portuguese nationality and hold a qualification that gives them access to higher education, or who completed Portuguese secondary education (or legal equivalent). For more detailed information about admission through this Contest, click here.
Universidade Nova de Lisboa offers a Pre-University Semester (SPU) program for non-European students who have completed their secondary education. This program provides students with the technical and linguistic knowledge necessary for the continuation of their studies at NOVA IMS. For more detailed information about the program, click here.
I’m over 23 years old. Can I apply as a Mature/Over 23 Student?
No. NOVA IMS this form of admission is not available.
I’m a Bachelor’s student in another school/institution. Can I transfer to NOVA IMS?
Only the following can request the Change of Institution/Course Pair:
a) Students who have been previously registered and enrolled in another higher education school/institution but have not completed their course;
b) Students who have been registered and enrolled in a foreign higher education school/institution, in a course defined as a higher education course by their country’s legislation, whether or not they have completed it.
The application and required documentation has to be submitted to the Academic Services, through the Contact Form.
For detailed information about admission, required documentation, and deadlines, click here.
Can I apply as an International Student? How can I apply?
The application for the Special Admission Contest for International Students must be submitted through the Application Portal, along with the required documentation, such as:
a) Copy of personal ID document or Passport, in which the applicant’s nationality is clearly indicated;
b) Declaration, under oath, that the applicant is not covered by any of the points listed in Article 2, Paragraph 2, of the Contest’s Regulation.
c) Copy of diploma/education certificate of the qualification giving access to higher education in the country of origin or of the Portuguese secondary education qualification (or legal equivalent);
d) Proof of proficiency in the language of instruction;
e) Certificate of residence issued by the country where the applicant currently resides.
This Contest is aimed at applicants who do not have a Portuguese nationality and, as such, applicants who hold dual nationality will not be considered.
For detailed information about admission, required documentation, and deadlines, click here.
Special Status
I’m a student worker. Can I request a special status?
The Student-Worker Status, applicable only to Bachelor’s students, can be requested after registration and up to 15 days after the beginning of classes of the academic year in question.
The required documentation can be submitted to the Academic Services in person or through the Contact Form.I’m a student athlete. Can I request a special status?
Students can only request the Student-Athlete Status if they:
a) Participate in championships and competitions;
b) Meet the sports merit requirements;
c) Satisfy the academic performance requirements.
The request must be submitted to the Academic Services, through the Contact Form.
The Sports Office, of the Social Welfare Services of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (SAS NOVA), will then confirm if students comply with the conditions in paragraphs a) and b), and will manage the necessary procedures for the status to be granted, along with NOVA IMS’ Academic Services, which will confirm if students comply with the condition in paragraph c).
For detailed information, please check NOVA IMS’ Regulation and Support for Student-Athletes, available here.I’m a board member in NOVA IMS’ Student Association. Can I request a special status?
Students who are elected members of NOVA IMS SU’s Direction Board, General Meeting Board or Fiscal Council can request the Student Association’s Leader Status. For the status to be granted, NOVA IMS SU must submit, to the Academic Services, the minutes of the Board’s inauguration, up to 30 days after it takes place, as well as a list of members who will require the status.
For detailed information, please check NOVA IMS’ Regulation of the Special Regime of Attendance of the Student Association Leader, available here.
Student Activities
I’ve been admitted to NOVA IMS. What’s next?
Registration and enrollment is made online, through the NetP@Academic Portal, within the period established for it in the Academic Calendar, available here, (by selecting your course);
After creating your personal password to access NOVA IMS’ platforms (through a link that will be sent to your personal email, after the payment of the pre-enrollment fee), you must login to the Netp@ portal and follow these steps to complete your registration and enrollment:- Upload a photo in “My Profile” / “Change Picture”;
- Fill out all of the mandatory fields in every tab (Student Personal Data, Academic Route and Parents’ Data) of the “Personal Data” menu. This data is required for the RAIDES Survey, which is the annual survey of national scope for the Registration of the enrolled and graduate students in Higher Education, addressed to all higher education establishments in Portugal; it aims to characterize the system of higher education, in terms of enrolled students and graduates. This survey is conducted by the DGEEC and is mandatory;
- Lastly, select “Register/Enroll” and, after accepting the Terms and Conditions, select the curricular units that you want to enroll in. Registration is made annually and enrollment in the curricular units is made before each semester.
Can I enroll in only some of the elective curricular units from my course?
You should consider your course’s study plan, available here (by selecting your course), and the mandatory and optional curricular units and their respective ECTS, so that, during your course’s term, you can fulfill the necessary requirements to complete it.
Bachelor’s students can enroll in up to 45 ECTS per semester and are advised to read the following Regulations, available here:- Part-Time Student Regulation;
- NOVA IMS’ Regulation of the Student Achievement Assessment;
- Prescription Regulation.
Postgraduate, Master’s and Doctoral students can enroll in up to 37,5 ECTS per semester.
Can I change my classes?
It is possible to change your classes in the Netp@ portal, during the enrollment periods of each semester, which are established in the Academic Calendar, available here, (by selecting your course).
To change a class after an enrollment period has ended, you must contact the Academic Services, through the Contact Form.
You can only switch classes if there are still vacancies available in the intended class, and if it doesn’t overlap with other curricular units you’re enrolled in, which you can confirm by checking your course’s class timetable, available here (by selecting your course).
If a mandatory curricular unit and an optional curricular unit overlap (and if it is not possible to switch to another class of the optional curricular unit, in a non-conflicting schedule), you should enroll in a different optional curricular unit, that does not overlap with the mandatory curricular unit.
How can I change my attendance format?
The course’s attendance format (daytime or after working hours) must be carefully considered before applying at NOVA IMS. As there is a numerus clausus for each course and corresponding format, it may not be possible to switch formats after admission. On the other hand, there may not be vacancies available in the mandatory curricular units of the format to which the student intends to switch to.
Can I enroll in curricular units from other courses?
The optional curricular units that you can enroll in are those listed in NOVA IMS’ website, in the “Study Plan” menu of your course. If a curricular unit you intend to enroll in is not listed there (and, therefore, is not included in the class timetable), you will not be able to enroll in it. Most likely, it is an exclusive curricular unit from another Postgraduate Program or Master’s Degree Program.
Can I cancel or suspend my enrollment?
In agreement with the Terms and Conditions that the student must read and validate at the time of his/her registration (specific to point 2) the cancellation of registration does not exclude the student from paying tuition for the academic year in which he or she is enrolled.
However, Postgraduate, Master’s and Doctoral students can request the suspension of their enrollment within the first 90 consecutive days of the academic year, counted from the first day of classes, which assures their vacancy in the following academic year. It also allows the student to re-enroll in the following academic year, in the same course, without having to pay the tuition fee again (the amount paid in the suspended academic year is transferred to the academic year of re-enrollment).
This request does not exempt students from the payment of the tuition fee of the academic year they are currently enrolled in, which has to be paid in full for the suspension to be finalized.For detailed information about the suspension process, you can contact the Academic Services, through the Contact Form.
I was a student at NOVA IMS but didn’t complete my course. How can I re-enroll?
To re-enroll in your course (after an interruption of, at least, 1 academic year) you must, before the beginning of the academic year you wish to enroll in, request it to the Academic Services, through the Contact Form.
Re-enrollment requests have a fee of €70. After receiving the request, along with the mentioned payment, the Academic Services will consider your previously completed curricular units and verify which curricular units you will have to approve to complete the course. Before the enrollment period, you will be informed, by email, of the re-enrollment’s conditions and corresponding tuition fees.
For courses that begin in September, re-enrollment must be requested in July; for courses that begin in February, it must be requested in January.
How does the prescription regime work?
For detailed information about the prescription regime (which applies only to Bachelor’s Degree students), check the Prescription Regulation, available here.
I’m a Postgraduate student. How can I transition to a Master’s Degree Program?
Registration and enrollment in a Postgraduate Program allows students to continue their studies and transition to a Master’s Degree Program.
Students from Postgraduate Programs that begin in September will be informed, by December of the same year (after the conclusion of the Fall Semester), of the transition’s rules and conditions and how they can request it. Students from Postgraduate Programs that begin in February will be informed, by December of the same year (after the conclusion of the Fall Semester), of the transition’s rules and conditions and how they can request it.
For students enrolled in Postgraduate Programs that are directly related to a Master’s Degree Program (i.e. that correspond to a Master’s specialization), transition requests are automatically accepted, if made within the stipulated period. The tuition fee to be paid for the 2nd year of the course will be the standard tuition fee defined for the 2nd year of the Master’s Degree Program in question.
For students enrolled in Postgraduate Programs that are not directly related to a Master’s Degree Program (i.e. that do not correspond to a Master’s specialization), transition requests are evaluated case by case by the Course Coordinators. If accepted, then up to 30 ECTS approved in the Postgraduate Program can be transferred to the Master’s Degree Program. Students will be informed, by email, of the added tuition fees that the transition will entail. -
Isolated Curricular Unit
I’m not a student at NOVA IMS. Can I still enroll in curricular units?
If you are not a student at NOVA IMS, but want to enroll in isolated curricular units, you must request it to the Academic Services, through the Contact Form.
The request will then be evaluated by the Course Coordinators.
Attendance of isolated curricular units from Bachelor’s Degree Programs has a tuition fee of €11,62 per ECTS.
Click here to see the tuition fees for the attendance of isolated curricular units from Postgraduate or Master’s Degree Programs depend on which course they are part of and the number of ECTS. -
Tuition Fees
What is the tuition fee? How much is it and when do I have to pay?
Tuition is the attendance rate associated with each course, and is due by each student from the moment of completion of the registration. The tuition fees of each course and their respective deadlines and possible discounts are stated in NOVA IMS' website, in the “Admissions and Tuition” menu of each course, available here (by selecting your course). After registration and enrollment, you will be able to check the installments and deadlines of the tuition fee in the Netp@ portal, by selecting “Financial Situation” / “Payments”. There, you will be able to select each item and create ATM References. It is not possible to change the deadlines, nor the payment amounts through the Netp@ portal. Any request to change these (for example, to pay the tuition fee in full instead of by installments, or to apply a discount), must be made to the Academic Services, through the Contact Form.
If it is not possible for you to comply with the deadlines, you can request a different payment plan to the Academic Services, through the Contact Form.
How can I pay the tuition fee?
The tuition fee can be paid by:
- ATM References, which can be created in the Netp@ portal, by selecting “Financial Situation” / “Payments;
- Bank transfer, by requesting the payment details to the Financial Services (for Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral students) or the Academic Services (for Postgraduate students);
- Ticket Ensino/Educação, by presenting it to the Financial Services (for Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral students) or the Academic Services (for Postgraduate students);
- Cash, in person at NOVA IMS;
- Cheque, by CTT or internal mail.
What happens if I fail to pay the tuition fee on time?
If it is not possible for you to comply with the payment deadlines, you can request a different payment plan, to the Academic Services, through the Contact Form. Students are advised to read the Decree Law n.º 75/2019 of September 2nd, regarding debt settlement mechanisms, available here.
I have outstanding fees from previous years. How can I pay them?
The tuition fee can be paid by:
- ATM References, which can be created in the Netp@ portal, by selecting “Financial Situation” / “Payments;
- Bank transfer, by requesting the payment details to the Financial Services (for Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral students) or the Academic Services (for Postgraduate students);
- Ticket Ensino/Educação, by presenting it to the Financial Services (for Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral students) or the Academic Services (for Postgraduate students);
- Cash, in person at NOVA IMS;
- Cheque, by CTT or internal mail.
If you can’t access the Netp@ portal and want information about your pending payments, please contact the Academic Services, through the Contact Form.
Accreditation Process
I’ve completed curricular units outside of NOVA IMS. Can I transfer credits to NOVA IMS?
Yes, as long as the external curricular unit is from the same degree as the curricular unit you intend to credit, i.e. only curricular units from a Bachelor’s Degree Program can be credited in another Bachelor’s Degree Program. As such, it is not possible to transfer curricular units from a Bachelor’s Degree Program to a Master’s Degree Program.
Accreditation requests must be made to the Academic Services, through the Contact Form, by submitting the following documents:
- Certificate of Attendance (or Completion) in previous school/institution;
- Syllabus, validated by the previous school/institution, of the curricular unit you intend to transfer;
- Proper request form, provided by the Academic Services.
Since NOVA IMS abides by the emolument table defined by Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, each request will have a different calculated fee, depending on the course and number of ECTS. Accreditations are not automatically granted by making the request and paying the fee. The request is forwarded to the Accreditation Commission and to the Scientific Council and can either be accepted or declined based on their evaluation. In either case, the previously mentioned fee is not refunded.
There is a limit to the number of credits that can be transferred to NOVA IMS:
- Bachelor’s students can transfer up to 90 ECTS;
- Master’s and Postgraduate students can transfer up to 30 ECTS;
- Doctoral students can transfer up to 20 ECTS.
Can I transfer credits based on professional experience or training?
No. Accreditation requests can only be made based on academic qualifications, and, as such, it is not possible to request accreditation of curricular units based on professional experience.
I’ve completed my course. How can I request certification?
To request documentation that certifies the completion of your course, you must fill out the proper request form, provided by the Academic Services, in person or through the Contact Form.
Depending on your course and/or degree, you can request:
- Degree Diploma, available for Degree courses and issued in Portuguese only:
- Bachelor’s Degree, includes only the final grade (€110);
- Master’s Degree, includes only the final grade (€120).
- Diploma, available for non-Degree courses:
- Doctorate Curricular Part – Advanced Studies Diploma (€110, issued in Portuguese and English – bilingual);
- Master’s Curricular Part (110€, issued in Portuguese and English – bilingual);
- Non-Degree Courses – Post-Graduation, includes only the final grade (54€, issued in Portuguese and English – bilingual).
- Course Completion Certificate, available for every course:
- Course Completion Certificate (1st Issue), includes all approved curricular units, as well as the final grade (€50, issued in Portuguese and English – bilingual);
- Course Completion Certificate (2nd Issue) (€33, issued in Portuguese and English – bilingual)
Certificates and Diplomas can legally take up to 60 business days to issue. If you need them to be issued quickly, you can request for them to be issued with urgency, by paying an added fee:
- Urgency fee of 24 hours (added fee of 100% over base price);
- Urgency fee of 3 business days (added fee of 50% over base price).
I haven’t completed my course yet. How can I request an attendance certificate?
You must fill out the proper request form, provided by the Academic Services, in person or through the Contact Form, to request the following document:
- Course Attendance Certificate, containing all approved curricular units (6.00€ + 0.70€ (per approved curricular unit) issued in Portuguese and English – bilingual);
This document does not include your final grade; it only contains the grades and corresponding ECTS of your approved curricular units.
How can I request the official syllabuses of the curricular units I completed at NOVA IMS?
To request authenticated syllabuses of your approved curricular units, you must fill out the proper request form, provided by the Academic Services, in person or through the Contact Form. Each authenticated syllabus has a fee of €6 (for the 1st sheet) + 0.70€ (for each following sheet). The syllabus contains the curricular unit’s workload, ECTS, content, teaching methodologies and evaluation methods that were used in the academic year in question.
- Degree Diploma, available for Degree courses and issued in Portuguese only:
Other Academic Documentation
I need a statement from the Academic Services. How can I request it?
Statements or letters (such as enrollment or admission statements) are issued free of charge and must be requested to the Academic Services, through the Contact Form.
Can I apply for a scholarship?
Scholarship applications are run by the Social Welfare Services of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (SAS NOVA), here.
I’ve applied for a scholarship. Do I still have to pay the installments in the defined deadlines?
For students who have applied for a scholarship, payment of the tuition fee will only take place after the completion of the scholarship process and, if granted, after it is paid. By submitting a confirmation of application to a scholarship, students can request a suspension of payments until the completion of the process.
I have questions about scholarships or student housing. Who can I contact?
For information about financial support, student housing, student sports or health services for students, you can contact the Social Welfare Services of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (SASNOVA), here.
Evaluation Process
How are students evaluated?
For detailed information about the evaluation process, you can check NOVA IMS’ Regulation of the Student Achievement Assessment, available here.
I failed or missed the final exam, what can I do?
If you failed or missed the 1st season exam, you can take the 2nd season exam as a supplementary exam. Unlike the 1st season exams, which students are automatically enrolled in, enrollment in supplementary exams must be made in the Netp@ portal, in the “Exam Enrollment” menu, and is free of charge. Enrolling in 2nd season exams is only possible after the grades of the 1st season exams have been released. The enrollment period of each 2nd season exam opens 10 days before its date and closes 2 days before.
Can I improve my exam grades?
If you not satisfied with the 1st season exam’s grade, you can take the 2nd season exam as an improvement exam. Enrollment in improvement exams must be made through the Netp@ portal, in the “Exam Enrollment” menu, and has a fee of 15€ per curricular unit. The final grade will be the highest between the 1st and 2nd season exams. Enrolling in 2nd season exams is only possible after the grades of the 1st season exams have been released. The enrollment period of each 2nd season exam opens 10 days before its date and closes 2 days before. After enrolling and paying the mentioned fee, it is not possible to cancel the enrollment or request a refund.
Who can access the Special Exam Period?
The Special Exam Period is aimed at Bachelor’s students who are finalists and have up to 3 curricular units left to complete the course, or who hold the status of Student-Worker or Student Association’s Leader. Enrollment in the special exam period has a fee of €37,50 per curricular unit and is made through the Netp@ portal, in the period established for it in the Academic Calendar. You can check the Exam Calendar and the Academic Calendar, available here (by selecting your course).
I missed an exam, or I won’t be able to attend an exam. Can it be rescheduled?
With the exception of circumstances specified in current legislation, the exam schedule applies to all students, so it is not possible to request rescheduling of exams. Missing an exam or evaluation automatically results in a failing grade in that exam or evaluation. If you have missed the 1st season exam, you can take the 2nd season exam as a supplementary exam.
General Information
How can I request a statement for fiscal purposes?
You can request a fiscal statement from the Financial Services (for Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral students) or to the AD NOVA IMS Department (for Postgraduate students).
Where can I find receipts for the payments I’ve made?
You can find your payments’ receipts and invoices in the Netp@ portal, by selecting “Financial Situation” / “Electronic Billing”. If you can’t find them there, you can request them directly from the Financial Services (for Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral students) or from the AD NOVA IMS Department (for Postgraduate students).
Can I get a student card?
NOVA IMS’ Student Card is issued by Santander Bank, and can only be requested after registration and enrollment. It is free of charge and has a validity of 3 years for Bachelor’s students, 2 years for Master’s students, and 1 year for Postgraduate students. After it is issued, it can be picked up in NOVA IMS’ Reception Desk.
How can I get to NOVA IMS? Is there parking access?
How can I contact the NOVA IMS Students’ Union?
You can check NOVA IMS SU’s contact here.
I still have questions. Who should I contact?
For more information, you can contact:
- The Academic Services, if you are a student and need more information about enrollment, exams, timetables and calendars, or documentation and certification;
- The Marketing Department and Admissions’ Office, if you are an applicant, or potential applicant, and want more information about NOVA IMS’ courses and the application process;
- The Financial Services, if you are a Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Doctoral student, and need information about the payment of the tuition fees and their billing process;
- The ADNOVAIMS Department, which includes:
- The External Affairs Office, where you can get information about events, seminars or conferences that take place at NOVA IMS;
- The Professional Integration Office, where you can get information about professional or curricular internships;
- The Erasmus Office, where you can get information about, and apply for, the Erasmus+ mobility program;
- NOVA IMS Executive Education, where you can get information about the Executive Education programs;
- Management of the billing process and electronic payment of the tuition fees of Postgraduate students.
- The IT Department, if you have questions about the School’s IT equipment or need help accessing NOVA IMS’ online platforms;
- The Students’ Support Office, if you have questions or need help with your academic journey;
- The Library and Documentation Services, if you need to access documentation or publications necessary to the development of your academic activities.
The different contacts and schedules of these services are available here.