Teaching and Learning
The Evaluation of Teachers and Curricular Units by students has been implemented at NOVA IMS since its foundation, more than 30 years ago. Additionally, there are mechanisms for the regular monitoring of the functioning of the study programs and curricular units, through the great proximity maintained between teachers and students, regular dialogue between student representatives and Coordinators of Study Programs, the Pedagogical Council, the Student and Faculty Support Offices, and the NOVA IMS Board of Directors.
In the field of Teaching and Learning, NOVA SIMAQ comprises a set of procedures and instruments for evaluation, management, and improvement of pedagogical quality will ensure monitoring of teaching and learning processes, aiming to promote their continuous improvement:

The continuous improvement of teaching and learning quality at NOVA IMS is recognized nationally and internationally, as demonstrated by the positioning of the study programs in the Eduniversal rankings, the Accreditations and Certifications achieved, as well as the growing number of candidates to the programs and the quality of these same candidates.
Coordinators of Study Programs play a key role in monitoring, follow-up, and quality improvement, with roles that are properly defined (Responsibilities of Coordinators).
Additionally, the Coordinators of Study Programs chair the corresponding Committee for the Monitoring and Improvement of the Study Programs, which includes representatives of the teachers and students, holding periodic meetings. These committees are responsible for promoting constructive dialogue, aligned with the continuous improvement of pedagogical quality, active participation of students in all matters related to the functioning of the program, identification, and implementation of both good practices and innovative approaches.
The results of the NOVA SIMAQ surveys, indicators and reports are made available on the Moodle platform for consultation by the entire NOVA IMS academic community.
NOVA IMS also pays particular attention to students’ integration into the professional world. The Professional Placement Office´s main objective is to facilitate our students’ entry into the job market. Job postings the institution receives are disseminated through the Career Center by JobTeaser platform. NOVA IMS provides students and Alumni access to exclusive job offers, summer internships, and professional internships, as well as events for job market preparation, individual counseling sessions, company presentation spaces, and many other features through this platform.
The characterization of the professional situation of the graduates is carried out through the information collected and made available by the Observatory of Professional Insertion of Graduates of the NOVA University of Lisbon (OBIPNOVA).