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The NOVA IMS programs, offer a unique learning experience, combining theory with the application of the best and most innovative teaching practices.

If you are interested in studying at NOVA IMS and want to explore scholarship and award opportunities, this page is your starting point to discover the options available in the different programs.

Bolsas Santander Apoio Universitário 2ª Edição 2024

NOVA IMS is partnering with the "Bolsas Santander Apoio Universitário - 2ª edição 2024" program, an initiative of the Santander Portugal Foundation. As part of this collaboration, NOVA IMS offers 25 scholarships of 1,000 euros for master’s students and 10 scholarships of 500 euros for undergraduate students enrolled in the 2024/2025 academic year. The program aims to promote equal access to higher education by supporting students with fewer economic resources.

Learn more about the eligibility criteria here.



Achievement Awards

At NOVA IMS we encourage continuous individual development, so we reward students who excel in their programs.  All students that stand out, during their academic path, for their academic excellence in the different course units and programs are also awarded.

To know more, please click here.

NOVA IMS International Mobility Scholarships

We understand that an international experience can be incredibly enriching for our students, and therefore, we are committed to providing mobility opportunities that allow them to explore the world and expand their academic and cultural horizons.

To know more, please click here.

NOVA IMS Social Mobility Scholarships

NOVA IMS, in line with the guidelines of Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, believes that ensuring equitable access to higher education and vertical mobility between levels of study is essential to improve social cohesion, equal opportunities and quality of life for citizens. Financial constraints should not stop candidates from pursuing their dreams. Assuming this fundamental principle, NOVA IMS offers a social mobility scholarship for students with a proven need for financial aid. This mission is associated with the development of the fundamental pillars of the Inclusion Policy of Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, universality, social mobility and talent.

To know more, please click here (available in Portuguese).

Scholarships José Neves Foundation (ISAºFJN)

The Postgraduate and Master programs of NOVA Information Management School (NOVA IMS) are part of ISAºFJN, the scholarship program of José Neves Foundation.

This scholarship program, based on the Income Share Agreement model, allows students to benefit from a loan to pay the tuition, which is paid directly by the Foundation to NOVA IMS.

The scholarship awarded is refundable, since the tuition is returned to the Foundation later, when the student enters the labor market and receives a salary income above a pre-defined value. The repayment plan is adapted to each scholarship holder, being dependent on the expected income, according to the course in question.

To know more, please click here.

TIA – PRR Scholarships

The TIA Project - Tourism International Academy (TIA | PRR) presented to the Impulso Jovens Steam and Impulso Adults Program under the PRR, results from a partnership between Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Turismo de Portugal, ESHTE and Universidade Aberta.

The main goal is to support the training and qualification of Young People and Adults, through online or presential formats, as well as the promotion of innovative activities in the Tourism and Hospitality (T&H) sectors based on the expertise and trans and interdisciplinary knowledge of the various institutions involved.

Within the scope of this project, NOVA IMS offers a set of courses focused on the digitization and analysis of data for organizations linked to the hotel and tourism industry, with a very significant reduction in the value of their tuition fees, which, in some cases, may be 100%.

For students enrolling in the Postgraduate Program in Business Intelligence and Analytics for Hospitality & Tourism in February 2025, the TIA Project is providing 15 scholarships, worth €2,000 each, With the aim of qualifying professionals in the areas of hospitality and tourism. Here you can access the Decree 'Atribuição de Bolsas de Incentivo para cursos Ciência de Dados em Hotelaria e Turismo I e Business Intelligence em Turismo, ao abrigo do Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência (PRR)', which establishes the selection and ranking criteria for students applying for the scholarship.

For further information, please click here.

Direção Geral do Ensino Superior (DGES) Scholarships

The Portuguese Government provides financial support to students in need. The funds are provided by DGES (Direção-Geral do Ensino Superior/ Higher-Directorate for Higher Education) and administrated by SASNOVA (Serviços de Ação Social da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa/ Social Action Services). These scholarships are to students in the first and second cycles at NOVA University Lisbon, intending to make it possible for students with reduced financial abilities to begin and continue their studies.

To know more, please click here (available in Portuguese).

Direção Geral do Ensino Superior (DGES) Merit Scholarships

Merit scholarships are awarded by Public and Private Higher Education establishments to students with exceptional performance, regardless of their income, under with the Regulation for the Attribution of Merit Scholarships to Students of Higher Education Institutions.

For more information, please visit the report.

You can also view the list of awarded students or visit the DGES website.