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Master Degree in Geospatial Technologies


Master's of Science in Geospatial Technologies

The Master's of Science in Geospatial Technologies (Erasmus Mundus Program) is a cooperation between NOVA IMS, in Portugal, the Institute for Geoinformatics (IFGI) of the University of Münster (WWU), in Germany, and the Universitat Jaume I (UJI), in Spain. It is aimed at graduates who wish to obtain qualifications in fields where geographic information is applied and intend to have a multicultural experience.

This Master degree Program has been selected by the Erasmus Mundus Program of the European Commission as one of the most excellent Master Programs in Europe.

This program is aimed at qualified undergraduates in fields where Geographic Information (GI) is applied, e.g., environmental planning, regional planning, geography, logistics, transportation, defense, marketing, energy provision, computer science.

The applications for this program are open between March 10th and April 10th, 2025. To apply, click here.

Partner universities

  • Jaumei
    Universitat Jaume I
  • IFGI
    Institute for Geoinformatics University of Münster
  • Vagas


    Working Hours

  • Media

    Length and ECTS

    3 semesters (90 ECTS)

  • Semestres


    2 to 3 times a week

  • Lingua

    Start Date

    September 2025


The goal of this program is to train technical staff and managers to:

  • Apply data modeling skills;

  • Understand the basics of geographic Information;

  • Act based on knowledge of information technology
    new media and fundamental concepts of geoinformatics;

  • Resort to skills in geoinformatics, including basic
    and advanced modules;

  • Manage programs and research methods.

Study plan

The program lasts 3 semesters: 2 correspond to the curricular component (1st semester at NOVA IMS or Universitat Jaume I; 2nd semester at the Institute for Geoinformatics of the University of Münster) and 1 semester for the development of the thesis, in a total of 90 ECTS. The study plan for the path starting at NOVA IMS is the following:

1st  Semester at NOVA IMS

Course Units ECTS Type of Course
Spatial Data Analysis and Visualization 7,5 Elective
Remote Sensing 7,5 Elective
Spatial Statistics 7,5 Elective
Geospatial Data Mining 7,5 Elective
Group Project Seminar on Programming and Analysis 5 Mandatory
Portuguese 4 Elective
Geographic Information Science 7,5 Mandatory

2nd  Semester at University of Münster (WWU)

Course Units ECTS Type of Course
Core Topics in GI Science 2 Mandatory
Geonformatics Forum 1 Mandatory
Geonformatics Forum Discussion Group 1 Mandatory
Programming in GI 5 Elective
Location-Based Services 5 Elective
Spatial Cognition 5 Elective
Reference Systems for GI 5 Elective
From Data to Knowledge 5 Mandatory
Applied Geospatial Technologies 5 Elective
Advanced Digital Cartography 5 Elective
Research Methods in GI Science 3 Mandatory
Project Management / Geomundus Conference 3 Mandatory

3rd  Semester at NOVA IMS, WWU or UJI

Course Units ECTS
Master Thesis 28
Thesis follow up 2

Length, timetable and exams


The classes (1st and 2nd semesters of the program) will start in September 2025, ending in July 2026, 2 to 3 times a week. 


See the timetable for the academic year 2024-2025 here (NOVA IMS).

The schedule for the 1st semester of 2025-26 academic year will be published in March 2025.


Fall Semester: see the exams calendar here for the academic year 2024-2025.

Living in Münster and Castellón

Münster is a city that keeps its history alive. Houses, churches and squares in the restored old town “tell” tales from different centuries, all the while setting a stage that makes every visit in Münster an experience. You can comfortably reach many of the most important tourist features in Münster by foot or by bike from the Prinzipalmarkt.

Around the historical center of Münster you got the so called green lung “Promenade”. It has a length of 4.5 km round way. The Promenade is also where the huge flea market takes part in summer time every third Saturday between May and September.

From the “Promenade” you can easily reach the lake “Aasee” which has a size of 40.2 Hektar and with a length of 2.3 km. The lake is surrounded by local parks and is the biggest local recreation area of Münster. Next to the Promenade you also see the castle, where you find the departments of the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität. Behind the castle there is a beautiful botanical garden.

On Wednesdays and Saturdays the townsfolk of Münster love to go to the Market which takes place on the “Domplatz” from 7.30am to 2.30pm. You find different booths with a special flair.

For the nightlife people usually go to the old town “Kuhviertel” with its different pubs and restaurants. They also love to go to the harbor, where you find Cafes, Restaurants, a big Cinema as well as Clubs.

So, come and enjoy Münster & spend a great time here!

Munster E Castellon

Castellón de la Plana

Castellón de la Plana,the capital of the province of Castellon, is a town with 175,000 inhabitants, although if the small towns that make up the surrounding metropolitan area are included then the total comes to almost half a million people. It is a pleasant, sunlit town that lies between the Desert de les Palmes hills and the Mediterranean Sea, and is surrounded by orange groves. Industrial development in the area is dominated by a strong ceramics sector. The city is situated 65 km north of Valencia and 285 south of Barcelona.

Castellón has grown in recent years to become one of the most high-profile places in the Valencian Community and Spain. The University, the Conference Centre and Auditorium, the Fine Arts Museum, the Marina and the Planetarium are all evidence of the economic and cultural growth and development of this Mediterranean town.

The main popular festivals in the town are the Magdalena, which is celebrated in March, and Saint Peter’s festival, which takes place in El Grau de Castellón in June.

The province of Castellón mixes seaside and mountain landscapes. Along the coast, the landscape combines large areas of orange groves with 120 km of excellent beaches bathed by the calm waters of the Mediterranean Sea. Inland, the landscape changes dramatically – the province of Castellón is the second most mountainous in Spain and its inland areas have a rich cultural, historical and landscape heritage.


GeoMundus is a symposium on different Geoscience disciplines including, but not limited to, Geography, Earth and Environmental Studies, Geographic Information Science and Geoinformatics, Agriculture, Ecology and Environment, Disaster Management, and any other area in the broad field of Geoscience.

This conference is organized by the students from the consortium of Erasmus Mundus (EM) International Master's program in Geospatial Technologies. It is a conference that is free of charge and organized by students and for students. The conference will have participants from more than 25 countries and is also an opportunity to hear from expert speakers from different fields of Geoscience.

An important objective of this conference is to provide opportunities for the interchange of young researchers approaching academic and job market worlds by favoring networking between young researchers and professionals in geo-related sciences and industries. In order to achieve this objective, GeoMundus will be a scientific conference with peer-reviewed papers and posters, where young researchers present and discuss their work during the presentation sessions. They will have the opportunity to learn from and connect with their peers and innovators in various domains.

Admissions and fees

The Admissions' Jury Panel of NOVA IMS is looking for excellent students who have the potential to become good technical staff and excellent managers. Qualities such as maturity, determination and motivation, both in the academic path as well in a professional career, are some of the attributes that the Jury Panel is looking for.

2nd  Application phase

From March 10th and April 10th, 2025.

Admission Requirements

  • Hold a bachelor's degree in a compatible field (completed by September 2025);
  • English language proof (TOEFL 500 paper-based or equivalent);
  • Strong motivation;
  • High-level achievements in previous academic and professional careers.

How to Apply

The selection process is based on the analysis of academic and professional curriculum and an interview with the applicant.

Application Fee

This Master has a special agreement regarding the application fee, so to be exempt of this fee (€51), the applicant must choose “voucher” in the payment method and submit the code: “NOVAIMS_GEOTECH”. The application will only be considered successfully submitted after the submission of the voucher.

Tuition Fee

The tuition fee is €1.700 per semester.

Registration Fee

After being admitted to the program and upon confirmation of enrollment, the applicant must make the payment of the following pre-registration fee (around one week after the admission result announcement), deductible in the master programs' tuition fee, and non-refundable in case of withdrawal:

  • €1.250 for applicants with a nationality from a European Union member country;
  • €2.500 for applicants of other nationalities, unless their registration fee is provided by an official entity.

Upon registration, the students should make the following payments:

  • €35 - for enrollment fee (the value is updated annually);
  • €1,40 - for annual school insurance (the value is updated annually).
    The registration fee for the 2nd year and the following years is €35 (the value is updated annually).

Tuition Fee Payment Dates

The tuition fee of this postgraduate program can be paid in two or in three installments:

  • Payment in two installments:
    • 1st. September 25th to 30th, 2025 (100% of the tuition fee of the 1st year);
    • 2nd. September 25th to 30th, 2026 (100% of the tuition fee of the 2nd year).
  • Payment in three installments:
    • 1st. September 25th to 30th, 2025 (50% of the tuition fee of the 1st year);
    • 2nd. February 22nd to 28th, 2026 (50% of the tuition fee of the 1st year);
    • 3rd. September 25th to 30th, 2026 (100% of the tuition fee of the 2nd year).


Students who choose to pay the tuition fee in two installments have a 2,5% discount.

Numerus Clausus

For the path starting at NOVA IMS, the numerus clausus is 16 students.


Do you have a question? Explore the most frequently asked questions and find the answer here! If you still have unanswered questions, please contact us!

  • Applications

    When can I apply?

    It is only possible to submit the application during its applications phase. The date of the call for applications is available in the Admissions and Fees page of each program. However, you can fill the application form at any time, submitting it when the applications phase starts.

    How can I apply?

    The applications are submitted online, in NOVA IMS’ Applications Portal. To submit their application, the applicants must register in the Portal, fill the form, upload your Curriculum Vitae, choose the program and pay the application fee in the Portal. The application process is the same for all the applicants, national or international.

    Which documents are required?

    The only mandatory document during the application process is the Curriculum Vitae (in .doc or .pdf format). The applicant can upload other documents such as diploma or other certificate of their qualifications.

    How do I convert a file to .PDF?

    Here is a list of websites where you can convert files to the pdf format, as a reference:

    Is there an application fee?

    No, this Master has a special agreement regarding the application fee, so to be exempt of this fee (€51), the applicant must choose “voucher” in the payment method and submit the code: “NOVAIMS_GEOTECH”. The application will only be considered successfully submitted after the submission of the voucher. Please note that this voucher code can only be applied to the Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.

    Can I apply to more than one program?

    You can apply to a maximum of 2 programs per application phase, by paying the application fee for each program, that is, the application to 1 program equals the payment of 1 application fee, the application to 2 programs equals the payment of 2 application fees.

    I'm a bachelor's degree senior student. Can I apply to a Master degree program?

    Yes. If you are a final year student and you graduate until September 2025, you can apply and you must deliver an authenticated copy of your degree certificate or diploma until the beginning of the academic year, until September 2025.

    In the application form, a Tax Identification Number is requested. What is Tax Identification Number? I don’t have one, what should I put in that blank field?

    In Portugal, the Tax Identification Number is required to identify a taxable entity or person, in tax declarations or financial transactions. If you don’t have a Tax ID Number or similar, please put “999999999” in that field of the application form.

    What should I write in the field: “Goals/motivation to apply to this program”?

    In this field, please mention:

    • In which way your background (academic and professional) fits the program;
    • What are your short-term professional goals;
    • What are your expectations with the attendance of this program.
  • Admission

    How does the selection process work?

    The selection process is based on the analysis of the academic and professional curriculum. The members of the Admissions’ Jury Panel may decide to hold an interview with all or some candidates – face-to-face or videoconference).

    In case I am contacted for an interview, can it be held at distance?

    Yes, the interview can be held at distance, preferably by Zoom.

    When will I know the result of the application?

    The result of the application will be known, through email, in the date to be announced in the confirmation of submitted application email and/or by the Admissions’ Jury/Programs Manager.

    I was admitted in the program. What’s the next step?

    In case of admission, the applicant must make the payment of the pre-registration fee (around 1 week after the result announcement), until its deadline, in NOVA IMS’ Applications Portal and upload the diploma or other certificate of his latest qualification (example: Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree or PhD).

    Can I attend more than one program by academic year?

    Yes, you may attend two programs per school year, although it’s not recommended. Please pay attention to the fact that there may be overlap of the Mandatory Course Units of each program, as well as the overlap of the exams.

    I was admitted in two programs, but I only intend to attend one. What should I do?

    In case of admission to two programs, the candidate will have to choose, in the Application Portal, the program in which they intend to attend. After choosing the desired program and paying the pre-registration fee, you must select the option "Withdrawal" in the 2nd program in which you do not intend to attend. Thus, your vacancy is available to a candidate on the Waiting List.

    I'm on the Waiting List. Can I still be admitted?

    Since it is possible for candidates to apply for two programs per application phase, there will be cases where the same candidate has been admitted to both programs, but intends to join only one. In these cases and if the limit number of vacancies is not completed, the remaining vacancy will be assigned to a candidate on the Waiting List.

    I intend the invoice for the payment of the application / pre-registration fees.

    The Invoice-Receipt will be available in this Applications’ Portal up to 2 business days after the payment, in the tab "Billing/Treasury".

    I was admitted in the program, but I need visa. What should I do?

    NOVA IMS can issue a document that proves admission in the program, that will be sent to the student and the Embassy. The document will only be issued or provided after the payment of the pre-registration fee. Regardless of issuance the document, the student must contact the Portuguese Embassy or Consulate in their country to get more information.

    For your VISA application you will need to prove a minimum income of €760 per month for Portugal and €1000 per month for Germany. These values are subject to change.

  • Other Informations

    Is this program taught in Portuguese or English?

    Considering the diversity of students’ nationalities, all the classes will be taught in English.

    Are there scholarships?

    NOVA IMS does not award scholarships. However, you can apply to Universidade Nova de Lisboa’ scholarships and financial support, provided by the university’s Social Welfare Services. You can learn more at or contact them directly to We don’t hold information about other scholarships.

    Is it possible to park on campus?

    The students can park their vehicles on campus, if they have the access card. There are several parking areas on campus and near to NOVA IMS. The request for access of vehicles to Campus de Campolide is made through registration or renewal of registration and subsequent payment. To do this, the interested parties should register in the system and select the type of access. Afterwards, they will receive all the data for the payment. It should be noted that the management of parking spaces is the exclusive responsibility of the NOVA’s Rectory. For more information, please visit the webpage

    Is there accommodation on campus?

    The Social Welfare Services of Universidade Nova has ties with three student residences (one of them in Campus de Campolide) for Portuguese scholarship student and international students. The capacity of accommodation at school residences is limited. We can’t, in any way, guarantee you a room and we can only put your name on a waiting list, only after confirmation of admission. You will find more information about the residences at 

    In case you are admitted to the program and want accommodation in one of the University’s residences, please contact

    Does the University offer a Portuguese course for international students?

    Yes, there is a Course of Portuguese as Foreign Language. This course is available in 4 types of classes:

    1. Individual lessons (the student arranges the schedule with the teacher according to their availability);
    2. Semester Group lessons (56 study classes + 8 hours for other activities);
    3. 30 hours intensive course (2 weeks);
    4. Online summer course (month of July).

    If you have any questions about this course, please contact:

Fábio Silva
Procurement Strategy and Planning | EDP
Daniel Erickson
Remote Sensing and GIS Analyst | The Sanborn Map Company, Inc
Brenda Ayo
Remote Sensing and GIS Associate | International Committee of the Red Cross, Switzerland
Ekene Muodum
Aircraft Loading Supervisor | Dnata (Grupo Emirates)
Daria Ludtke
Chief Technology Officer | WeGaw
Oluwole J Olatoke
Lecturer and GIS Analyst | University of Uyo (Nigeria) and Masterplan Consult
Carlos Delgado
GIS Analyst | IMMAP
Alba Vilanova
Student | Master Degree Program in Geospatial Technologies
Itzá Hernandez
Erasmus Mundus Alumni | Master Degree Program in Geospatial Technologies
Lorenz Beck
Master Degree Program in Geospatial Technologies
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Following my degree in Information Systems and Technologies - where I discovered the fascinating area of Geospatial Technologies - and due to the prestige of NOVA IMS, the choice of this master's degree came naturally and immediately. The diversity of topics covered in the program has made this experience continually stimulating. The format of the theoretical-practical curricular units, with a strong focus on group projects, involved me in a real and tangible experience with the theoretical concepts. Moreover, studying in a multicultural environment and with strong professionals has given me a valuable perspective that transcends borders.
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The Geospatial Technology Erasmus Master's Program, has been a transformative experience. Throughout the course, I have gained a solid grounding in the vast field of geospatial technology and became part of an exceptional business and academic network. This journey also provided me with the opportunity to enhance my programming skills, and I now have the confidence and knowledge to work in most geospatial roles. Ultimately, the most rewarding aspect of this experience has been the substantial knowledge I acquired. It has been a unique and invaluable journey.
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The Master Program in Geospatial Technologies provides world-wide knowledge and practical skills, and prepares one to take on tasks in any global work environment. It includes a blend of inspiring international students and outstanding mentors, creating an intellectually challenging environment.
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The in-depth knowledge of the lecturers and the practical applications of the program in diverse fields are the highlights of the Master Program in Geospatial Technologies. I also like the multi-cultural environments and how easy you can access the lecturers for any help or explanation of topics you are finding difficult to grasp.
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The Erasmus Mundus Master in Geospatial Technologies provides the technical knowledge for a great career in the geospatial sector in a uniquely diverse, international and challenging environment.
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The Master Program in Geospatial Technologies is an unique blend of theory and practice of GI Science. The training can easily be adapted to any location-based field of study. For me, its building ability is simply life changing as it inspires you to further delve into GI Science on your own.
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The Master Program in Geospatial Technologies is definitely a great gateway to cutting-edge knowledge in geographic information science, remote sensing, GIS, and geographic data analysis, allowing to solve countless problems where the spatial context is relevant and essential.
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Having chosen to study in the Master Program in Geospatial Technologies has been an excellent decision for my professional career, as it is providing me the opportunity to specialize in the field of geoinformatics while improving my soft skills in a very unique international environment.
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The Master Program in Geospatial Technologies is a great start for your career in space! You'll learn to derive insights using geolocation, satellite imagery, and machine learning to deliver visually compelling results.
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The broad positioning in the field of geospatial technologies coupled with deeper insights into a variety of applications is outstanding, along with its international students from diverse professional backgrounds.